Give them Ten minutes of your day, to learn a lifetime of independence

in #family3 years ago


From the first time I became a mum, I have always felt it important to get the little ones involved in conversation. Carrying them, Babywearing them, cuddling them to sleep, travelling in the car, you name it I would chatter away to them. Talking about what I was doing

“Mummy’s folding the washing”
“Shall we turn left of right”
“Mummy’s stirring the tea”

Or maybe even just walking up the stairs together
“One step, two steps, three steps”

Crikey I must have bored them to sleep, that’s why they all slept so well. Lol

But not only does it help with their communication skills, but they were part of the daily tasks at hand. So as they grew, they began to help with the tasks like loading the washing, unloading the dishwasher. Well until they get to teenagers anyway 😆

Charlie, our youngest who is 3, LOVES to help with everything! . Sometimes it seems like a pain, if I’m
in a rush, but I always remember that those ten minutes of delaying me or toddler frustration , is always worth it because it really does set them up for life by learning to do something independently and wanting to help in future.

One of Charlie’s favourite past times is to help with preparing food. He can already recite pancake ingredients (eggs, flour, milk, and not forgetting our added special ingredient of organic flax seed), he can spread butter on his toast, de-seed peppers, pull out the stalks from mushrooms, fill his own water bottle from the filter and much more.

Since stopping breastfeeding, Charlie is also beginning to want to try different foods. So I am keen for him to help with cooking and hopefully he will continue to enjoy it and be making me some lovely dinners in no time.

So for Christmas we bought him his very own kitchen knife set.

Buy it here >>


The set is very safe and comes with a non slip mat.

Today Bonnie got involved as she wanted to make her own natural face mask. She knew exactly what ingredients she wanted to use: Avocado, lemon and honey


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