It Would Be Nice if You Didn't Bother Me For Upvotes and Follows on My Facebook

in #facebook7 years ago (edited)

I'm not trying to be some kind of Steemit cop. I don't even flag spammers in my own comments. I'm sensitive to the fact many of these people are less advantaged and just looking to make sorely needed income to improve their lives with. Me too, though I'm doing it from a first world country, so I'm already ahead of the game and fully conscious of that disparity.

For that reason I am not as viscerally bothered as some by follow and upvote begging. The other side of it may be cultural, as I've discussed before. At any rate if there's any confusion about the matter, let me clarify; it is considered bad manners to outright solicit follows and upvotes.

In the comments of an article of theirs you didn't read, certainly. But also taking it to their Facebook! I am sure it must seem like a tempting way to snag the ear of dolphins and whales, but it will have the opposite of the effect you want. They are likely to avoid you because of it.

My Facebook is accessible from Steemit not for the purpose of Steemians contacting me to ask that I follow and upvote them. It's because when you're a professional author, you need a social media presence to reach a wide audience and it needs to be accessible everywhere your writing is, so people can find more of it.

It's not a place to approach me asking that I upvote or follow you. It's where I do stuff like negotiating translations of my work into other languages, collaborating with other authors and interacting with fans. I do not want it to become as cluttered with "Waow intredastig artical Hello yes pls upvote and follow my blog beautiful thanks friend" type messages as my comments usually are.

I probably will never be in enough of a critical, punitive mood to start flagging stuff like that. I know other people often do. I hope it's just a matter of waiting out the adjustment period. Otherwise, it would seem that Steemit's explosion into the international space is going to be our Eternal September.



I'm upvoting and commenting on your most posts since last few weeks.. Even in this posting.. Only one time you reward and reply me.. I thought that maybe you are a proud person or my upvote is not worth enough for you.. But I never bother you for asking upvotes.. I think that if you like my comment, definitely will reward me.. But I have few suggestions for you..
I think you reward only the best comments in 100% weight.. But you can give some 10%, 5%, 3%, 1% rewards for others.. If you have a free, replay them.. Then they will be happy.. I think you, me and all depending on upvoters... Without them we can't carry on.. This only my suggestion.. You can do whatever you like..

You are free to flag, even more. It would be healthy if you did. If not for you for the other steemians. It gives a precedent even if small. Small precedents create laws, that's jurisprudence.
I only ask of you spoilers and hints to the plot. Because sometimes am impatient. Is a bad habit.

Oh dude don't even stress. You are one of my favorites.

Hmm. How about spread eagle pictures of me on my back? Would that be okay to PM you on facebook with? Plz respond.

Also, maybe it's just me but I always love when you make a post talking about this subject of spamming and begging for follows/upvotes and there's always at least 2-3 comments right away after you post doing exactly what you're talking about, lol.

Don't you dare @deadspace!
That is exactly like asking for upvotes and resteems.

The main issue is....the ones that do it....don't read this. :) We I guess flaging would be a more effective way to go. Then again...who is talking. :D I havent flaged so far....but I also don't have that much spam in my comments. Partly cuz I super rarely upvote comments on my blog (I only do it when no time to read blogs, so I just toss em the comment section). I rather give upvotes to blog content....I have been told this is a mistake on my side....but the way I look at it....if there is no free food on my blog, there is no "im hungry line" either. I want you to comment on my blog cuz u feel like it...not cuz I will upvote your comment. If people decide not to comment cuz of this...then I dont want em as my readers.

Yes you are right from your point of view. But how do we survived without your upvotes and support. You know friend in my blog I can get very little upvote and little rewards in my post, from which I felt very bad, I not saying that I am a wonderful writer, but if you people upvote some time then, the working spirit increase. I know that for reach in the peak we should have walk from foot of the mountain. But sometimes if you get some chocolates,it will be very nice gift for me. Thanks for the valuable post. By the way how are you doing? Please take care of yourself friend I wish you good luck good health and happiness, Happy steeming.

LoL there is a line in the sand, dont get creepy folks. Haha

There's always a limit to how much someone can handle because they take action. It is pretty damn annoying when people demand upvotes and follows , I mean is it wrong to flag them ?! In my opinion it's not because how will they learn ?

Yeah demanding is a bit much. haha.. ill get a few copy and paste comments on multi posts but i just ignore the others and if i liked the first one thats what you get, i dont like spam. If it is every comment it will get flagged. Haha.

The pungent aroma of Steemit lucre wafted airily from the wallet of @alexbeyman.

Little did he realize, but the bloodhound trolls of the blockchain had sniffed him out and would soon descend to pester and irritate. They would not relent.

He pleaded and reasoned, to no avail. So great is the powerful lure of the lucre. So corrupt is the heart of man. And, so it ever shall be.

Teach me your wizard secrets at once

Boldly, he strode forward, with fire in his eyes. Alex showed no fear.

With head held high, he began the journey which would haunt him until the end of his days. His quest for wizard secrets, innocently begun, would soon tumble down the rabbit hole....

Fair warning to You. Those who foolishly treat with The Shambling Blasphemy are marred in the process. The mind is a delicate thing, and once exposed to The Corrupting Knowledge, It cannot be "unseen" or "unlearned".

So, measure twice and cut once. There is no return once You cross the Rubicon.

I know where you're coming from, I had lots find me on facebook doing the same lol

Most newbies still don't get it, but I believe none of them are trying to be intentionally annoying or anything.

They just want results.

But yo... .that shit don't work.

Everyone, take it from me: I've been blogging for over 6 years and I started wrongly. I chased results. It made me tired and unhappy.

Do it cause you love it and want to help others. Forget the results. It's paradoxical, but it works, way more than chasing the results.

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