EOS Eco Development Weekly Reports( EOSUnion周报第四期) |0818-0823

in #eos6 years ago (edited)


Part 1 EOSUnion Observation

  1. 【EOSUnion supports the establishment of the EOS Alliance】
    On August 18, 2018, the EOS Alliance was formally established. This new coordination team will provide a collaborative, transparent decision-making and information sharing platform for the EOS community to further leverage EOS's full potential as the world's fastest governance blockchain.

EOSUnion Observation: EOS is one of the most ambitious public blockchains of our time. People have always had high expectations for it. However, after the EOS mainnet went online, many governance gaps have hindered the development of EOS ecosystem. As the community struggles forward, we are very happy to see the emergence of the EOS Alliance, which means we have taken another step forward as a community EOS eco governance.

  1. 【Fomo3D games will be a battlefield for hackers to compete with each other】
    The first round of the Fomo3D game officially ended. The prize amount of this round is up to 10469 eth, which is 22 million RMB. The winner has transferred the bonus to a new address. The Fomo3D game has entered the second round.

EOSUnion Observation: It seems just like a lucky person bought the biggest prize "lottery ticket", but the fact is that the hacker has a "pretty" attack on the game by familiarity with the principle of smart contract!
The trust-worthy, non-tamperable principle and the characteristics of the blockchain itself, which are based on the core of Fomo3D games, conflict with the best interests of the miners. That is, as long as the miners prioritize the high-fee transactions, the order of the transactions is controllable! This has seriously damaged the playability of this type of game, making it a battlefield for hackers to compete with each other. In the long run, it will overdraw the credibility of the game and accelerate the decline of Fomo3D games.

Part2 Hot News

  1. 【“EOS and his friends” will hold meet up in Shenzhen on August 26th】
    The HelloEOS blockchain global meeting "EOS and his friends" held successfully in Shenzhen on August 26th, and EOSUnion co-founder Wei Ming was invited to give a speech.

  2. 【EOS Alliance is officially established】
    On August 18, 2018, the EOS Alliance was officially established. The EOS Alliance was launched with a series of articles called EOS Tri-Weekly Update, focusing on recent EOS-related events, including EOS news, community updates, event reviews and previews. The first thing after its establishment is to open the Constitution Referendum Series, and they will hold online meetings in English and Mandarin on 21:00 on August 27 and 09:00 (Beijing time) on August 28th.

  3. 【Google has become the second largest investor in blockchain】
    According to a report, Google has become the second largest investor in blockchain (led by the Japanese financial giant SBI). Alphabet, the Google's parent company, has invested in companies such as Gyft, Ripple, Blockchain, Buttercoin and Veem, although it denies Google has announced a takeover of blockchain.

  4. 【IQ token transfer on EOS requires one thousandth of the fee】
    The IQ team updated the token contract on GitHub at 2018-08-18 11:48:26 Beijing time, starting to charge users a one-thousandth of the fee when transferring IQ. The IQ project party did not issue a notice on the official website. They only notified the handling fee in the Telegram one day in advance, and the proceeds would be used to purchase the memory.

  5. 【EOS New York proposed Free Market Dispute Resolution on EOS】
    EOS New York posted an artical Free Market Dispute Resolution on EOS: Identifying Arbitrators & Arbitration Forums On-Chain via {regforum} & {regarbitrator} in Medium today. They introduced a standard method of identifying arbitration forums and arbitrators on-chain through the use of two distinct functions contained in a Smart Contract/Ricardian pair(s) on EOS to allow EOS token-holders the freedom to issue agreements and resolve disputes.

  6. 【The First round of Fomo3D game officially ended, the prizes amounted to 10469 ETH】
    According to the Fomo3D official website, the first round of the game officially ended. The prize amount is up to 10,469.66 Ethereum, about 20 million RMB. The winner has transferred the prize to a new address. The second round of the Fomo3D game has begun.

  7. 【Shenzhen Taxation Bureau set up blockchain electronic invoice experience zone】
    At the 4th China Smart City International Exposition, Shenzhen Taxation Bureau set up a blockchain electronic invoice experience area in its “Smart Taxation” booth, where the pilot business staff made coffee sales on the spot, and consumers can scan its QR code through WeChat to get a blockchain invoice.

  8. 【The WeChat public number of several well-known blockchain Mediae were shut down】
    On the evening of August 21, the WeChat public account of several well-known blockchain Mediae were shut down, such as Firecoin Information, Deep Chain Finance, Cannon Rating, Coin World Express Service, Golden Finance Network, Firecoin Blockchain, Daily Currency Reading and TokenClub. Many of the closed Mediae have received tens of millions of investment.

Part3 Tech Project Progress

  1. 【EOSIO Release V1.2.2】
    EOSIO Release V1.2.2 ,This release provides bug fixes and non-critical security fixes. Including: Fix Null-pointer Dereference for Stalled Producers (#5286); Fix for MongoDB action filtering (#5306); Fix for bios-boot-tutorial.py (#5355); Fix incorrect JSON field expected by cleos (#5294); Remove deprecated support for code_as_wasm parameter (#5354); Return data even if ABI deserialization fails (#5260); Consider delays when determining keys (#5291)

  2. 【EOS Authority released a web page for statistical EOS voting decay】
    EOSAuthority has released a webpage for statistical EOS voting decay https://eosauthority.com/voting_decay. According to the calculation of EOSAuthority, the number of votes attenuated so far is equivalent to 5.3% of the total number of EOS votes.
    Voting decay means that after voting with EOS, if you do not re-vote, the number of valid votes will decrease over time after 7 days. The voting decay is to encourage voters to rejoin the BP voting in the latest situation.

  3. 【EOS BP automation tool】
    Block Matrix has released a website that provides resources for EOS BPs automation to help Dapp developers and BPs deploy their API nodes.

  4. 【EMAC official website officially launched】
    This afternoon, EMAC official website (https://www.emac.io/) was officially launched. The domain name of the website was donated by the candidate arbitrator Zhang Zhen. At the same time, the volunteer Ying Jiajie donated the work order system, and it finally goes online after the design and development of the EOS Pacific R&D team.
    EMAC (EOS Manderin Arbitration Community) is planned by EOS Pacific and co-sponsored by multiple BPs.

  5. 【EOS community members launched the EOS University Program】
    EOS community members Samuel Joseph, Kaka Toritseju, Emmanuel Babalola and Anajuba Grace launched the EOS University Program, which will build a decentralized global university student community based on EOS, providing basic knowledge of EOS blockchain to college students around the world, and establish an EOS club at the university. The program is supported by EOS Nation and EOS Nigeria.

Part4 Authority View

【BM Recent Telegram Comments】
Recently, someone asked once again in the EOS Telegram about what the big news is going to be announced. BM revealed that it will transform the DAPP development, but BM does not reveal how. He said, sounds like it would be helpful to current dapp developers if you shared this news via a roadmap rather than a surprise announcement down the road. To summerize, in London, the big news we can look forward to is: Cold Wallet, REX, Identity, and so much more.
Regarding free account, VRAM and RAM, BM said, If your users sign up through our coming service then you won't have to pay for their accounts. For B1 to sustain such a service for a large number of users the producers will have to increase RAM supply. Ideally we would have dramatic increase in RAM within the next 12 months. Ideally producers would have real hardware and not cloud services. RAM is not for investment, real RAM is the goal.

Part5. DAPP Eco

  1. 【Chintai delayed release until August 28th】
    Chintai, an EOS-based token leasing platform, said in Medium that the platform release date will be delayed to August 28. The article mentioned that although Chintai has made good progress, it takes more time to complete the final test and inspection to ensure that the platform is started as smoothly as possible.

  2. 【Genereos and Blockgenic jointly launch a new project - helpdesk】
    Genereos and Blockgenic co-launched a new project, helpdesk, whose features will include comprehensive answers to all EOS questions, EOS usage guides, forums for user communication questions and answers, chats, and more.

  3. 【EOS-based decentralized smart currency issuance system ECS open beta】
    Today, EssentialCurrencySystem (ECS) released the first beta version. As an EOS-based decentralized stable currency issuance system, ECS introduces a bank contract system that supports cross-chain agreements, multiple digital asset mortgage lending, and an open decentralized acceptor market. ECS will focus on cross-border remittances, forecasting markets, mortgage lending, decentralized transactions and other applications. At present, ECS has released a test version based on the development of the graphene high-performance blockchain underlying framework. Later, it will gradually migrate to the bottom of EOS, and make multiple rounds of airdrops to the EOS community.

  4. 【EOS-based GAME EOS Knights is up and running】
    On August 20th, 2018, EOS Knights, developed by the Korean BP EOSYS, was launched. It is an auto-clicker style RPG game with fast speed, solid interface and gorgeous artwork. Beside, it will not be delayed or interrupted because of its very fast and fluent smart contract.Currently, PC Chrome browser and Scatter plugin are required.


一、 EOSUnion观察

  1. 【EOSUnion支持EOS基金会(EOS Alliance)的成立】
    EOSUnion观察:EOS是我们这个时代最雄心勃勃的公共区块链之一,人们对它一直有着极高的期望,但EOS主网上线后,诸多治理空白导致EOS生态发展受阻。就在社区艰难前行之际,我们非常高兴看到EOS Alliance的出现,这意味着我们作为一个社区EOS生态治理上又向前迈出了一步。

  2. 【Fomo3D类游戏或将沦为黑客间互相竞技的搏斗场】
    Fomo3D游戏第一轮正式结束,本轮奖金额度高达10469 eth,换算成人民币约2200万,中奖者已将奖金转移到新地址。目前 Fomo3D游戏已进入第二轮。

二、 热点资讯事件

  1. 【“EOS和他的朋友们”于8月26日来深,伟明发表演讲】
    HelloEOS区块链全球行“EOS和他的朋友们”于8月26日在深圳举行meet up,

  2. 【EOS基金会(EOS Alliance)正式成立】
    2018年8月18日,EOS基金会(EOS Alliance)正式成立。EOS Alliance成立后出品了《EOS Tri-Weekly Update》的系列文章,专注于报道近期与EOS相关的各个事件,包括EOS重要新闻、社区动态、活动回顾与预告。它成立后的第一件事就是公开了公约公投系列,并将于8月27日21:00和8月28日09:00(北京时间)召开有英语和普通话两种语言的在线会议,EOS爱好者皆可参与。

  3. 【谷歌已成为区块链技术的第二大投资者】

  4. 【EOS上的IQ代币转账需收千分之一手续费】
    IQ团队于北京时间2018-08-18 11:48:26在GitHub上更新了代币合约,导致用户在转账IQ时需要收取千分之一的手续费。IQ项目方并未在官网发布通知,只是提前一天在电报里通知将收取手续费的通知,将收益将用于购买内存。

  5. 【EOS New York提出关于EOS自由市场争议解决方案】

  6. 【Fomo3D 游戏第一轮正式结束,本轮大奖金额达 10469 ETH】
    Fomo3D游戏第一轮正式结束,本轮奖金额度高达 10,469.66 以太币,约 2000 万人民币,中奖者已将奖金转移到新地址。目前 Fomo3D游戏已进入第二轮。

  7. 【深圳市税务局设置了区块链电子发票体验区】

  8. 【多个区块链知名自媒体微信公众号被封】

三、 技术项目进展

  1. 【EOS.IO 1.2.2版本发布】
    EOSIO今日更新至1.2.2版本,该更新主要修复了一些bug和非关键安全性细节。具体修复细节包括: 修复停滞节点的空指针引用问题、MongoDB的指令过滤、bios-boot- tutorial.py、确定秘钥时考虑延迟等。

  2. 【EOS Authority发布了统计EOS投票衰减的网页】

  3. 【EOS节点自动化工具】
    Block Matrix发布了一款为EOS节点自动化提供资源的网站,帮助Dapp开发人员和节点部署他们的API节点。

  4. 【EMAC官网正式上线】
    EMAC官网(https://www.emac.io/) 正式上线。网站域名由候选仲裁员张振捐赠,同时,志愿者、7万EOS丢失者应嘉杰捐赠了工单系统,经过EOS Pacific研发团队的设计和开发后最终上线。EMAC (EOS Manderin Arbitration Community,EOS华语治理社区)由EOS Pacific筹划,多个节点共同发起。

  5. 【EOS社区成员发起了EOS大学计划】



五、 DAPP生态

  1. 【Chintai延迟至8月28日发布】

  2. 【Genereos和Blockgenic联合发起新项目-helpdesk】

  3. 【基于EOS的去中心化智能货币发行系统ECS开启内测】
    今日,EssentialCurrencySystem (简称:ECS)发布首个内测版本。ECS是基于EOS的去中心化稳定货币发行系统,引入了由支持跨链协议的银行合约系统、支持多种数字资产抵押借贷、支持开放的去中心化承兑商市场。ECS将主要面向跨境汇款、预测市场、抵押借贷、去中心化交易等应用领域。目前,ECS已发布基于石墨烯高性能区块链底层框架开发的测试版本,后期将逐步迁移至EOS底层,并计划向EOS社区进行多轮糖果空投。

  4. 【基于EOS的DAPP游戏EOS Knights上线】
    2018年08月20日,韩国节点EOSYS的EOS Knights上线,这是一个探险闯关的DAPP游戏,运行速度快,界面稳固,艺术品非常华丽,闪电般快速的智能合约互动以流畅的方式运作,没有延迟或中断。目前EOS Knights只有PC端装有Scatter插件的Chrome浏览器版本。

Some other articles we wrote

EOS inflats 5% per year, 1/5 as BP reward, and where is the remaining 4/5? https://steemit.com/eos/@eosunion/eos-inflats-5-per-year-1-5-as-bp-reward-and-where-is-the-remaining-4-5
EOSUnion Supporting EOS Alliance https://steemit.com/eosunion/@eosunion/eosunion-supporting-eos-alliance
EOSUnion| Understand EOS resource allocation logic with 3 pictures https://steemit.com/eos/@eosunion/eosunion-or-understand-eos-resource-allocation-logic-with-3-pictures
EOSUnion Blockchain 101|The 4th class: What is the public chain, private chain and alliance chain? https://steemit.com/eos/@eosunion/eosunion-blockchain-101-or-the-4th-class-what-is-the-public-chain-private-chain-and-alliance-chain
EOS FAQ | The Most Complete EOS Resource Package, Super Practical!!! https://steemit.com/eos/@eosunion/the-most-complete-eos-essential-resource-package-on-the-whole-network-super-practical
EOSUnion Blockchain 101|What is the blockchain fork? After reading this article, I understand! https://steemit.com/eosamsterdam/@eosamsterdam/eos-amsterdam-eos-gov-telegram-channel-summary-august-10-august-12-2018-8-10-8-12
EOS Resource Renting VS EOS Force Voting Dividends https://steemit.com/eos/@eosunion/eos-resource-renting-vs-eos-force-voting-dividends
EOSUnion| Consensus Mechanism101 https://steemit.com/eos/@eosunion/eosunion-or-consensus-mechanism
What is Blockchain? This is the best answer I've ever seen. https://steemit.com/blockchain/@eosunion/what-is-blockchain-this-is-the-best-answer-i-ve-ever-seen
EOSUnion|After RAM, Here Comes the Time of CPU? https://steemit.com/eos/@eosunion/eosunion-or-after-ram-here-comes-the-time-of-cpu
The Global EOS Eco Summit held successfully! https://steemit.com/eos/@eosunion/the-global-eos-eco-summit-held-successfully

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