to Introduce “EOS: Next Steps” at the 3rd Global Blockchain Summit with Brendan Blumer Being the Demo Day Judge

in #eos8 years ago

Pasted image at 2017_08_21 11_06 AM.png

The following announcement was made today via


9月1日消息,block.one的CEO Brendan Blumer与CTO Daniel Larimer都将出席今年在中国上海,由万向区块链实验室举办的第三届区块链全球峰会。此次会议将于9月14日开始,持续三天,作为全球最大的区块链盛事,本次峰会将汇集本行业最顶尖的精英。

“能够把EOS.IO软件的开发过程与大家分享,我们十分高兴,同时我们将发布公开的测试网络” Larimer说道,“在我们的GitHub上,我们收到了开发者社区的很多有帮助的反馈”EOS.IO软件引入了全新的区块链架构,能横向与纵向地对去中心化应用进行拓展,同时还加入了其他特性,帮助开发者有效地开发去中心化应用。”



“我们十分欢迎Daniel Larimer(aka Bytemaster)出席我们的峰会,并即将宣布EOS的未来计划”来自万向区块链实验室的会议组织者表示。
与此同时, CEO Brendan Blumer还将担任于峰会首日进行的Demo Day评委一职。在去年成功举办的基础上,第三届区块链全球峰会Demo Day将继续由华语世界最权威的区块链媒体“区块链铅笔”(承办。经过精心筛选,将有近30个来自全世界的优秀区块链初创项目参与评审。由全球业界顶尖业界人士组成的评委会名单将陆续公布。 to Introduce “EOS: Next Steps” at the 3rd Global Blockchain Summit with Brendan Blumer Being the Demo Day Judge

Shanghai, China, September 1, 2017--’s CEO Brendan Blumer and CTO Daniel Larimer are set to headline this year’s 3rd Global Blockchain Summit held by Wanxiang Blockchain Labs in Shanghai, China. The 3-day event commencing on September 14th will bring together the top minds in the industry at one of the world’s largest blockchain events.

“We are excited to share the advancements in the development of the EOS.IO Software and imminent release of the Peer to Peer Network Code”, said Larimer, “We have been receiving very helpful feedback from the developer community on the content in our public GitHub repository, including the code to date.”
EOS.IO Software introduces a blockchain architecture to enable vertical and horizontal scaling of decentralized applications as well as other features to enable developers to efficiently create distributed applications.

The Peer to Peer Network Code, which will be released along with documentation for developers, will allow developers to test portions of the new blockchain protocol as it continues to evolve. The EOS GitHub repository is accessible to the public at and progress statistics can be viewed at’s keynote speeches at the summit will share advancements made in the development of the EOS.IO Software, as well as the next steps for the project.

"We are delighted to welcome Daniel Larimer (aka Bytemaster) to our summit and will announce EOS’s next steps at theconference."
Said Lily ,an organizer from Wanxiang Blockchain labs.

In the meantime,’s CEO Brendan Blumer will take the role of Demo Day judge on the first day of the summit. Due to the success of last year’s event, Demo Day of the 3rd Global Blockchain Summit will still be held by the most authoritative blockchain media in After careful screening, there will be nearly 30 outstanding worldwide blockchain startup initiatives competing on Demo Day. The members of the jury composed of industry leaders will be announced successively.


Korean Summary 한국어 요약

  • 9월 14일에 중국 상해에서 있을 제3회 세계 블록체인 서밋에서 EOS에 대한 발표가 있을 예정
  • 발표 때 Peer to Peer Network Code를 공개하며 관련 개발자 지침서들도 함께 나옴
  • 이를 통해 개발자들이 테스트 및 개발을 할 수 있도록 도울 것임
  • 소스코드는 에 있으며, 진행사항 통계는 에서 볼 수 있음

Very well. EOS will be a very good tool to develop many apps with zero fees of transaction like steemit. I think its price will go to moon!!! :)

Its getting about time :) No very cool to know EOS is advancing rapidly. Im sure most EOS have found stronger hands by now !

Thanks for sharing this info with us. Perfect time to bulk up on some EOS right now.

Sweet news guys!

Can't wait to see where this goes

Excited for EOS and the improvements

Will be ups and down for EOS token price but surely on the path to the moon...nice! CN participation is substantial.

EOS will be great! Ethereum is in the process of making itself competitive so I think they will end up sharing the space.

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