My sunshine...

in #faith7 years ago (edited)

My son is such and adorable baby. This too cute not to post.

And this is the little story behind this photo:

This was his first airplane ride going to Florida to visit his grandparents. I just can't get enough of this picture. He is such a cutie. He was 4 months old in this photo. The red spot on his cheeks is from eczema. He has a lot of hair when he was newly born until he got this skin problem and it crawls through his head and then he started pulling his hear. It is very hard to see your newborn in pain. I have so many sleepless nights because I keep an eye on him making sure he wont pull out his gloves or else he will wake up bloody skin.

I am a believer in the word of Jesus Christ. I cling to His word. He made promises. I believe in due time He will heal my son from this oppression.

  • Luke 4:18 - The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed.

By faith, my son will get healed. I will claim it. The cursed is already broken. By His stripes my son is already healed - in the name of Jesus!


He will be healed.

God has paid all the price for us.

Get well soon baby boy.
How are you doing?

Amen to that @mrposyble...

Doing very fine here...enjoy your stay in the Philippines.

hello baby kiss cute cute baby

Nagka anam nag ka monster...