I want to kill french pedo starting with mr bernard pivot and his family!

in #emperorsweecee4 years ago

this is free speech isn't it? do you like it?

no, let's stop joking with vermins like you, subhumans, traitors, you will be killed...


can we start farming? ahhh no, you are like the fbi and co, little balls suckers unable to apply justice, so far away from the mousquetaire ideals...

but you know what deep shit, worthless...

I think I have a plan...

and you know what?

become french emperor.

yeah buddy

and you know how?

with the support of the CIA / MSS / FSB


by killing you all...

all of you who oppose me...

and then I am president

I see your lives as worthless...

what will exchange against that?

I don't know it yet

nukes? why not... I have no intention to nuke anyone and the upkeep

will know...

this is real discussion

and now it will not be with those leaders (xi, putin, or the orange rapists)

yeah and why waste time with the russian/american losers like you...

directly negociating with the masters of war...

so next time, please, bow your head.

you aren't humans.

you lie

you cheat

you rape children

and worst of all make a plant illegal


and no i don't hate you, how to hate things?

and I want to kill the girl who write the article... why?

let's train your french and see the perversion of those subhumans ruling "france"... you will see I have a good project... french federation... you will like it, your tourists precisely...

it's gonna be more striaght...

Depuis quelques jours, des volées d’insultes s’échangent sur les réseaux sociaux, impossible d’ouvrir Twitter sans être aussitôt écrasé par ce flot de boue.

yeah? alexandra? ready to be killed? what ? free speech? only for your child rapists friends?

fuck you

Au cœur du scandale, une vidéo qui montre un écrivain au crâne chauve et à l’élocution précieuse raconter avec contentement ses relations sexuelles avec de très jeunes ados, filles ou garçons, sur le plateau d’Apostrophes, en 1990, devant un Bernard Pivot hilare.

you understand? this fucker Pivot enjoyed it, for that I want his entire family murdered, like the economist someone killed, hard core, drive, death squad training... who takes it?

Nul ne s’en insurge alors, à l’exception de la québécoise Denise Bombardier, qui racontera plus tard avoir été ostracisée en France pour s’être indignée de ces propos.

with more denise there would have been less adenochrone extraction from the natives...

Les plus jeunes découvrent, stupéfaits et indignés, qu’il n’est pas si loin le temps où un pédophile pouvait avoir table ouverte en connaissance de cause dans une émission littéraire à succès, les plus anciens regardent leurs souliers en essayant de faire comprendre - en vain - qu’en ce temps-là on se croyait tout permis au nom de la liberté.

this is the LINE that makes me crazy, no dirty whore is gonna be crucified, no it's wasn't about liberty, it's was a child rapist take over, nothing else, nothing more.

and you think you will look your little shoe? no fuckers, when you are executed you will not be able. !

that's what you need all of you, data tracked, packed and exterminated.

and now this is hate speech? becareful litttle french judges, I love to kill you all, all of you, your families and children and parents and maybe their children... I love it.

you aren't living to me.


same for all the "cops" superhero... deathsquad, I am not kidding... many... many ... many...

to pla / mss / cia thanks for readin... (not the judaist of the cia, they are feed too). and truely, I get too there are good men at the svd/fsb, I hope you will liberate you, after all there was a TSAR and he wasn't "judaist", so who knows... one day.

anyway, an emperor is born from the blood of its enemies... In reality I need to discuss to wall street about the conditionality to have an hollistic determined package for my short reign, it's just supervision of the execution of those not following the agreed plan...

yeah yeah, no on the fly decision...

what we really need is formal document, public, why? public? because I swear to what ever you want those opposing it beyond words will be crab feed... I don't give a crap.

why should I? I see no reason at all to consider them as human... again, the man of the sand said it better than me... they can even go to the mosk 5 time a day blah blah... >> To be slaughtered.

so in short it was a long process, but now I am interested in the "deal"... as said you need to be 2 to tango, but I repeat, it's a killing op... there is no other way... budget : 100k minimum budget with +900k allowance... in case, I have difficulty to estimate the size of the enemy pool... I would say below 20k is doable, but I have no intention to miminize the kill rate to success... not all, not to maximize it either, just to have the space...

as said it's a really formal take over. I can even have a decoy (for him the fame) I don't care... "the fake front empire" I prefer that... let's find a girl for this... actrice... yeah... ez done.


So how long have you known you were insane?

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