**Natural milled cane water and delicious and delicious cakes in the mouth /Air Tebu giling alami dan kue-kue yg lezat dan nikmat di mulut**

in #esteem7 years ago

The natural sugar cane which is squeezed in its water which produces sweet drinking water makes our panties fresh.

In add with some delicious culinary culinary Aceh, with delicious and delicious cane water and pastries so much captivated buyers want to taste it.

  • Indonesia:
    Batang tebu alami yg di peras air nya yg menghasilkan air minum yg manis membuat teronggokan kita menjadi segar.

    Di tambahkan dengan beberapa kuliner kue khas Aceh yang lezat, dengan kelezatan dan kenikmatan air tebu dan kue-kue sehingga banyak terpikat hati pembeli ingin mencicipinya.
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**Thanks a lot of esteemed steemit friends wherever you are who always follow and vote # @ ariefseregar thank you very much.🙏
Terimakasih banyak teman teman steemit yg terhormat di mana pun anda berada yg sudah senantiasa follow and vote #@ariefseregar terimakasih banyak😊🙏

If you can succeed young age why should wait for old

Kalau bisa sukses usia muda kenapa harus nunggu tua

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