Some Various Traditional and Traditional Ice Drinks

in #esteem7 years ago

Indonesia is known as a tropical country with high humidity that often makes people easily thirsty and sweaty. So no wonder, many cold drinks appear. Not just modern nuances, there are also various traditional cold drinks that have become a culinary wealth and present since decades. Although old school, various drinks are still a target for thirst release to date.

Teler ice


Who does not know this ice drink. Es-teler is very popular among the people because it feels that make a jazzy so delicious. Various stuffing like avocado pieces, jackfruit, coconut, and cincau smothered in coconut milk, sweetened condensed milk, and extra ice cubes, ice runs are easy to find everywhere, some even picked up as a restaurant brand.

Ice Admiral Rampage


One more beverage from Riau who use kweni fruit, ice rear admiral. Unique to its name, this drink is inspired by a raging admiral in the mangrove garden of kweni because his wife is having an affair with the owner of the garden. The number of mangoes that fell was taken by the surrounding community and made a drink with coconut milk and sugar water. This one ice drink has a savory blend of coconut milk and sweetness of sugar water, coupled with sweet-wry mango kweni, of course it feels like "tantrum" in the mouth.

Ice Banana Ijo


Ice drink origin of Makassar is indeed quite popular. Banana ijo ice is made from green planted banana from rice flour dough, kanji starch, coconut milk, and water of suji leaf. This ijo banana is served with marrow porridge, ice, red syrup, and sweetened condensed milk. Because of the many components that are served, ijo banana ice is enough to make full. In addition to ijo banana ice, there is also ice hammer butung from the same area. The difference, ice hammer butung not wrapped in green skin dough.

Ice Red Beans


Red beans are often made savory serving like soup, but so the ice drink is no less interesting to try. In Indonesia there are two versions of red beans, red beans Palembang and red beans Manado. The difference between these two areas is the use of sweetened condensed milk in the area of ​​Manado, while Palembang uses red cocopandan syrup as a sweetener. But of course, the soft, legit, and sweet red beans are the key to the delicacy of this ice dish. Both types of red bean ice are very easy to find in Manado restaurants or typical pempek stalls Palembang.

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