The lesser of two evils

in #election8 years ago

Now that Hillary is the Democratic presidential nominee I still don't know if I will vote for her. I am still very unhappy at the way Bernie Sanders was screwed (there has been emails to confirm just how badly the DNC sabotaged Sanders presidential run.) I know I will never vote for maniac for maniac Donald Trump. And I'm still considering the independents Jill Stein and Gary Johnson. 

I hate the thought of having to vote for the lesser of two evils again. I hate the thought of having to settle for one of the two major parties I am so sick of. Both parties have nothing new to offer. Both are going to sink us back into the same system that changes nothing. Homelessness, poverty, war, student debt, are only a few of the problems we're going to continue to have. Heck we stand to even lose more should Trump win. He may take away the Obamacare that at least has helped many people. (I myself wish we had medicaid for everyone instead) 

I voted for Bernie Sanders believing a lot more in his vision. I don't believe in Hillary's vision, but she is the lesser of two evils. So I do get stuck to once again voting for this lesser evil. Once again I have to keep hearing of how voting for an independent will be a waste of vote. I recently was reminded that those who voted for Ralph Nader back in 2000 are part of the reason that George W. Bush was able to steal the election that year. If that had not happened the 9/11 attacks may never had took place since Al Gore may have taken more heed to the warnings that George Bush did not. Those are serious allegations made by many who are making this argument for the less of the two evils voting that year.

Even if true how have we come to this? Caught up in this fight against terror, (a fight we shouldn't be involved in for reasons I can't get into yet) so we can't even vote for our best interests? We have to ignore our conscience and vote against our ideals just to keep the same system that will eventually lead us to World War 3? That is my feeling right now no matter who we vote for with these two. I could be wrong in Hillary's case. But she voted for the war in Iraq which soured my opinion about her judgment a lot. So right now I can't say I have made up my mind yet. I have a few months to do that.


Don't let them have your vote. Every reluctant vote for Hillary is a vote that was earned because a rigged system chose her and doesn't care about what the people of this country actually want. It's not a matter of the lesser of 2 evils. The internet and social media have been such a huge help for parties outside of the Republican and Democrat. It's not like it was 16 years ago when a 3rd party candidate was completely left out of the news. We have the internet, we have social media, we do not have to accept a 2 party system. You're vote isn't wasted if its not spent on one of the 2 major parties. I can guarantee we will see record numbers in alternate candidates this year, and we can change the face of the presidential elections, but it all comes down to your vote. If we begrudgingly accept that we have to vote for the lesser of two evils, we are telling them its okay for you to pick our leaders.

I'm in the same quandary. Don't want to vote for either of them. Might have to swallow the Hillary term until Bernie gets his group behind him, now that he's hit the mainstream.

But who knows what obstacles they'll place in front of him (both parties) by the time another election comes around.

Voting 3rd party might give the election to Trump.

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