EOS Eco Development Weekly Reports | 0901-0907

in #eos6 years ago (edited)


Part1 EOSUnion Observe

1. 【Blockchain supervision: China and Japan are more cautious】
This week, according to Japanese BP JEDA, as Japan's virtual currency and exchange review thresholds continue to increase, a large number of virtual currencies are accepting or awaiting verify. Guo Yuhang, the head of China's blockchain application research, said that the basic logic of China's supervision is that the separation of the chain and the Token is the bottom line, and the pyramid scheme and illegal fund-raising are the "red line."
EOSUnion observes: The US regulatory system has not yet been introduced, so the current US regulation is relatively loose, but Chinese and Japanese supervision is more cautious. Japan has a strict review mechanism, while Chinese supervision emphasizes the separation of the chain and the Token as the bottom line. Pyramid schemes and illegal fundraising in the name of blockchain is prohibited, but the blockchain technology is still advocated and encouraged.
Zhao Changpeng, the founder of Biance, posted on Twitter: I have a feeling the next10T company may be a crypto one. In this regard, EOSUnion believes that it is not appropriate to be too optimistic. Under the Chinese system, blockchain companies that focus on blockchain technology are more likely to last longer than digital money companies.

Part2 Hot News

1. 【EOS Alliance Week 3 Constitution Conference】
At EOS Alliance's Week 3 Constitution Conference, the seven groups spoke on the terms of the Constitution,inluding not violence, no perjury, rights, no bribery, no fiduciary duty, compensation, and open source.

2. 【BPs approved the proposal of updating EOS.IO system contract to v1.2.1】
16 out of the 21 Producing BPs have voted for the EOS.IO system contract update to v1.2.1.

3. 【EOSONE: Re-ranking the top 40 BPs on 5 dimensions】
EOSONE re-ranked the top 40 nodes based on five major criteria: information disclosure, internationalization, community building, activities, and landing projects.

4. 【EOSIO wins the Best In Protocols Platforms title for the 2018 BlockAwards】
EOSIO won the Best In Protocols Platforms title for 2018 Blockaward.
Blockaward is a special blockchain technology selection award with 25 categories. The results are based on the entire network.

5. 【EOSYS launches the first Dapp Development Contest】
EOSYS published in Medium to announce that they will launch the first Dapp development contest on DAPP STUDIO to reward Dapps that can be implemented within current technology boundaries. Competition subject: EOS based Dapp. Contest theme: games, education, social networking, transportation, and the arts. Judging criteria: convenience and accessibility, practicality, content, creativity. Awards: Excellence Awards and Special prize.

Part3 Tech Project Progress

1. 【EOSIO 1.2.4 Release】
On September 6th, Beijing time, the update of EOSIO 1.2.4 version was submitted on Github, and the description of the bug fix for EOSIO 1.2.4 released which including: Pre-release of wallet directory locking, Fix for RPC hangs/stalls when submitting transaction and some other.

2. 【EOS command line interaction tool eosc has been updated to v0.7.8】
EOS Canada has updated eosc to v0.7.8. eosc is EOS's command-line interaction tool that makes it easy for developers to develop EOS.IO blockchains. The new version supports the voting and voting counting tools of the "eosio.forum" referendum system.

3. 【User-created EOS Desktop, integrating the entire ecosystem into one interface】
Reddit user ebenzz22zz posted on Reddit revealing the release of his own Eosdesktop Alphak version Eosdesktop with the entire of EOS eco in one interface. With a built-in lightweight browser and connected to Scatterdesktop, all EOSDAPPS or websites that can run the latest version of Scatters can be run in Eosdesktop.

4. 【Aloha EOS and EOS Titan, TeamGreymass jointly released BP benchmarking tool】
Aloha EOS has teamed up with EOS Titan and TeamGreymass to release a new BP benchmarking tool that provides an intuitive view of the execution time of a custom EOS contract run by each BP. The data is from the EOS Mechanics research team and details can be viewed on GitHub.

Part4 Authority View

1. 【BM: A consensus needs to be reached on EOS to support a proposal similar to UBI】
This week, BM participated in the discussion in the REX and UBI telegraph groups. The main points are as follows:

a. In EOSRex Group, regarding the CPU resourse and REX, BM said: New wabt vm is 2x faster on same hardware. There are three ways to measure performance, sustained peak, and burst. Eos can increase its sustainable rate once we start pruning history. That feature is half implemented and a high priority, once pruning is ready we can up the sustainable cpu to 400ms per second. Once the compiled wasm is ready transfers and bets will fall to 25% or less the cpu time. This means that 250us per transfer or 1600 transfer per second sustained.
b. Regarding UBI, BM said: A proper system following my first principles is self balancing. If the masses consume wealth faster than it is produced then ubi value falls. Eventually ubi falls below most peoples desired standards and they start producing.
c. In EOSUBI group, BM commented: what we need is consensus building on EOS to support such a proposal, and to consider it as an alternative to other spending proposals being made. 1. assume that there will be strong cryptographic evidence of unique ID; 2. assume that bad actors can lose their UBI and that UBI can go to pay damages in arbitration. In other words, a one-time qualification isn't sufficient, if we find a "scammer" which manages to produce a fake id, we can remove them. Goal is to make such cases rare and difficult.
d. BM also commented: Ubi has infinite rate of return, an minimum risk. Return on Capital is not the same. Especially if that return is largely a stock split. Closest passive income in steem power.

2. 【Thomas Cox: EOS Alliance won’t fork EOS】
In EOS Alliance Telegram Group, Sam J asked “If the community decides not to accept the Alliance proposed constitution and WPS, do you intend to fork EOS?” Thomas Cox spoke for the Alliance:

The EOS Alliance is a humble servant of (A) the EOS Mainnet token holders, and (B) all those using the EOS software. The Alliance will not be advocating for any particular Constitution, nor advocating for the token holders to vote any particular way on any specific WPS proposal.
The Alliance's mission is to help the token holders to self-organize, communicate, arrive at consensus, and take coherent collective action.

Part5. DAPP Eco

1. 【EOSIO voting results for DAPP judging criteria:"Mass adoption" received the most votes】
The vote on the DAPP evaluation criteria proposed by EOS_io, got 1934 votes, of which, "Mass adoption" received the most votes, accounting for 62%. The vote for other criterias are: 1. Utilization of EOSIO 17%; 2. Creativity 8%; 3. Social impact 13%.

2. 【The world's first distributed exchange to support multi-wallet access, SouthEx launched officially】
SouthEX, the world's first distributed exchange that supports multi-wallet access, is launched today. It is the first open source protocol for SimpleWallet. It is suitable for all Dapps. Currently, it supports TokenPocket wallet, KKwallet, Scatter and other scan code transactions, and you don’t need to input private key, you will get Token reward if you make transaction successfully.

3. 【Hardware Wallet Ledger now supports EOS】
Users can use the Fairy-wallet to manage EOS in the hardware wallet Ledger.

4. 【UNICO has deployed a new smart contract on the EOS main network】
The digital collection Dapp UNICO has now deployed a new smart contract on the EOS main net that supports the collection function, which is regarded as the first non-functional test (NFT) on the EOS blockchain by UNICO.

Part6. EOSUnion Development

1. 【The blockchain lecture series launched on the eosbootcamp platform】
This week, EOSUnion's blockchain lecture series launched on EOSDublin's EOSBootcamp blockchain education platform. The first Chinese-English course "What is the blockchain" is already shown on the eosbootcamp platform home page, and the 2-10 courses will continue to get online.
The Blockchain Lecture has been published on the public platform and Steemit of EOSUnion for 10 courses, and has been receiving praises by national and international fans.

2. 【TokenPocket latest release, adding a number of powerful features】
This week, TokenPocket released the latest version. New powerful features include: compatible with Scatter, support Dapp full-screen, add Dapp browser, support for TP wallet payment, contract execution risk check and reminder, and playable Dapp list (update continuously). Now, the DAPP browser replaces the previous developer debugging portal. Most Dapps can be used in the Dapp browser (you can open the Dapp URL directly), which greatly reduces development costs and helps developers develop a Killer Dapp.


一、 EOSUnion观察

1. 【区块链监管:中日监管都比较谨慎】
币安创始人赵长鹏在推特上表示: 我有预感,(继苹果、亚马逊之后)下一个突破万亿的公司会是一家数字货币公司。对此,EOSUnion认为,也不宜过于乐观,在中国的体制下,相比数字货币公司,专注于区块链技术的区块链公司更可能长久。

二、 热点资讯事件

1. 【EOS Alliance第三周公约会议】
EOS 基金会第三周周公约会议上,七个小组分别围绕不发起暴力、不做伪证、权利、不贿选、无受托责任、赔偿以及开源等公约条款进行了发言。

2. 【BP投票通过EOS.IO的系统合约更新至1.2.1版】

3. 【EOSONE发布节点综合评审报告】

4. 【EOSIO获得2018 Block Award最佳的协议平台称号】
上周EOSIO获得了2018 Blockaward最佳的协议/平台称号。

5. 【EOSYS推出首届Dapp开发竞赛】
EOSYS在Medium发文,将在DAPP STUDIO上推出首届Dapp开发大赛,以奖励可以在当前技术边界内实现的Dapp。竞赛主题:例如游戏、教育、社交网络、交通、艺术等;评判标准:便利且可访问、实际性、内容、创造力;奖项:设有卓越奖和特别奖。

三、 技术项目进展

1. 【EOS.IO更新至1.2.4版本】
9月6日,EOSIO 1.2.4 版本在 Github 上提交更新,并发布说明文档对EOSIO 1.2.4 的 bug 修复的描述。包括: 钱包目录锁定的预发布、修复提交事务时的RPC挂起/停顿等。

2. 【EOS的命令行交互工具eosc已更新至v0.7.8版】
EOS Canada已将便于开发者进行EOS.IO区块链开发的命令行交互工具eosc更新至v0.7.8版。新版本支持“eosio.forum”公投系统的投票和投票计数工具。

3. 【用户自创 EOS Desktop,将整个生态融入一个界面】
Reddit用户ebenzz22zz在 Reddit上发文透露在周日发布自创的Eosdesktop Alphak版本(Mac版) Eosdesktop,将EOS整个生态集中在一个界面内。其内置了一个轻量级浏览器,所有能在Scatters上运行的EOSDAPPS或者网站,都可在Eosdesktop内运行。

4. 【Aloha EOS与EOS Titan、TeamGreymass联合发布了BP基准测试工具】
Aloha EOS与EOS Titan、TeamGreymass 联合发布了一款新的BP基准测试工具,该工具可直观的查看到每个BP运行的自定EOS合约的执行时间。

四、 大咖观点

1. 【BM:需要在EOS上达成共识,支持类似UBI的提案】
本周BM在REX以及UBI (普遍基本收入)电报群中参与讨论。主要内容如下:

a. REX正在实施中。新的WABT虚拟机在相同硬件上将快2倍,性能表现有持续,峰值和爆发三种衡量方式。EOS可以增加可持续率一旦我们修剪掉历史。该功能已经实施一半并具有高优先级,一旦修剪准备就绪,我们可以持续CPU提升到每秒400ms。一旦编译的WASM准备好,转账和投注将会降至25%CPU时间或更少。这意味着每次传输250us或每秒1600次传输。
b. 我们需要的是在EOS上达成共识,支持类似UBI的提案,并将其视为正在提出的其他支出提案的另一种选择。BM对UBI提案做了两个假设:假设存在唯一ID的强加密证据;假设不良行为人有可能失去他们的UBI,并且UBI可以在仲裁中支付赔偿金。总之,能否获得UBI资格不是一次性确定的。如果发现一个生成假ID的诈骗者,就可以取消他获得UBI的资格。其目的是为了让诈骗变得更加困难,以减少类似的诈骗案例。
c. UBI具有无限的回报率,且风险最小。它与资本回报不一样,尤其如果该回报主要来源于股票分割。此外,BM对电报群成员关于UBI令人不想工作、令社会失去生产力的担忧回复道,遵循第一原则的合理系统是自平衡,如果人们挥霍财富快于产生财富的速度,那么UBI价格就会下降。最终当UBI低于大多数人所渴望的标准之后,人们就开始产生生产力。
d. 我不担心AI生成的面孔,生物识别技术只是密码的捷径,硬件密钥才是身份的根源。
e. 4%通胀分配给抵押代币用户只会让富人更富,没有作用。将像UBI一样,平均分发代币给每一个人。

2. 【Thomas: EOS基金会专门为EOS持有者服务,不会分叉EOS】
关于EOS Alliance是否会因为公约和WPS提案被社区否决而分叉,Thomas表示:

EOS Alliance旨在为全体EOS token持有者以及所有使用EOS软件的用户服务。基金会并不会拥护特定版本的公约,也不鼓励Token持有者在特殊方式下对某一WPS提案进行投票。

五、 DAPP生态

1. 【EOSIO关于DAPP评判标准的投票截止, “大规模应用”获得最多支持】
EOSIO关于DAPP评判标准的投票共获得1934次投票,其中,“4.大规模应用”(Mass adoption)得到最多票数,占比62%。其他评判标准获得的投票率分别是:1. EOSIO的运用17%;2.创造力8%;3.社会影响力13%。

2. 【全球首家支持多钱包接入的分布式交易所SouthEx正式上线】
全球首家支持多钱包接入的分布式交易所SouthEX今日上线,首创SimpleWallet开源协议,适用所有Dapp,目前已支持TokenPocket钱包、KKwallet、 Scatter等扫码交易,无需输入私钥,成功交易还有Token奖励。

3. 【硬件钱包Ledger现已支持EOS】

4. 【UNICO已在EOS主网部署新智能合约】
数字收藏品Dapp UNICO目前已在EOS主网部署支持收藏功能的新智能合约,UNICO将其视为EOS区块链上的第一次非功能测试 (NFT)。

六、 EOSUnion动态

1. 【区块链讲座系列上线eosbootcamp平台】

2. 【TokenPocket最新版发布,新增多项强大功能】

Some other articles we wrote

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EOSUnion Blockchain 101|09 Why is digital currency valuable? https://steemit.com/eos/@eosunion/eosunion-blockchain-101-or-09-why-is-digital-currency-valuable
EOSUnion| Understand "Ricardian Contract" in 5 minutes https://steemit.com/eos/@eosunion/eosunion-or-understand-ricardian-contract-in-5-minutes-5
EOSUnion BlockChain 101 | Token and Token economy https://steemit.com/eos/@eosunion/eosunion-blockchain-101-or-token-and-token-economy
EOS inflates 5% per year, 1/5 as BP reward, and where is the remaining 4/5? https://steemit.com/eos/@eosunion/eos-inflats-5-per-year-1-5-as-bp-reward-and-where-is-the-remaining-4-5
EOSUnion| Understand EOS resource allocation logic with 3 pictures https://steemit.com/eos/@eosunion/eosunion-or-understand-eos-resource-allocation-logic-with-3-pictures
The Global EOS Eco Summit held successfully! https://steemit.com/eos/@eosunion/the-global-eos-eco-summit-held-successfully

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