I just helped stray find a few hundred dollars worth of EOS and sent him some more to trade and buy ram, and 1000 Crypto Peso to Hold, as promotion for EOSVenezuela

in #eos6 years ago

Just sent stray some Eos and some eosio tokens like @eosvenezuela s crypto peso PSO so he can be in the club with @achatainga and I

I used LYNX eos mobile app wallet to send it to @stray which I helped make an account named "sendstrayeos" a name so easy to remember no one can forget it! he was able to create an account using scatter after I helped him recover his old exodus which he never updated after they took too long to enable the main net, like many people did, and he thought his eos was stuck in greymass.... lucky for him I remembered exactly why he moved form exodus, but that exodus was ready to use now. Something he wouldn't have been able to figure out very easily without me having gone through the same thing he went through. Theres many people going through similar issues with eos but LUCKILY @eosauthority has actually developed many tools for people who never even had a backup like stray was able to find.

Heres a screenshot showing me sending him 1000 PSO so he can root for Venezuela and their new crypto peso becoming valuable.

Heres my eos wallet if anyone wants to donate or send a 0.001 memo spam with a funny message

As you can see the wallet is the same for eos as it is PEOS and PSO

Just line ethereum erc20s your main net eos account is the same one you use for all the eos based tokens... so my PSO and PEOS recieving addresses are the same as my Eos account ..... in Steem and eos we dont have to worry about terribly complex Bitcoin and Ethereum addresses .... we just have human readable account names we can pick ourselves.

To come talk to Stray and I come to fyrstikken steemspeak discord here
Or direct link here https://discord.gg/vMt9T7P

Posted using Partiko Android


Good job Ackza

New to Steemit?