EU Compliance Laws Around CBD – The Legal Bit

in #europe4 years ago


Okay, deep breath, we’re about to get into some technical legal stuff that we’re going to try really (like properly really) hard to avoid making sound boring, but as always with this kind of thing, it is far from a guarantee, so let’s take a look at EU compliance laws around CBD.

If you’ve bought CBD dry flower from us, you’ll have probably seen a bit at the bottom of the page under legal that speaks of three things that we comply with, the US Farm Bill (find out more about that here) and two more, The European Regulation-Delegate-n.-639-2014 and The European Regulation n. 1307/2013.

Now, that all sounds very official, but what exactly does it mean? That’s what we’re here to discuss, and it’s going to be a true test of this writer’s ability to keep you interested. So as a deal, here’s what we’ll do. If you stick by us to the end, then we’ll link to a video of something cute for you. Granted, you could just jump to the last word and do that anyway, we wouldn’t know, but you would. You’d know.

What Does this Legal Jargon Mean?
Straight up, that’s the question, isn’t it? We could make it sound smarter or posher, but that’s not what we’re about.

These regulations cover various things, but when it comes to CBD, it covers two particularly important things, payments to farmers, and THC content in CBD products.

Basically, the first thing means that we pay our growers fairly, in fact, we pay them well, we make sure of it, it was one of the very first things we put in place when it came to embarking on this long and winding road (try and get that song out of your head, readers over 40) that is Plant & Hemp. We are dedicated to being ethical at every level, and that starts with making sure those who aid us in the growing of our products are rewarded handsomely for their work.

THC Content in EU Compliance Laws Around CBD
Part two is also pretty simple to be fair. Amongst all the legal jargon that you’ll find if you follow the links under our product descriptions, lies a simple rule, any CBD product cannot contain more than 0.2% THC in dry form. This law originally focused on hemp fibre production, but it’s also come into use for CBD since the revolution of the last few years that we have all enjoyed in various ways.

What this essentially means is that as long as merchants comply with this 0.2% THC maximum, then their products are legal for sale to almost every European country (there’s an exception or two, such as Slovakia, where THC is illegal even in trace amounts, similarly to Japan. We have an article on Japanese law here, and you can expect one on Slovakia soon).

So what does it mean for us? Basically, it means that in order to put those links on our pages, we have to comply with the EU regulation that ensures a THC content of no more than 0.2% in any of our CBD products, and that’s exactly what we do.

We’ve mentioned this before, we always make it clear, because we believe in full transparency. Some of our products do contain trace amounts of THC due to the broad spectrum CBD we use for those who believe in the Entourage Effect.

These trace amounts of THC are always labelled, and they never go above the EU standard, because our products come from EU approved industrial hemp plants, something else that EU compliance laws around CBD ensure.

And that’s basically it, we pay our farmers, we ensure our THC traces stay below the expected amount, and by doing that, we comply with EU compliance laws around CBD.

Compliance is important to us, because we know it’s important to you. We know it takes a lot to earn trust in an industry that many are still suspicious of, and we want to ensure you always feel safe and secure when dealing with us.

And, because you’ve stayed with us through this, which we accept is not the most fun article we’ve ever put together, here are some guinea pigs in costumes.



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