NBC Tweets, Embarasses Itself, Deletes Post, Then LIES About It!

in #fakestream7 years ago

It's just like Legacy Media to stick its foot further down its throat than it already is!

I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

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I love watching your shows brian, you are a breath of fresh air! I never got into any mainstream news network.

Short but sweet. The implosion is right on schedule for continuing in 2018.

The lamestream media is a total joke. No credibility...zero.

Just when you think things couldn't get any stranger, Liberalism, well, their perverted version of it, rears it's insane head yet again.

Liberalism, Find a Cure in 2018!

Of course she will run, shes denied it hasn't she? LOL

You know, theres something I dont understand about American politics recently (coming from Australia). How is there such disdain for the president? I have no horse in the race, but over half the country must have voted for him right? and he isn't doing any worse than the others at the start is he? Even the media over here has a note of disdain for him.

I know there were plenty of jokes about Ronald Reagan because he was an actor, but they seemed to be in good fun and not malicious and he did OK (I know, its a matter of opinion) I bet you sure wont catch NBC joking about Oprah, yet she and Trump are both 'reality' stars and actors after a fashion.

Anyway, as per NBC's tweeting shenanigans, you can bet this would be a darling they would love to get behind. After all, anyone can become president not just billionaires...... Oh, wait.

The media had a vested interest in seeing HilLiary win the election. That she lost it to Trump is the reason they are so vocal in their attacks on him.

Yes, well I suppose its a bit much to hope for unbiased reporting when the media is pretty much a monopoly, but still to flagrantly show their bias all the time..... Its not like they are even trying to make it look mildly impartial. How people still believe in this stuff with such fervor is beyond me .... thanks goodness.

Have you watched the ABC lately? They are government owned and yet still push the Left agenda so blatantly and obviously it is not funny! Q&A has become unwatchable and Michael and Virginia in the mornings are enough to put you off life for the day.

(For those who are unaware - ABC = Australian Broadcasting Commission not talking about the ABC America news channel)

Ha! funny you should mention that, I've watched TV rarely for some time now but did manage to catch those two in the morning on the news which I have not done in many months. Whats that all about? giving personal commentary on stories? I thought they were just filling in time but no... they continued to do it (especially Virginia) throughout.
Glad I don't watch it anymore.

I guess they are all as bad as each other these days. You either get what they want you to believe, or what they want you to buy... 'now lets go to bob our tech guru, what can you tell us about the google home bob?" I mean really, I know they want one in every home but that ain't a news story, and I told my Amazon echo that just the other day.... kidding, I would NEVER get one.

Creepy, strange, weird, insane. Pretty much par for the course these days.

A perfect example of why I watch NO mainstream media...at all...ever...never!

Wasn't Oprah hanging on Harvey Weirdstein just before she was speaking out in defense of women?! Wait...what?


Today's media is mostly a brain washing.
I am so happy that almost 15 years ago I quit watching TV because I saw that there was nothing to me there.

I haven't watched network TV in so long

Me neither. 7 years i have only watched what i want when i want.

How people continue to be hypnotized by garbage like NBC is beyond me. Any mainstream new source tells a little truth to lead you straight into the ditch with the lies. I feel that most know this, but fear the implications of standing up to it. Just a bit to far out of the comfort zone. Thanks for working to straighten the mess out @highimpactflix the world is a better place because of your work!

I didn't watch the golden globes live but just so happen to be perusing twitter at the time and man was I laughing when this went down.

I love to watch them shoot themselves and implode.

And hopefully, this will be enough to bring big bad O into the limelight for all her shady work. She is just another establishment tool. Used to control soooo so many weak minds. But I know what she is. And hopefully her time has come to be exposed to the world as the evil, blood sucker she is with all her rapey friends!

Great video as always Brian!