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RE: Part One: Bloodlines Of The Serpent Gods & The Rise Of The Black Nobility

in #esoteric7 years ago (edited)

Upvoted 100% and Resteemed. An essential sum up for anyone wanting to research Conspiracy topics.
Having researched much of this stuff myself, I find most of the information presented to be on point.
"Amen", as seen in the Masonic Bible, is indeed the Egyptian God. (1).png

The Babylonian control system, perfected through Ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire, continues to this day. (e.g: EU building = Tower of Babel)
It is an ever evolving matrix to control the slave masses.
The recent Awakening is thanks to the Internet, which allowed for the free flow of Information and for hidden knowledge to spread.
If the Elites can't control the information their matrix of deceit crumbles. They know this, that's why they've started to censor the Internet ("hate speech", "anti-semitism", "fakenews").
I believe the future of humanity depends on a new decentralized Internet that can't be censored. Then we can really enter a Golden Age, and with an Hive Mind (the collective intelligence through the Net) capable of solving any problems humanity may face.


Hey @lavter thank you so much for the kind words and resteem I really appreciate it. Yes you're spot on regarding the EU building and I have written about this previously. Indeed this is a perfected Babylonian control system (Babylon the Great) and it has created the illusion that many so readily accept as normality. So indoctrinated have the massess become that to even suggest an alternative to a system built on control and subjugation is beyond the perceptual capabilty of the collective.

I agree that the internet is responsible for the latest age of awakening but equally as with everything within it exists a duality. Indeed perhaps the elites always viewed the formative years of the internet (and subsequent spread of information) as a neccesary evil on their march towards the smart grid. One thing I am aware of is that the technology we see around us is potentially a generation behind behind what actually exists within black budget projects. From this perspective the concept of said smart grid, the internet of things, and the 5g system (that will connect literally every facet of our lives together) are not actually new ideas but old ones that are only now coming to fruition. It's my belief that they are intent on creating some sort of synthetic and highly controlled electromagnetic sub-reality, a synthetic Schumann resonance. The worrying thing is that majority seem unable to look up from their phones to see the electronic prison that's being built around them.

Equally, like you say we need a decentralised system and I really agree that in their rush to control us they have potentially let the genie out of the bottle and sowed the seeds of their own demise. Perhaps what they hadn't accounted for is the sheer genius of many people working behind the scenes and for the greater good. They need the internet to realise their system of control, but equally there exists within this concept a window of opportunity for humanity to beat them at their own game and to once again hold the future in the hands of the people. Indeed the seeds of control are potentially sowing the seedlings of freedom. What a time to be alive eh?

I really appreciate both your great points and support .. Thanks again!!

True. Same goes for the BlockCHAIN. Which can either liberate humanity or completely enslave it by allowing the All Seeing Eye to monitor and tax every single thing we do.
Infact some suspect Bitcoin was released as bait, to then sabotage it making it unusable (Bitcoin Core) and give us a crypto they control.
The interNET is already a lost cause and has been turned into another instrument of control (search engines and social media are now completely rigged), but there's hope for blockchain yet. For example your post would never be trending on regular social media, but it is rightfully trending here on Steem as it is community curated in a decentralized way. How long this will last I don't know.
All new systems of control attract new users first with the positives....and then the negatives get injected in only later. I'm a bit concerned about some censorship ideas the developer Sneak wants to bring to the Steem ecosystem:

Hey my friend and yes great points that concur with my own beliefs on these matters. Have you ever looked into the work of Richard Stallman and his free open source software projects (Gnu project)? Obviously this is just the work of Stallman and an opensource group of hackers/coders but it gives fascinating insight into what could be acheived if there was the will and and organised collective behind it.

I'm with you on the perspective that the cryptospace has sowed a seed of thought in the minds of the masses that could be manipulated in the future. But equally like you also say "All new systems of control attract new users first with the positives" and so there has existed a window of opportunity for people to make considerable amounts of money from said new system. Several people have actually ploughed that money into making further decentralised systems and there is also a crossover between the concept of "truth" and cryptos. Indeed there are many people involved in the crypto space that are hearing information they would never have normally listened to. It's my belief that this could have been a miscalculation and the entire concept of decentralisation combinded with truth is spreading faster than the powers that be comprehended. Certainly this is a technological race to the finish line!

Ultimately the future direction of humanity will simply come down to how much we want to reclaim our freedom? Indeed this world could change tomorrow if enough people wanted it to be so. We're the ones with the power in our hands, we just need to find a way to make those that have forgotten remember this fact. Too long have people been made to feel weak, powerless and isolated, this is a misperception that has trickled down into the subconscious.

"All new systems of control attract new users first with the positives....and then the negatives get injected in only later."

An excellent point and you can use the capitalist model (and of course the internet) as a prime example of the vaidity of that statement. When you look back at the sweetners the first generations in said capitalist model were given it's certainly a far cry from the system we now live under, the term "boiling frogs" springs to mind.

Ultimately one of the main problems is that many of us want the same things but are simply divided on the finer details and ways to achieve these aims. We need to stop arguing amongst ourselves and infating our ego's over details, this is akin to re-arranging the deckchairs on the Titanic and it does little to help us. With the best will in the world we all prisoners of perception and life experience and so we all have slightly different interpretations of the truth. But if at it's most simplistic core the "truth" is that the majority of us want a world based on love, respect, fairness and equality, well then that's an intent and collective intent is a powerful force. Unfortunately it's aso a force that has been stolen from us through division and the electronic thought ghettos of mainstream social media.

Joining steemit and finding an avenue to write, comment and interact with people like yourself has given me a renewed hope for the direction of humanity and long may it continue!!

Thank you for the link @lavater I was unaware of this so I will take a good look at it.

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