Is Man-Made Climate Change Real?

in #environment7 years ago

We've been told that Arctic sea ice is melting


I'm not claiming to know for sure if it is or if it isn't,
it's hard to trust any information these days

Looking into Arctic sea ice online I've seen that discussions on the subject can get heated. (bad joke)
If you have any comments that you'd like to add, I'd just ask you to consider being kind, even if you disagree with something voiced by me or anyone else

That said...

At the 1997 Conference on Global Climate Change Al Gore told us


James Corbett elaborated on the situation
that Al Gore began to lay out in that speech
in an article he wrote last year

If it is true that Arctic sea ice is disappearing, you might think all that could be done to stop it would be done

However, when you look at the actions of governments and industry, it seems they are banking a lot on this
Global Climate Disruption

Arctic developments are being announced around the world


The World's largest data center is being developed by a US/Norwegian joint venture


Cruise ships are traveling there


Russia intends to use nuclear power to help run ports, coastal infrastructure, and oil and gas extraction


and has already built a liquid natural gas plant in the Arctic that reportedly cost $27 Billion

The environmental cost is higher still


The U.S. Department of the Interior published this press release in December

"the time is now to invest in our vast Arctic energy potential"


China has incorporated the Arctic into it's
Belt and Road Initiative


The US Department of Defense has an Arctic strategy


The Russian Military has been busy in the Arctic too


Bloomberg reports that there are many ways to monetize the changing Arctic

"The Arctic also offers hydropower, wind, geothermal, tidal and solar energy. There’s even a floating Russian nuclear power generator for Bilibino, an eastern town that is shuttering aging reactors—the world’s most northern. Miners have long desired to extract Arctic gold, silver, graphite, nickel, copper, titanium, iron, lead, coal, diamond, uranium and the rare earth metals critical to high-tech devices. And there are Arctic power grids, railroads, highways, subsea telecom fiber, satellites and aviation corridors to pin down so that everyone and everything can get anywhere anytime." - source

In 2013, the Council on Foreign Relations asked

"How will shipping be affected by ice melt?"

"As the Arctic ice cap retreats, shipping lanes are opening that many trading nations hope could rival, or at least complement, conventional routes during summer months. The Northern Sea Route (NSR), a.k.a. the Northeast Passage—a shipping lane across the rim of Siberia connecting the Atlantic to the Pacific—first became ice-free in 2007, and is gaining traction as a seasonal alternative route. A voyage from Shanghai to Hamburg via the NSR (shown below in blue) shaves roughly 30 percent of the distance off a similar trip via the Suez Canal (shown in red), and it also avoids pirate-infested waters." -source


It seems to me that changes are taking place up there,
but something is missing from most of the discussions about anthropogenic climate change that I have seen, and while I am not saying it is the only cause,

I think it must be a contributing factor...



NOAA tells us that
the Arctic's oldest ice is vanishing

The National Snow & Ice Data Center asked the question
Are icebreakers changing the climate?

Open water has a lower albedo —or reflectivity—than sea ice, and so it absorbs more heat from the sun. Researchers have found that as Arctic sea ice melts in summer, leaving more areas of open water, the open water absorbs more of the sun’s energy, warming the water and melting more ice. This is one of the positive feedback loops that scientists say could lead to increased warming and sea ice loss in the Arctic.

positive feedback loop


Arctic Sea State


I am so glad that you finished this with that quote from The Lorax, it's one of my favorite quotes and so very true.

Climate change = Geo-engineering :)

Way to go!! There is an amazing amount of research complied here, I am quite sure most are not aware that all this is occurring in the Arctic.

Thank you. The use of icebreakers appears to be causing some real damage. It seems like something that should be stopped immediately. CO2 shouldn't be the climate change argument. It's like they are playing both sides to control the dialogue. I really hope people take the time to look at this.

OMG!! This is sick!

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