Is evolution theory a weapon against the Creator [EN]

in #evolution7 years ago (edited)

Is evolution theory a weapon against the Creator?

The following days, will be a time of Christmas, when Christians will experience a new Christmas, and on this occasion I have prepared a topic about whether believers in one of the religious doctrines can at the same time recognise the existence of the theory of evolution? Is evolution a weapon against the Creator?

Most of us should associate the theory of evolution with an outstanding figure ** by Charles Darwin****. This is not without reason, since it is precisely for him that the creator of the theory of evolution has been awarded the title of the creator of evolutionary theory, and all this mainly thanks to the greatest work **_ "About the creation of genres" _****

(short biography of Darwin)

Charles Darwin, born on 12 February 1809 in Shrewsbury (England)
In his youth Darwin had the opportunity to encounter different approaches to religion. His family was mostly in favour of nonconformist unitarianism, Darwin's father and grandfather were nonconformist; however, Darwin's father and grandfather were free thoughtful, and Darwin himself was baptized in the Anglican Church (the Anglican spirit was also permeated by the boarding school he attended). When he went to Cambridge, where he was to become an Anglican clergyman, he did not doubt his literal understanding of the Bible. He learned the teachings of John Herschel, who, like William Paley's natural theology, sought to explain the laws of nature rather than miracles. Herschel considered the adaptation of species as a teleological argument. On board HMS Beagle Darwin was quite orthodox, quoting the Bible as a moral authority and looking for "centres of creation".

When in 1831 Charles went on a scientific expedition to study animal species in other parts of the world, a multitude of skeletons of extinct species were found on one of the islands.In a gigantic extinct lazy lazivica, almost complete skeleton of an unknown Scelidotherium and a large (similar to a hippopotamus skull), a rodent-like skull of an animal called Toxodon, resembling a gigantic capibarium. Apart from that, his attention was particularly focused on birds, Darwin's special attention, attracted 15 varieties of chaffin species, which initially seemed to him to be a completely unknown bird species - this is also why the name Darwin chaffinch comes from. When Charles returned home from the expedition to analyze all the collected "data", he understood that many of the animal species he had then found were very similar to each other in many aspects. After this discovery, the biologist began to think about God's creation, asking how it makes sense for God to create so many animals that are slightly different from each other; _ What has become the reason, in turn, for further reflection and critical consideration of the Bible.....

Theory of evolution ≠ creationism?

In the 21st century, we can see a dispute between creationists and evolutionaryists. The battlefields are mainly public education places - such as schools and mass media. The question is whether believers can be a darvinist?

For many years now science has been struggling with the problem of the immediate creation of animals proposed by religion. So how can we resolve this conflict? No one today should doubt the fact that an animal evolutionary process is taking place. Therefore, observing the world of science as there are many misunderstandings connected with evolution, the world of science admonishes to write about evolution exactly as it is, without adding anything from one another, i. e. the theory of evolution is a natural mechanism that explains how species are gradually evolving, but it does not explain how life was born on Earth, nor how the process of evolution itself was created.

Hence, in this field, there is also the voice of the Church, who states that evolution is an unquestionable fact today, but it was the Almighty Creator who had the power to adapt this world and to choose the appropriate fixed physical constants to enable the existence of life in the Universe (such as cosmological constancy or the speed of light).

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