How Some People Get to Live 100 Years.

in #family6 years ago


How Some People Get to Live 100 Years.

There are many facts and theories, bandied around about how to live to 100 (AND enjoy it). However practical solutions and meaningful recommendations are generally overlooked.

Way back Aristotle wrote “Luck is the result of a previous action. In this respect, one can also say that happiness and good fortune are the results of previous good actions.” Was he right? Is it all down to luck or can we influence it for better or worse?

Few would dispute that living to become 100 years old is a particularly appealing sort of good fortune. Many would be ready to pay a fortune for such privilege, but contemporary medicine still has major difficulties to extend a man’s life beyond his eighty-fifth birthday.
In the course of the last four decades, scientific studies on longevity have outgrown the status of fringe curiosities. Today, trying to figure out how human beings could live longer occupies a central place in medical research.

No one can modify the genetic characteristics of human beings after their birth, at least for the moment, but researchers agree that we are able to influence other factors that determine longevity.

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Carien van Hest

Some Practical Solutions and Meaningful Recommendations;

These are some of the ways of turning those factors in our favour:
If possible, move to live in an unpolluted area, free of smoke, industrial fallout, and with abundant green areas for relaxation.
Follow your passions. Try to spend a good part of the day outside, cycling, gardening, or simply walking. Live close to friends and see them often. Pursue long-term interests in fields that require continuous learning, skill development, and intellectual concentration.
Eat moderately and seek to maintain a stable weight. Food affects people in various ways and there is no universal formula for youth. In general, it seems that legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fish tend to further essential biochemical processes at the cellular level. Find out which precise diet works best for you by observing how your metabolism reacts to different foods.
Me? Shock horror, I love red meat so what are my chances?
Mind you I do only weigh 10 stone (140 lb).

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There is another aspect that is seldom talked about, that is persistence. When you listen to most 100-year-old people there is behind what they say a very high level of persistence in what they have done throughout their lives.
So how do we develop persistence?

What is needed to develop persistence is time and effort.
First, we have to have a definite purpose, well that we do have, it's enjoying life till we pass 100years.
Are you passionate about it? Without a burning desire, it will be harder to accomplish.

A definite plan, expressed in continuous action.

Many of us are great at making definite plans, but do we continually take action? I’m not a huge fan of setting exact dates for doing tasks in a plan. I think there are often things that come up which causes you to have to adapt and make changes. You need to be flexible to take opportunities that arise.
However, I still think that you need to be constantly moving forward towards your goal. That means carrying out your plans as faithfully as possible. It means planning for each day, week, month and even year. Keep acting upon your plan. You can tweak it from time to time, but your plan must be taking you towards your goal.

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Seek friendly alliances with one or more people who think the same way.
What’s better than planning to live to 100 plus? How about having friends around you with the same desire to live past 100? While having an alliance with one or two people is a good start, why not go further and create a group of about 6 members where you bring together motivated life-stylers to encourage one another.
Together, you’ll be able to help offer solutions to problems that as an individual you may struggle with. Also, by hearing other members’ successes, you should be encouraged as well as learning what they did and apply it to yourself.
So, there you have it, practical and effective ways for you to be “lucky” and enjoy life to 100+. Start implementing them now.


I wouldn't want to live until I'm 100. That would be another 40 years. I don't want to be old for that long. I think few people would want to live for that long.

You are not alone, but it is all about how you think. I am older than you but I still do things I did some 20 years ago and am loving it.