The Presidential Debate Rant Americans NEED to Hear! This Ruffled a LOT of Statist Feathers!

in #election8 years ago

The Presidential Debate Rant Americans NEED to Hear!

One of the worst, or at least, most famous, sexual predators and murderers of our time, slick Willie Bill Clinton, sat in the debate audience as the liberal shills of the Mainstream networks grilled Trump (eating up precious minutes on the debate clock) about an 11 year old tape where he’s caught talking smack about grabbing women in inappropriate places and having his way with them in an non-consensual way.

Here's the video that have statist (particularly Trump supporters) madder than hell at me!

And while people pretend to be outraged, our nation though the acceptance of Hollyweird, glorifies sexual perversion, murder, rape and violence. And these media personalities, who’s companies are owned by these same Hollywood monsters, have the audacity to grill Trump while Bill, who’s racked up untold miles on convicted billionaire pedophile Jeffery Epstein’s private plane, appropriately named Lolita express (and yes I encourage you to google that one), where he, as Colon Powell has said, busies himself “dicking bimbos”

is sitting so smugly in the debate auditorium while the wife, with whom he’d rather not have sex with…and who can blame him,
struggles to keep a straight face as her murderous, dishonest heart forges ahead with her fake smile. The irony and duplicity of manufacturing this fake outrage in the presence of such a national disgrace as Serial Sex Addict Billy boy and by such perversion-enabling mainstream networks is as outrageous as it is ridiculous. (I did not have sexual relations with that woman) yeah Bill, we know.

What Trump said was immoral, uncalled for and wrong (see the video for exactly what he said). This scumbag doesn’t get a pass. But what do you people expect from yet another narcissistic psychopathic rich guy who is vying for one of the greatest positions of power? Power corrupts and Trump has seen, possessed and been involved in his share of power and corruption. Like it or not he and Hillary are cut from the same cloth.

They’re both rich sociopaths who want power over the people. They are statists who BOTH want to grow the government, limit your freedoms, continue the taxation theft ring, coddle the Rothschilds banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve who are actually the owners of this country, and increase the transgenerational debt as they further enslave generations of unborn Americans with out of control government spending.

I may lose subscribers over this, but if you have the audacity, in the face of such readily available knowledge, to support either one of these preselected parasites, YOU are a huge part of what’s wrong with America.

For those of you who still want to continue the cycle of your oppression by voting in a rigged system,

designed by your masters to give you the appearance that you have the ability through your vote to change your circumstances, you gotta know by now that this dog and pony circus act is manufactured to keep us divided as the true power brokers work behind the scenes to steal more of your wealth and take more of your freedoms.
The debate is a distraction and the election is a massive smoke screen.

And for those of you who need a reminder that Bill is a murderer… listen to His Secretary of State Madelene Albright as she justifies their murdering of a half a million innocent children (see video)

And for those of you who think that Hillary gives a crap about women, or anybody but herself for that matter, consider that 76 people including women and children in 1993, who were murdered in cold blood during the 51 day siege of the Branch Davidians in Waco Texas under the watchful eye of Clinton’s wicked attorney General Janet Reno.
Some may ask, how does this reflect on Hillary? As first lady, she could have EASILY spoken up in opposition to this and she didn’t. By her silence she condoned the bloodshed. And you people want this lying wench to rule over you? Here actions prove that she couldn’t give a crap about you women out there.
Taken from the playbook of Wrestlemania,

the election process is a scam, the Presidential debate is a smoke screen, and voting is your ticket that lets your slave masters, the promoters of the main event, know that their plan to control you is working as you freely participate in everything that goes on in their three ring circus.


I have seen some of your videos, and I do like them. I do agree that neither of the candidates are good for this country, however I do believe Hillary is the worst of the two poisons offered to us. If you are right and it doesn't make sense to vote on either candidate, what should we all do? Pulling all the skeletons out of the closets of the candidates and all of congress hasn't done much. What can we do?

What we can do is make a statement by refusing to participate in what is clearly a failed, corrupt system. The argument about whether government in any form is or has ever been moral is one we can have another time. But there can be no debate about the depravity of the current system in power in the U.S. Maybe the world.
How can it help to delude ourselves into thinking, once again, that this time it will be different?
I don't know about anyone else. But I despise the system that is forcibly taking money from millions of people like you and me and spending it to kill and oppress people around the world. Those people don't differentiate between me and my government. And I hate that. The only power I have is to refuse to participate with or validate them unless I am forced to do so.
This ain't Australia and they can't force us to play their game. Yet.

Very well stated Steve!

Up voted! I keep getting emails about these other guys: “If no candidate receives 270 electoral votes, the election goes to the House of Representatives. From there, the House selects from one of the candidates that received at least 1 electoral vote. A realistic analysis of polling data across the country shows that Governors Johnson and Weld can win 5 or more states”...I know, these guys still want to work within the existing system...but could they be not as bad as the two fighting clowns? See video on YouTube:

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