EOSUnion BlockChain 101 | 11 Introduction to cryptocurrency Investment: Cryptocurrency Selection Guideline(Part 1) 区块链讲座第11期 区块链小白投资入门之【选币指南1】

in #eos6 years ago (edited)


Through the [Blockchain Lecture] 1-6, we walked into the world of blockchain and appreciated its fascination. Then we talked about the connection between blockchain and digital currency in class 7-10, so that everyone can understand the value of digital currency. I believe that many of you are eager to try and want to make some profits through digital currency investment.

But I may have to remind you to be more careful about the investment, because you are still unclear about the last and the most crucial step, which is the digital currency investment process. This process, we can simply sum up as the following five steps (as shown on the picture below),i.e., [select currency] - [chooce a time] - [exchange digital currency with money] - [digital currency exchange] - [sell cash withdrawal / transfer to wallet]. So [blockchain lecture] will have several classes to discuss digital currency investment in detail, focusing on different topics like currency selection, market tools, exchanges, wallets, and today we will talk about currency selection first.


The selection of currency is the beginning of investment. As the saying goes, a good start is half the success. There is already a lot of digital currency for us to choose. But for new comers, we suggest not to look at it too much at once, but to give priority to mainstream digital currencies. So today we will briefly introduce the current main the TOP 10 digital currency, later we will introduce the other high-quality digital currency in the rankings.

NO.1 Bitcoin (BTC)

The concept of Bitcoin, originally proposed by Nakamoto in 2009, is an anonymized, global, decentralized encrypted digital currency.

The existence of these characteristics determines that law enforcement agencies can neither find the owner of Bitcoin nor blocking or freezing its bitcoin, making Bitcoin used by some black and gray industries as the first currency option, and the scale of these industries is huge.

At the same time, a large number of well-known venture capital companies, funds, and individuals have also entered the Bitcoin infrastructure with real money. Foreign countries include traditional financial giants such as Visa, Nasdaq, and Citigroup. Domestically, they include Kai-Fu Lee’s innovative factory and Xu Xiaoping’s. Real fund.

The entry of black and gray underground industry transactions and venture capital has become two strong support for Bitcoin. And with the development of Bitcoin, Bitcoin has received more recognition, so we don't have to worry about the risk of Bitcoin being worthless, because as long as the public's consensus on Bitcoin is still there, its value will not return to zero.

Bitcoin is actually the "gold" of the digital currency market. It is a conventional currency substitute and has a very large investment value in the long run.

NO.2 Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum is an application development platform based on smart contracts and decentralized technology which enables developers to build and run decentralized applications. It can be used to program, decentralize, guarantee and trade anything: voting, domain names, financial exchanges, crowdfunding, corporate management, contracts and most agreements, intellectual property, and smart assets that benefit from hardware integration.

From the perspective of blockchain, Bitcoin is the representative product of Blockchain 1.0, then Ethereum can be said to be an upgraded version of the former, namely Blockchain 2.0, which applies blockchain technology to broader areas other than digital currency. The value of Ethereum may not be limited to a purely digital currency. The commercial profitability of smart contracts, Ethereum virtual machines and various decentralized applications (DAPP) on the chain has made the value of ETH have a rising space.

Its huge potential in commercial applications has attracted many industry giants to join the distributed application software development platform. For example, Microsoft, Samsung, IBM and other technology companies have adopted Ethereum technology for researching and developing blockchain projects.

Therefore, although Ethereum is currently inferior to Bitcoin in terms of network stability and market value, its application value in smart contracts cannot be underestimated. If you are optimistic about the future potential of Ethereum, you can choose to invest in this currency.

No.3 Ripple (XRP)

Like all bitcoin, Ripple (XRP) is a digital currency based on math and cryptography, but unlike Bitcoin, which has no real use,** XRP acts as a bridge currency in the Ripple system, acting as an intermediate product while exchanging between currencies.** Because in the Ripple system, it is difficult to transfer or withdraw funds across the gateway without converting them into Ripple (XRP); and Ripple coins can be freely circulated between any gateway.

What exactly is the "gateway" mentioned here?

The "gateway" is where the funds get in and out of the Ripple system. It acts like an intermediary through which people can inject or withdraw various currencies (whether national currency or bitcoin) into the Ripple system. In this case, even if two person are untrusted strangers to each other, as long as both of them trust the same gateway at the same time, the transfer between the two can be carried out. If the “gateway” is filled by a big bank or a large financial institution, then this chain of trust is easy to establish. Ripple can be used as an intermediary for cross-border settlement of assets that optimizes bank liquidity, and is used to solve the huge problems and challenges that plague international banks.

Therefore, the US, the UK, Japan and other countries have joined the Ripple network test, or have introduced it to cross-border payment operations. It is reported that more than 100 financial institutions are currently using Ripple's blockchain network.

From these perspectives, Ripple is likely to grow into a supernova coin that exceeds Bitcoin. (Yuan Fang, what do you think?)

NO.4 bit cash (BCH)

When Bitcoin was originally set, the block size was 32M. Considering the initial use of fewer people, in order to avoid waste of computing resources and ensure the safe operation of the Bitcoin system, Nakamoto will temporarily limit the block size to 1M. However, as bitcoin transactions increase, the transaction confirmation is unusually slow, and if you don't want to wait for a long time, you will have to pay a high transaction fee. In this case, the Bitcoin ABC program came up with a hard-forked system that launched Bitcoin Cash (BCH) based on the original bitcoin chain.

Therefore, BCH is actually a new competition coin that is branched out on the basis of the original BTC chain.

Compared with Bitcoin (BTC), the biggest feature of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is to support large blocks. The size of the block determines the transaction capacity that can be processed. The BCH cancels the block size of 1M, which means that the transaction capacity of the BCH can be greatly increased, which perfectly solves the problem of bitcoin transaction congestion, and the transaction fee is also A large reduction has followed.

At the same time, the reduction in handling fees does not lead to a decrease in the income of miners, and the reduction in transaction fees can attract more people to participate. More transactions can make up for the decline in fees and can quickly expand the occupation of new markets. BCH will bring users a new experience with low transaction fees and fast confirmation.


EOS can be understood as an Enterprise Operation System, a blockchain operating system designed for commercial distributed applications, designed to extend the performance of distributed applications.

Through a deeper understanding of EOS, EOS is quite valuable for investment.

First, it solves the problem of latency and data throughput through parallel chain and DPOS. EOS can process thousands of transactions per second, while bitcoin is about 7 per second and Ethereum is 30-40 per second. Therefore, trading in Bitcoin and Ethereum is very congested. If you want to be fast, you can only pay an expensive fee;

Secondly, developing DAPP on EOS is very simple. You don't need to write a lot of modules yourself, because EOS itself builds the underlying modules for developers, which provides a platform that greatly reduces the threshold for development;

Once again, as an ordinary investor, having EOS is equivalent to owning a property that can be used for rental (because EOS founder BM recently plans to launch an EOS resource leasing system) to earn money. As DAPP develops, with the increase in the number of users, the increase of EOS price will be unstoppable.

For an introduction to the digital currencies NO.6 - NO.10, please see the next class.





NO.1 比特币(BTC)






NO.2 以太坊(ETH)



它在商业应用上的这种巨大潜力,吸引了多个行业的巨头纷纷加入到这个分布式应用软件开发平台,例如微软、三星、IBM 等科技企业都采用了以太坊技术进行区块链项目的研发。


NO.3 瑞波币(XRP)




因此,美国、英国、日本等国家纷纷加入Ripple 网络的测试中,或将其引入跨境支付作业。据悉,目前已有超过 100 家金融机构正在使用 Ripple 的区块链网络。


NO.4 比特现金(BCC)

比特币最初设定时区块大小是32M,考虑到初期使用人数较少,为了避免计算资源浪费和保证比特币系统的安全运行,中本聪临时将区块大小限制1M。但是,随着比特币交易的增多,交易确认异常缓慢,如果你不想长时间等待,就需要支付高额的交易费用。在这个情况下,Bitcoin ABC方案拿出了一套硬分叉的体系,基于比特币的原链推出“比特币现金”(BCH)。




NO.5 柚子(EOS)

EOS可以理解为Enterprise Operation System,即为商用分布式应用设计的一款区块链操作系统,旨在实现分布式应用的性能扩展。





欲知NO.6 - NO.10的五种数字货币的介绍,请看下期分解。

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Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📈 24h📉 7d
BCHBitcoin Cash481.293$1.31%-23.43%

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 61986.52
ETH 2406.81
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65