Supernatural creatures [Part 1]

in #english6 years ago (edited)



Hello! I’d like to share a Little about one of my favorite topics: Supernatural creatures.

Through the years, this topic has been extended so interesting. Supernatural is something that you can not explain because of Laws of nature or that exceeds its limits, and although it has been related to religion, also with books and movies, becoming a very popular subject. I have always like reading about these creatures. It is very important to warn that these creatures acquires different forms and definitions in every folklore, I only gathered what I thought was more important and made my own summary.

I will begin with main ones, Angels and Demons:




It is a supernatural creature, spiritual, present in some religions, whose duties are serve God. Sometimes, they are represented as messengers of God. Considered as creatures with a big pure, destined in many cases as de human’s protection, they are conventionally represented as a beautiful and winged boy or child.

The angelic hierarchy is divided into two, the Cristian and the Jewish, however, I will write the Christian, which is divided into three:

First Sphere

  • Seraphim: They are angels of knowledge and wisdom who serves as entrusted to the throne of God, singing his praises. They regulate the movement of the heavens and are the primordial vibration of love. The seraphim are described as fiery six-winged beings; with two wings they cover their faces, because being the most beautiful beings in the universe, only God has the right to contemplate them, the second pair of wings they use to fly and the third covers their feet, symbolizing the eternal humility and love due only to God.
  • Cherubim: They are represented as winged children who protect the divine glory, guardians of the light and stars.
  • Thrones: They are the biggest angels in heaven, bearers of the gift of perseverance, whose duty is to carry the throne of God for paradise.

Second Sphere

  • Dominions or lordships: They regulate the duties of the lower angels, responsible for ensuring that the universe maintains its order.
  • Virtues or Strongholds: They have the shape of rays of light, which inspire humanity in different ways.
  • Powers or Authorities: Responsible for safeguarding consciousness and history, as well as supervising the distribution of powers among human beings.

Third Sphere

  • Principalities or Rulers: Guardians of nations and countries, which oversee events that affect nations, including politics, military issues and trade
  • Archangels: They attend the areas of human efforts; usually receive important tasks for humanity.
  • Angels: They are the ones who are most related to human subjects, since they are sent as messengers and protectors of men.




Unlike angels, demons are described in religion, occultism and folklore as something that is not human, considered as an “impure spirit”, which embodies and represents evil. In literature many of the demons were fallen angels.

Brief hierarchy

  • Satan: It is a being that indicates sin, synonymous of destruction, malice and the search for evil on the part of men. It is mainly an accuser and adversary, a decidedly malevolent entity, also called the devil, who possesses demonic qualities.
  • Lucifer: It was the most beautiful Angel before being led to hell by arrogance; it was the protective cherub, a musician believed to be the director of the praises of God.

Ok now, why did I begin with Angels and Demons? Well, from my point of view, they the most important and powerful, the definition of good and evil in our word. I have noticed how in diverse stories when it is added myths like vampires, they are represented as more strong than demons, when, I think, they are another category, with different powers and forms of life, but I will explain that later.

On the other hand, it is believed that there is both Paradise and hell, which, while the first is habited by God and the Angels, destined for all humanity that wants it (it is not easy to achieve without effort), and there are different degrees of happiness; the second is prepared for the Devil and the other demons, where the fire of hell is the retribution of sin and the punishment for voluntarily rejecting the grace of God, repentance is not possible and there is no possible hope.

To finish, I would like to recommend the saga Fallen written by Lauren Kate, a romantic novel of fallen angels, and if you are interested, it is also adapted in film (that is how I knew the saga).

That’s all for today, if you have any recommendation of any series, movie or book about Angels and Demons, just tell me.