How to Make a Bag from a Simple Sterile Fabric Without a Sewing Machine
Creating hand-made crafts from the fabric can bring many advantages lho. Especially if we use materials that are usually not used and only discarded. Of course we will get a greater advantage because the material can certainly be obtained with cheap or even free.
Well, one of the handicraft materials that we can use is a patchwork. You know what a patchwork is? You know, the stitching fabric that is usually shaped pieces of cloth and rarely used.
Well, because it is rarely used, now we try to be creative by making a patchwork into a purse and wallet yuk. Prepare the first equipment and materials needed yes, the note is under kok, all the steps you have to do.
- Tools and materials
A thin wind foam for the inside
Sewing thread
Ornament bags, can ribbons, buttons, and others
How to Make a Handbag from a Fabric Cloth
Create a handbag pattern on a paper first.
Cut a patchwork to have the same size, then stitch it by sewing.
Once the patchwork is put together into a wide sheet of cloth, the cloth scissors follow the pattern you have previously prepared. Extend about 2 cm from the pattern size to the crease.
Put the wind foam on the cloth, then sew the sides of the sides.
Create a rope using a patchwork, adjust the size to an existing pattern. Cover with wind, then sew and attach it to the bag.
Attach zippers and decorative bags to beautify the bag you make.
The handbag from the patchwork is ready for you to use.