Facebook and Media Censorship

in #facebook7 years ago

Facebook has deleted my account for the second time in two weeks.

Apparently I stand out too much in the crowd. This censorship isn't only on platforms such as YouTube now. This society is becoming one big fuck up where people are afraid to voice their opinions and to actually think for themselves instead of being a good little sheep who always does what she/he is told. If you don't fit in with corporate goals and conform to the system of slavery and censorship, you are immediately marked as a problem.

Few people seem to remember that America was a terrorist organization to the British Empire only a few years ago. We were founded on a society of freedom and freedom of speech yet this was massively fucked up beyond all recognition with the formation of national government. Uncle Sam is a big pointing finger telling you that you better do as you are told or else we will put you in a cage. The political standards controlled by all the major media on television, radio and the censored internet is a burning ship where the only option is suicide or to invoke the ocean which will inevitably end in a gasp of air and the intake of salty water.

The world is becoming one big catastrophe or either it has been for a very long time now. As Alan Watts said, and I'm paraphrasing here, there exists a common mode of thinking that we have to beat nature into submission instead of cooperating along with it. I am inclined to stand with everything Alan Watts has ever said in one of his lectures. Everything becomes a copy of a copy and few people ever try to be their own master and to think for themselves. The ones who do, become martyrs and are silenced. I greatly encourage you to stand out from the crowd and to never let anyone silence you.

Solve et Coagula

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