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RE: Humanity Is Deciding If It Will Evolve Or Die

in #enlightenment6 years ago (edited)

Caitlin, I always read you. You are fiery, a fighter and have a philosophical side. You are so right and then at the same time, you are so wrong. You are simply replacing the morality standard of “old dead men” with new morality standards; socialism, transformation, awakening. You are stating that we need to make conscious efforts to take a certain action and good things will follow, sounds like morality. It does not work that way. We do not evolve first. We change our environment, which changes our metal pathways and then we evolve. For every person that becomes “transformed” 30 will live the life cycle in the standard social and biological progression our forefathers did with the same results. You can’t lay it on the individual to save us. This is the real issue; The human brain is a computer that operates on logic, it reasons. Until now no Earth shattering consequences for being illogical or irrational. Now there is, Our own technology threatens our very existence. You say, “Such a collective transformation has always been possible” , no and yes. Until the advent of computers, no this was not an option. Yes, it is now. Here is something I wrote a short time ago that may explain my viewpoint: “The real issue for humanity I see is that until now we subsisted as individuals. That’s was normal evolution. 1. If you wanted to share the logic of your ideas you put it in print. Print stacks up, gets dusty and becomes yesterdays news. Technology solves this. Our Questions would be a work in progress, always available, always open for revision for perpetuity. 2. A big issue is individual power. If you consider the entirety of human logic within the whole of the human race, you will see that no individual possess it all, just a portion. That individual may possess great power or authority though. This power I believe competes with the expression of human logic. Technology would solve this, if; a. anonymity was the guise of everyone within the system (whatever that would be) b. Human logic was the moderator. What this all comes down to is the ability of humanity to form together more solid and logical viewpoints and to arrive at insight any one individual may miss, honestly or dishonestly. It could be about anything, what roof to put on your house. A Collective Intelligence as I see it would be what you mentioned earlier about the insightful dialog just greater. I often characterize it as a sort of Artificial intelligence.” Also there is something else to consider and that is societal pressures. “What you have to understand is that the world of human intellect is broken. Human logic is fractured and disfunctioinal. This is hard for people to see because they were born Into this world. They can’t understand because it has always been this way. I believe that is why societal norms and support are so important. They serve a need. So when you battle the other side they are not really going to hear you as long as they feel part of a group. They will reject the message because of the messenger” What we really need is to support the individual by creating a technological environment where their perspective and viewpoints as expressed through logic and reason are give voice and fair treatment. Only then will people “transform”. You are so close. Think of the norms and boundaries in you articles. You write, we comment, new one tomorrow. Change that. You provide the format, ask the question, we reply, you organize the replies for analysis, and review. We together keep hammering logically until we create a new and clearer perspective. Then you save it on your website as a work of your audience, of humanity we can all point to and fine solace in. The fallacies you mentioned in an earlier article. Provide a transcript of some rotten scoundrel and monetize the finding of fallacies. We will all learn something and have a clearer picture of what is going on. A permanent, anonymous, transparent, inclusive, open platform of collective Intelligence moderated by human logic will become THE AUTHORITY and will totally put all the miscreants in their place and under thumb. I don’t know if you read my post. I hope though you will take 15 min. and read Viable on by blog. I honestly believe it will be worth the time and open new avenues of thought. Thanks again for all you do.


You're talking about a decentralised social media forum, hosted & served by volunteers & contributors (I think). That's a bit much to expect Caitlin to pull off. I think it will happen as people realise centralised SM platforms can't be relied on for unfiltered content.

I really love the way Caitlin inspires long responses as people upload their detailed thoughts in often truly cathartic ways.

Just one request from me - PARAGRAPHS PLEASE. Also, two spaces after sentences is how my government expects official documents to be formatted. These methods are to make reading easier.