EGO put(အတၱကုိေရွ႕တန္းမတင္ပါနဲ႕)

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

D like to hear a concept does not apply
Notions largely wrong
I can not
The problem can not
His notions largely scathing
When the critics are right
Nobody can be pleased
Just ideas
When others have not satisfied
I'd like to hear complaints
I'd like to hear people
The law is largely the lips talking
Heart does not always easy to apply effective
, I'd like to hear
The lack of having 'd like to hear the face
I'd like to hear among the people,
Tons, mutual
Many assets, society
between hot burning
Why Increase People are greedy,
Anger started to grow, ignorance
Longer seen largely hosting ..

The lack of love'd like to hear
The lack of I
I owned I owned King
Nice Nice right
I put forward the right self submited
heat likely
human heat 0 largely
The only concern, I get wrong
I have the right, in fact
Such convictions itself is wrong

This bigot has taken the country
Organizations can be destroyed
Family, brothers, sisters, wives, friendships
Swe, his girlfriend, fellow
If one can destroy
The person that will be placed on
Mutual values, Body, mind,
Itself without haste
He was matched with human thyroid
I can not tell a person ......
လူဆုုိတာ ကုုိယ္နဲ႔အယူအဆ မတူတုုိင္း
သူမ်ားအယူအဆေတြကုုိ မွားတယ္လုုိ႕
သူ႕အယူအဆေတြကုုိ ပက္ပက္စက္စက္
ေ၀ဖန္တုုိက္ခုုိက္တဲ့အခါ မွားသည္ မွန္သည္
အသာထား ဘယ္သူမွေက်နပ္ၾကမွာ

တကယ္ေတာ့ လူေတြက ကုုိ္ယ္ခ်င္းစာ
တရားေတြကုုိ ပါးစပ္ဖ်ားမွာေျပာေနၾကတာပါ
ၾကပါဘူး၊ တကယ္ ကုုိယ္ခ်င္းစာတရား
ရွိျခင္း၊မရွိျခင္းဆုုိတာ ကုုိယ္တုုိင္ႀကံဳရမွ
သိတတ္ၾကတာပါ၊လူေတြရဲ႕ၾကားမွာ ကုုိယ္
မွုုေတြ မ်ားစြာလုုိအပ္ပါတယ္၊လူ႕အဖြဲ႕အစည္း
ေတြၾကားမွာ ဘာလုုိ႕ ေသာကအပူမီးေတြ
ႀကီးထြားလာၾကတာလဲ၊ လူေတြက ေလာဘ၊
ေဒါသ၊ေမာဟ ေတြႀကီးထြားလာၾကေတာ့
လူကုုိ လူလုုိ႕လည္းမျမင္ႏုုိင္ၾကေတာ့ပါဘူး..

ေမတၱာကင္းမဲ့ ကုုိယ္ခ်င္းစာတရားေတြ
ကင္းမဲ့လာၾကပါတယ္ ငါသာလွ်င္​ အရွင္
ငါသာလွ်င္ဘုုရင္ သူပုုိင္တယ္ ငါပုုိင္တယ္
သူေတာ္တယ္ ငါေတာ္တယ္ သူမွန္တယ္
ငါမွန္တယ္ အတၱေတြေရွ႕တန္းတင္ၿပီး
နဂုုိကမွ ေသာကအပူမီးေတြ မ်ားပါတယ္
ဆုုိတဲ့လူ႕ဘ၀ကုုိ အပူေသာကေတြ ပုုိမ်ား
လာေအာင္ လုုပ္ေနၾကပါတယ္၊ငါမမွားဘူး
ငါမွန္တယ္၊စသည္ျဖင့္ တကယ္ေတာ့
အဲဒီလုိခံယူခ်က္ေတြကုိယ္တုိင္က မွားေန

ဒီလုိတစ္ယူသန္မွုေတြက ႏုိင္ငံတစ္ခုကုိ
လည္းဖ်က္ဆီးႏုိင္သလုိ အဖြဲ႕အစည္း
လူတစ္ေယာက္အေပၚထားရွိရမယ့္ အျပန္
အလွန္တန္ဘုိးထားမွု၊ ကုိယ္ခ်င္းစာတရား၊
မရွိရင္ သူ႕ဟာသူဘာႀကီးပဲျဖစ္ေနျဖစ္ေန
သူ႕ကုိ လူ႕အသုိင္းနဲ႕ကုိက္ညီေသာ
MSU 042



အဂၤလိပ္​လိုပါ ​ေရးႏိုင္​တာ ​ေကာင္​းလိုက္​တာ

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