EOSUnion| How can this organization actually unite all the power of the EOS community?居然能团结起EOS社区所有力量,这个组织是怎么做到的?

in #eos6 years ago


Recently, two major events in the EOS community have caused heated discussions, and they are the EOS Work Proposal System (WPS) and the EOS Alliance. These two events have important implications for the long-term development of the EOS eco. The former provides a basic framework for EOS community development, while the latter helps promote collaboration, decision-making, and information sharing in the EOS community, becoming an important bridge for communication between EOS community and the external world.

I have already talked to you about WPS before, so today I want to talk about the EOS Alliance and my observations and understandings of it.

01 Why set up the EOS Alliance?

Before the establishment of the EOS Alliance, there were two organizations in the EOS Eco: 21 BPs and the ECAF The former focuses on solving the block problems, while the latter isresponsible for resolving disputes between EOS holders.

However, the EOS eco not only has these two types of problems, but also has other problems as follows:

(1) Communication problems between different organizations:

Different organizations represents different interest groups, and they speak for their respective groups, making it difficult to reach a consensus among themselves:

Between BPs and ECAF: On June 17, 21 BPs bypassed ECAF, and announced the freezing of 7 accounts, on the grounds that 7 accounts were suspected of stealing tokens. At the time, ECAF was confused for being ignored.

Between the ECAF and EOS community members: On June 23, the ECAF notified all BPs to freeze the transfer of 27 accounts, and said that the reasons would be given later. This is the typical matter of urgency. Although the EOS New York BP gave a statement later, but the community members still expressed disapproval, which caused controversy in the community.

Between EOS community members and Block.One team: Some community members always blame the Block.One team, especially BM, for intervening too much in EOS community governance. However, other community members accuse the team of the absencein EOS eco governance. Block.One team are suffering from these controdictory opinions no matter what they do.

In addition to the communication problems caused by the interests of different organizations, EOS holders are all over the world speaking in many languages, which also adds obstacles to each other's communication.

(2) EOS Constitution revision issues:
The EOS Constitution was drafted by the Block.One team at the beginning of EOS, but it is aggregated by a very small number of people and can not represent the opinions of all or most of the EOS community members.

At the same time, with the development of EOS, the Constitution also needs to keep pace with the times. Since this process has many changes in affairs and concepts that need to be reflected in the Convention, there must be a process of revision and improvement in the EOS Convention. So who is proposing and who is going to modify becomes a problem that needs to be solved urgently.

The EOS Alliance was born to solve the current problem of governance.

02 EOS Alliance's current organizational structure

The current organizational structure of the EOS Alliance is as follows:

The EOS Alliance will launch initially with a seven member Board, expanding as needed in a process currently under draft. There are five working groups for dispute resolution and arbitration, community communication, code management (GitHub), exchanges, and convention drafting and adoption, which are responsible for different categories of affairs.

At the same time, two observer seats have been established for representatives to be selected by the paid Block Producers via a mechanism to be decided by them.

In addition, the EOS Alliance intends to have a fully elected board, to include members of diverse backgrounds and geographic regions, representing a variety of EOS community stakeholders and perspectives.

03 Planning of the EOS Alliance

In the latest announcement, the EOS Alliance proposed a plan for a referendum on the EOSConsititution.

Its first initiative is to open Consititution Referendum Series - a 12-week organization framework for anyone to help shape the future of EOS. They aim to encourage community members towards producing widely accepted constitution drafts for referendum vote.

The timetable is planned as follows:

Week 1: Announce series, distribute information about Week 2 video conference calls.

Week 2: Open video conference calls multiple times per week in English, Chinese and Korean; help form working groups of 5–7 members.

Week 3: Working groups of 5–7 members break down individual constitution articles into their design principle level. Publish summaries of findings.

Week 4: Continue working groups and discover common values, design principles, and core beliefs between current v1 constitution and v2 proposal from Daniel Larimer.

Week 5: Establish design clusters — the most important 2–3 values and principles to work from for building articles of a v3+ constitution.

Week 6–9: “Articles and Explanations” — working groups build candidate constitution drafts from design clusters.

Week 10: Revise, publish and distribute candidate constitutions.

Weeks 11–12: Community members openly campaign for their constitution of choice.

04 EOS Alliance plays more role of a coordinator

After the establishment of the EOS Alliance, some community members expressed concerns about its independence. But in fact, this kind of worry was greatly reduced by the promoters such as Thomas Cox through the following two measures, long before its establishment:

The first is the membership of the EOS Alliance Board Members, which will eventually transform to a board that is fully elected by the community, which will speak for the benefit of the majority of the community;

This is followed by the charter being drafted by the EOS Alliance. It is important to avoid any administrative power in the governance structure of the EOS Alliance. In other words, the EOS Alliance does not have any real power and will not participate in or interfere with the formulation of community decisions.

It plays a more coordinator role, including coordinating community communication and information sharing, and providing the community with a platform for making decisions.

Brock Pierce, a board member of the EOS Alliance, said, “It’s a vehicle just to create structure and facilitate communication, amongst the various constituents from the token holders, the fans, the community, the block producers, the Dapp producers, block.one, etc. EOS Alliance aims to facilitate conversation and communication so that we can create consensus when and where possible,as much consensus as possible. EOS Alliance is like the facilitator, they are going to figure that out together as a community, to feel like everyone’s got a seat at the table, and their voices were going to be heard, because all of our voices matter.”

We believe that the various BPs, EOS holders, ECAF, DAPP developers and other stakeholders within the EOS eco, will unite under the leadership of the EOS Alliance and become the endless force for the EOS eco to move forward, thus leading the development of EOS to a new height.

We look forward to the arrival of this day.


近期EOS社区有两件大事引起热议,分别是EOS工作提案系统(WPS)和EOS基金会(EOS Alliance)。这两件事,对于EOS生态的长远发展都有着重要的意义,前者为EOS的社区发展提供了基础框架,而后者则有助于推动EOS社区的协作、决策和信息共享,成为EOS社区与外部世界沟通的一座重要桥梁。


01 为什么要成立EOS基金会?














02 EOS 基金会目前的组织架构






03 EOS基金会的规划




04 EOS基金会更多扮演着协调者的角色

EOS基金会成立后,部分社区成员表达出对它独立性的担忧。但这种担忧,其实早在其成立前,就由Thomas Cox等发起人通过以下两个举措大大降低了:





EOS基金会董事会成员Brock Pierce如此说道,“这是一个便捷的沟通工具,维系着 EOS 持有者、社区、节点、Dapp 开发者和 Block.one 等不同社区角色。我们希望建立良好的沟通桥梁,形成尽可能多的共识。EOS基金会扮演者类似主持人的角色,我们以整体的社区身份,去理清整个治理体系,促进不同群体,不同地区间的沟通。让每个人都觉得自己是社区的重要一员,有人愿意倾听他们的声音,为他们发声。”



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