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RE: Seduction or abuse? Is seducing someone ethical or is it manipulation?

in #ethics7 years ago

Are there methods to recall memories suppressed by hypnotism?

This is a hard topic, i dont think there is any true answer. Its good food for thought for sure. To me this starts to boil down to the general question of free will. Without going down that black hole though, this questuon of the ethicality of seduction is directly addressed by consent culture. With the idea of consent the call and response of seduction is made a bit more transparent, and with pauses for acknowledgement before taking next steps. With out being aware of what the other person wants or feels, and only caring for your own wants is of course manipulative.


As far as I know, a person can go into a trance and tune stuff out and yes suggestion from a hypnotist can make precise details of a conversation vague. This happens all the time. If you ever went into a trance while in a car talking to someone, or if you ever listen to music or watch movies, trance induction happens all the time.

If you listen to a song, and the song tells you to go on a killing spree, and you go do it, then you can't sue the song writer saying they hypnotized you with their lyrics even if the song could put a person into a mental suggestive state or even a trance. So to answer your question, it's extremely hard or perhaps impossible to know what a person does or doesn't remember. Perhaps a lie detector test?

There are questions too. In hypnosis in order to get that deep into a trance a person has to trust the hypnotist and go along with it. The direct method of hypnosis doesn't work on a person who doesn't go along with it. This is why it's very difficult to know.

In my opinion, based on all I know of hypnosis, it cannot be done without consent. It is possible to give consent enough to go along with it, and then the memory loss part cause you to not even remember clearly. In that case even if there was somehow consent it seems very stupid for any hypnotist to then say to the person being hypnotized that you should not remember it.

Wouldn't they want them to remember it so as to be sure they have continued giving consent?

On consent, not sure what consent culture is. Can you define this for me?

Consent for sex is required. Consent for seduction is something no one seems to ask for. People are just seducing one another. The question is should these people seek consent and would that make it ethical?

Consent not being a part o seduction in popular culture is a lot of what the "Consent culture" idea focuses on. It makes the claim that consent should be a part of seduction, not just sex.

here is a short blog post about it.