
in #esteem6 years ago

Why Should Departing Morning to Seek Sustenance?

By Muchlisin BK

One adab looking for sustenance is leaving early in the morning.

In some books fadhail a'mal or at targhib wa at tarhib, the suggestion of early morning in the search for sustenance is listed in separate chapters.

Why go early in the morning to seek sustenance? Here is the words of the Prophet and the evidence behind the suggestion.

From Shakhr bin Wada'ah al Ghamidi ash Shahabi radhiyallahu 'anhu, that the Messenger of Allaah sallallahu' alaihi wasallam said:

اللهم بارك لأمتى فى بكورها

"O Allah, bless my people in the morning." (Narrated by Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi, An Nasa'i and Ibnu Hibban; shahih lighairihi)

Shakhr added,

وكان إذا بعث سرية أو جيشا بعثهم فى أول النهار

And when he sends troops or war soldiers, he dispatches them early in the morning.

Suggestions early in the morning looking for sustenance based on the habit of the Prophet (hadith fi'li) as well as the prayer of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam it (hadith qauli).

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam has prayed for the blessing of the morning for his people. So in the search for sustenance, we are encouraged to start early in the morning. When explaining the hadith, some scholars also reminded that sleep in the morning after dawn makruh law.

The blessing of the morning that is then pursued by many Muslims since the generation of friends. The Prophet himself exemplifies, he used to dispatch troops in the morning.

Shakhr who narrated this hadith has also proved that leaving early in the search for sustenance produces a remarkable blessing. Shakhr is a businessman. He always dispatches his belongings starting at dawn so he becomes rich and his treasure is barakah.

Scientifically, starting or leaving early in the search for sustenance has a number of positive impacts.

First, get up early to make the body more fresh because it can enjoy the relatively clean morning air from pollution, oxygen obtained more. It is impossible for a person to mingle in the morning to seek sustenance without getting up earlier.

Second, the performance of the brain becomes optimal when someone started the activity since morning. In the morning the brain becomes more refreshed because it has rested. Therefore some books such as Be Student Idol recommend learning time in the morning. Train the brain. And indeed, the activity of seeking sustenance is also part of the learning process. Because there is no work but requires the ability of the brain and creativity.

Third, according to neurologist from Rockefeller University, Ilia Karatsoreos PhD, the time span between 7-9 am is the optimal time to create or strengthen relationships with the most important people. If we are a businessman, marketing or working anywhere that interacts with others, 7 - 9 is the right time to multiply

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