A naturopathic therapeut Working with energy

in #energy7 years ago

As a naturopathic therapeut is work with the five basic principles; energy, stimulus transfer, drainage, food and live-art. This blog is dedicated to energy.

Energy it is a word off lots off meaning. Do you have enough energy? There is energy like electra? Do you feel that energetic field? Do you feel the energy? Energy can also be sound (frequency)


In my field energy means; The base off life. Without energy there is no possibility to recovery.

How to use the energy of live is one off the first thing to notice. The first thing is;
is there a balance between all energy?
Balance between private and work situations.
Balance in and with your body.
Balance in body and mind.
Balance in physical energy and mind energy.
Balance between a social life and rest.
Balance between the must and free will.

This list can go on and on!

Than there is another energy which can be for some the truth and others not reelable, the thing that is in this case, have respect for another. Which is not visible does not means is is not there!

High Sensitive Person (HSP) will feel a lot more than someone who is not. Or in some cases some people do feel a lot but are not aware off this HSP. This is not my field so i will let it by this remark.

My field of energy I am a very extreme intuitive person, and when i start working most off the time first in a clean space. Latterly cleaning, like vacuum cleaning etc. and with odor frequencies, symbols, incense. Than there is meditation so
i wil first feel in the day and the clients. So i can have a little notice of what is coming. (Not every naturopathic therapeut have this extreme intuiting). Than before the client comes in, i read the rapport of the last session.
So i can make a good desision when the client have told how the week(s) went. Which tools i will go use for that session. The tools i have: hypnose and regression (including: mind-machine), vingerlabyrint, body drum release, feng shui, tao and i tjing. Later i wil write blog over the tools and how i work with them.

The energy from the client and myself must be right, if not, i wil not work with someone. Also the will must be there!

As written before i am extremely intuitive so i did a few initiation like Reiki (easy to understand), shambhala, angel light, Shing Chi etc. When i work this kind of energy i make most off the time a combination of all. Sometimes i use one alone in specific cases or surrounding. First i stand stil to feel the not visible energy in the surrounding than i start working, the thing what always happen is that my hands are starting warm and after a while they are hot.

Offcourse this initiation is not for everyone, some people wil feel like this is scary of nonsens. So than there is the use off massage. I can give chair massage, which chair is also used for body drum release.

Than there is a very important energy, which most people forget! FOOD!
Food have all kind off nutrients. Vitamine, Amino Acids, Protein are the most important food which give energy in all circumstances.

So there are a lot off meaning in the word energy.

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