Beet kvass - a healing balm for women!

in #esteem6 years ago

Excellent prevention of female cancer. He also cleanses the body of toxins. Kidneys are released from stones, intestines from putrefactive fermentations, vessels from closures, and the liver from all unnecessary.
And why buy expensive drugs, if there is such an inexpensive way to cleanse the body?

There are two main ways to prepare beet kvass: yeast and yeast.

The bezdozhzhevoy way, obviously, is more ancient, but at the same time even longer: kvass will be ready in three - five days. With the yeast method, kvass will be ready in a day - two. True, this kind of kvass is more suitable as a soft drink.

1 way.


500 gr beets
3 liters of water
50 grams of rye bread
10 g yeast
100 g of sugar
Raw beetroot thoroughly rinse, clean, cut into thin slices and dry in the oven. Then pour a small amount of hot water (so that the water only covers the beets) and cook until ready. Broth pour, add the remaining boiled water (the resulting broth should be pleasantly warm), put the black bread, sugar, yeast and leave for 1-2 days in a warm place for fermentation. Then let the kvass drain and cool.

Beets left from quenching, used for cooking other dishes.

2 way.


1 beetroot (large)
2 liters of water (boiled cold or purified)
4 tablespoons sugar
1 rye bread (crust of bread)
Peeled beets finely chopped or cut, put in a glass jar, pour boiled water, add sugar and a crust of rye bread. Cover the can with gauze, and leave to ferment for 3 days. After that, kvass filter, pour into bottles, cork and cool