Being right

in #esteem6 years ago

Righteousness is a poor standard for producing success. Everyone’s
experience of money is his or her own creation.

This is good news

This is good news for those with the knowledge and willingness to examine their unconscious beliefs and attitudes about themselves and about money
that are the causative factors in their experience of money. A lean
purse is more easily cured than endured. For example, if you think
rich people are evil, then you are right. But there is more to it than
that. Loyalty to this belief attracts to you evidence that proves it true
and filters out contradictory evidence. The same is true if you believe that money is hard to come by, scarce, or will corrupt you.
This self-confirming dynamic also works for your opinions about
yourself. If you believe you are lazy and worthless, for example,
then you will tend to waste your time watching television, an activity
that serves to confirm the belief that motivated it. Every act is a selfdefining act. The impulse to improve is built into all of us; wanting
to change doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you.



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