FIBOS| The recent strong performance of EOS price is actually because of this "sidechain"? EOS近期的强势表现,竟然是因为这条“侧链”?

in #eos6 years ago


In the past few days, EOS's "sidechain" - FIBOS has attracted everyone's attention. In just four days, FIBOS's pool has received 850,000 EOS injections, and some analysts say it is one of the main reason for the recent rise of EOS price. So how does this project work? What is its magic power that can detonate community discussion and capital entry? What influnce will it have on the EOS eco? Let's get to know with EOSUnion.

01 What is FIBOS?

As you can see from the FIBOS website, FIBOS is a running platform for JavaScript that combines EOS and FIBJS (Application Server Development Framework), which provides programmability for EOS, allowing the use of JavaScript to write smart contracts. We can expresse by an equation: FIBOS = EOS + FIBJS.

It has the following three characteristics:
(1) Using JavaScript. Compared to the C++ language required for EOS smart contract development, FIBOS uses the JS language which greatly reduces learning and developing costs;

(2) Based on the Bancor protocol smart token. The FIBOS token is abbreviated as FO and is exchanged using the Bancor agreement. After the user inserts the coin into a locked EOS account, it will be mapped to the FIBOS main net to obtain the FO token. The Bancor protocol based method is the IBO (Initial Bancor Offering).

(3) Developers provide services. FIBOS provides developers with development tools, token protocols, and developing services, and developers can use FIBOS to step into blockchain development and release.

In addition, FIBOS is a completely independent public chain. It uses the same EOS source code as the main chain. It also has 21 global BPs, its own network resources (such as RAM), an EOS account system and wallet, and form its own eco eventually. But the reason why it exists as "side chain" is that it recognizes the main chain as the core of the EOS eco and the center of value exchange.

02 What is an IBO?

Although FIBOS is a side chain, it also has its own token, called FO.

Its issuance is based on the Bancor protocol for human-machine transactions, and the conversion ratio is determined by an algorithm to realize the exchange of assets between the two public chains, which is called IBO (Initial Bancor Offering). It is equivalent to the credit-deficient entity to issue currency, and must have an anchor currency for credit grafting, such as the issuance of XX coins, which need to be mortgaged by the central bank and then issued at a certain exchange rate.

IBO is different from ICO. The latter gives money (coin) directly to the project parties while the former uses Bancor to mortgage all of your funds in the contract, and the project party has no right to use it. If the project party wants to obtain a new token, like the average user, it has to exchange with EOS and robots. That is to say, the behavior of the project party is not profitable.

So the question is, how does the project team that issuing in IBO way make money?

Before answering this question, let's take a look at how the team works:

The Ring Horse team initially set a total of 10 billion FO issues, with a conversion rate of 1 EOS = 1000 FO, so those who initially exchanged FOs with EOS and robots can use an EOS to switch to 1000 FOs at an initial rate. With the increase of FO-changers, robots began to increase prices according to market supply and demand. At the time of publication, 1EOS can only exchange more than 450 FOs.

In other words, if the team of the horses initially exchanges FO with 100,000 EOS, they can now earn 100,000 EOS.

Therefore, the answer is also coming out: the advantage of the project parties of the IBO way is that they have the first-handed news. They can take the spread by exchange EOS to FO with the low initial exchange rate, and then exchange FO to EOS after the exchange rate increases.

03 The possible impact of FIBOS and IBO

(1) Innovative certificate issuance method, but may face regulatory problems in the later period

The new mode of issuance of IBOs is essentially a form of decentralized exchanges issuing tokens. In the early days, the project team spent their own money to buy the token issued by themselves, and then proceeded to do the project to increase the price of the coin. Later, the coin can be used to maintain the team's operation. This method is somewhat improved compared to ICO. However, if the IBO project is flooded or even fraudulent in the later stage, it may cause supervision and prohibition by relevant departments, and thus has the same ending as ICO.

(2) Eliminate the high cost of the currency and the cost of the market value, so that the team focuses more on the project itself.

In the original ICO model, a large part of the funds raised was used for the cost of issurance and the management of the market value. If the project team is focused on these aspects, they don’t have time to do the important things, i.e., the project itself, so that it is taking the branch for the root.

However, within the IBO's built-in smart token system, the development team no longer needs to worry about token issurance and circulation, etc., but concentrate on project development, because the quality of the project will directly determine the amount of EOS volume that can be attracted, i.e., how much the project party can earn in the later stages of the team.

(3) The more projects use EOS, the more EOS locks, the better news for EOS

The sidechain token issuance mechanism is actually the EOS coin-locking mechanism. They are anchored by EOS and banked with Bancor. A large number of EOSs will be locked in various sidechain Bancor systems. There is no doubt that there will be many EOS custom chain projects in each vertical field in the future, and the more projects use EOS, the more EOS locks, the EOS price will be higher theoretically, which is a good news to the EOS value and the community.

Finally, if you want to ask me whether I should redeem FO now or not, I think it’s best to use the words of the founder of FIBOS to answer:

"Bancor is a trap for speculators. Bancor is not an exchange, short-term arbitrage is almost impossible, and long-term returns can not be expected. Therefore, the air currencies that were born for the speculation were absolutely not dare to use Bancor, the speculators have entered Bancor is also likely to be stuck. So repeatedly remind: if you can't use it, don't exchange your EOS to FO."



01 什么是FIBOS?

从FIBOS官网上可以看到,FIBOS是一个结合EOS和FIBJS(应用服务器开发框架)的JavaScript 的运行平台,它为EOS提供可编程性,允许使用 JavaScript 编写智能合约。用一条等式来表示就是:FIBOS = EOS + FIBJS 。



(2)基于Bancor协议智能通证。FIBOS的通证缩写为FO,采用Bancor协议兑换。用户将币打入一个锁定的EOS账户后,会映射到FIBOS主网上获得FO通证,这种基于Bancor协议的发币方式就是IBO(Initial Bancor Offering,下面再细讲);

(3)开发者提供服务。FIBOS 为开发者提供了开发工具、通证协议和开发者服务,开发者可利用 FIBOS 一步进入区块链开发和发布。


02 什么是IBO?


它的发行是基于Bancor协议进行人机交易,兑换比例由算法来决定,从而实现两条公链之间的资产兑换,而这种发币方式就称为IBO(Initial Bancor Offering)。它相当于信用不足的主体要发行货币,必须有锚定货币进行信用嫁接,例如XX币的发行,需要在央行抵押美元然后按照一定汇率发行。





响马团队最初设定FO发行总量为100亿,兑换比率为1 EOS = 1000 FO,所以最开始用EOS和机器人交换FO的人,可以用1个EOS以初始比率换到1000个FO。随着换FO的人的增多,机器人根据市场供需开始涨价,截止发文时1EOS只能换取450多FO。




03 FIBOS和IBO可能带来的影响










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