The sadness that we Venezuelans are going through

in #english7 years ago

Now that VENEZUELA is falling apart, with its more than four million fled the neo-socialist paradise of the 21st century, its weekly average of five to seven children killed by malnutrition, its extrajudicial executions, its three hundred political prisoners, its documented torture , its cities without basic services of electricity, gas and water, their hospitals without equipment or doctors. 576.jpghospital-ninos.jpg

Now that inflation gallops over 100% per month and that banks deny access to the local currency because cash evaporates at the speed of that inflationary light.descarga.jpg

Now that workers can not go to work every day because the salary of the month does not cover the cost of what little remains of public transport. Now that pensioners are dying of hunger because the monthly pension only allows to buy half a kilo of cheese. Now young people die of banal bronchitis because in the whole country there is not a banal antibiotic of broad spectrum. Now that the women cross the border with Colombia and the outskirts of Cúcuta they cut their hair to sell it and with that handful of dollars they buy some food or medicines that they will take back to their homes. Now that there are mothers who are separated in crying their little ones by entrusting them to the few private foundations that offer decent orphanage services to free them from certain death by malnutrition, the one that awaits them. Now that the leaders of the groups formed by Chávez, the Eternal Commander, intervene with the public force to execute everyone who dares to raise their voice, as Óscar Pérez and his half dozen colleagues in El Junquito knew.
Now that all this, in addition to being known, is recognized and denounced by the non-polyvalent democracies, now that at last they just keep silent and look the other side of the diminutive companions of the reactionary left, the one that until the day before yesterday praised Chavez or refused to denounce their excesses for the usual, for not giving arguments to the evil capitalists, because the enemy of my enemy is my friend and other Leninist cunning, to say nothing of those who benefited from the lengths of Chavism in their good years for found political parties or finance anti-imperialist projects.
Now, not because thousands of Venezuelans have died unfortunately, but because the tragedy of my country "VENEZUELA" has overflowed its borders and affects its neighbors, now maybe, with a little luck, the international community will look routes and make efforts to procure the two conditions, if not sufficient, at least necessary to the cessation of the tragedy of my country VENEZUELA.
FIGHTED BY A BETTER VENEZUELA, SUPPORT US18670928_1899458546936538_3072577280542260615_n.jpg

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