Toleransi Antar Umat Beragama

in #esteem7 years ago

Toleransi Antar-Umat Beragama Masih Terawat di Aceh

Aceh sejak dulu dikenal kota toleran. Bahkan, ketika era kerajaan pun, Aceh terkenal dengan kota toleransi dengan umat beragama lainnya.

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Sebagian jemaat terlihat sibuk mengikuti ibadah Jumat Agung di gedung berlantai dua di Pusong, Kecamatan Banda Sakti, Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh, pada hari Jumat 30/3/2018.

Perayaan Jumat Agung berlangsung khidmat. Jemaat khusuk memanjatkan doa. Di depan gedung itu terdapat deretan warung kopi dan kafe yang dikunjungi warga Muslim. Mereka terlihat santai dan tak terganggu sedikit pun dengan kegiatan keagamaan itu.

Kepala Bagian Operasi Polres Lhokseumawe Komisaris Ahzan menyatakan, untuk serangkaian perayaan Jum'at Agung kali ini polisi menurunkan 53 personel pengamanan. Pihak kepolisian memastikan perayaan Jum'at Agung berlangsung aman dan damai.

Jalinan toleransi Istiqlal - Katedral


Harmonisasi antar umat beragama pun terlihat di Jakarta. Umat muslim yang hendak melaksanakan ibadah shalat Jumat mulai memenuhi kawasan Masjid Istiqlal sejak pukul 11.00 WIB, Sementara umat Katolik yang hendak mengikuti ibadah Jumat Agung juga sudah mulai memenuhi Gereja Katedral.

Sholat Jum'at yang dimulai pukul 12.00 WIB diawali dengan suara Adzan sementara ibadah Jumat Agung yang waktunya juga sama, diawali dengan kidung-kidung dari para jemaat. Meski bersamaan, namun tak ada perasaan terganggu di antara keduanya.

Tak ada protes dari umat Katolik ketika suara adzan terdengar hingga lingkungan gereja. Begitupun Umat Muslim tak memprotes kidung-kidung jemaat yang dilantunkan saat adzan berkumandang.

Jalinan toleransi Istiqlal - Katedral membentang puluhan tahun sejak keduanya berdiri. Keduanya bahkan sengaja dirancang berdampingan. Istiqlal - Katedral bukan sekadar bangunan. Mereka oase pengharapan yang memancar di jantung Jakarta, yang akan selalu menjadi pengingat umat beragama untuk terus merengkuh damai di atas segala perbedaan.

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Religious Interfaith Tolerance Still Takes Care in Aceh

Aceh has long been known for its tolerant city. In fact, when the era of the kingdom, Aceh is famous for the city of tolerance with other religious communities.

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Some congregations look busy following the Good Friday service in a two-storey building in Pusong, Banda Sakti Sub-district, Lhokseumawe City, Aceh, on Friday 30/3/2018.

The celebration of Good Friday is solemn. The solemn congregation prayed. In front of the building is a row of coffee shops and cafes visited by Muslims. They seemed relaxed and undisturbed with the religious activities.

Head of Operations Section of Lhokseumawe Police Commissioner Ahzan said, for a series of celebrations on Friday, the police took down 53 security personnel. The police ensure that the celebration of Jum'ah Agung is peaceful and peaceful.

Tolerance of Istiqlal - Cathedral


Harmonization among religious people was seen in Jakarta. Muslims who want to perform the Friday prayers began to meet the Istiqlal Mosque since at 11.00 pm, while the Catholics who want to follow the Good Friday service has also started to meet the Cathedral Church.

Friday prayers starting at 12.00 WIB begins with the voice of the Adhan while the Good Friday service is also the same time, beginning with the hymns of the congregation. At the same time, there was no disturbance between the two.

There were no protests from Catholics when the call to prayer was heard to the church environment. Likewise Muslims do not protest the hymns of the congregation sung when adzan reverberate.

The tapestry of tolerance of the istiqlal - the cathedral stretches decades since they both stood. Both are even deliberately designed side by side. Istiqlal - The cathedral is not just a building. They are an oasis of hope radiated in the heart of Jakarta, which will always be a reminder of religious people to continue to embrace peace above all differences.

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