in #familyprotection7 years ago

Just imagine! Kids for cash? An exchange for Federal title funding? When did our kids become collateral? When did our lovely kids become a means of exchange? This is absolutely unacceptable and inhumanely. How can you start trading our children? This kids are loved and cared for by their parents and yet some so called Child Protection Service is busy using our kids for transactions. Is there any sense of humanity in you people? Do you know the worth of a human being? Do you know the cost of nursing, loving a d providing for a child right from birth? Please take just a few minutes to go through this documentary

Bakersfield residents protest alleged corruption in Kern County Child Protective Services:
BAKERSFIELD, Calif. - Bakersfield residents marched and protested against Child Protective Services in Kern County Friday.
Protestors claimed there was corruption in the agency that needs to be brought to light.
The protest took place at the Liberty Bell at the Downtown Bakersfield courthouse.
Organizers said they want to raise awareness to ongoing corruption, including “Kids for Cash”, a program where a foster family takes a child from CPS in exchange for federal title funding.
You can read the original post for yourself as it was culled from:

Living together as a family is a divine orchestration from God for all the members to experience the unconditional love from each member of the family. Question: what happens when this families are separated? Will either of the parties be affected? What's CPS role on Family separation?
CPS is legally kidnapping and abusing them with drugs and other negative vices..... This has to end.
We must all stand up and act like anonymous....
Read about the actions taken by this group....

Some protesters gathered in downtown Knoxville on Saturday night to voice their opinions on children's services.
People with the group called "Anonymous" gathered along Main Street and said they want to educate the pubic about every aspect about adoption. They accused Child Protective Services (CPS) of what they call "legal child trafficking" for the sake of government funding.
They said children are placed into foster care, then later forced into adoption, which denies parents the ability to get their children back.
"There are thousands of families being destroyed every day for the save of Title Four Funding which comes through the Social Security Office, and that number is in the millions of dollars per year," said a woman who goes by "Ms. Anonymous."
The group said they have more plans to protest CPS next year.
Documentary culled from:

Let's all speak you, stand up for the Faith of our Children and families....
We Want to all live together with our kids peacefully... Even if you're not get a mother or a father don't think it won't catach up with you later. It will definitely catch up with you. The time to act is now. Remember what I said on my previous post on how to support @familyprotection

  • Speak Up: silence kills more than poison. You can't continue to keep quiet and expect a change, we are the ones to create the change and this change must begin with you by you speaking up. If you feel as though you're not a victim, relax, it'll catch up with you soon. We all have to take our rightful place by speaking up.
  • Contributing financially to @familyprotection: for every vision, there is a need and an urgency for funds in order to execute the vision. You've got to give your financial support to @familyprotection in order for the vision and mission of this initiative to be executed. I know most of You might say "but I'm not working so I don't have money" question, how about your earnings on its platform "steemit"? You can also support by sending SBDs or STEEM to @familyprotection.
  • Tell everyone about this: getting others to join in the Champaign is a vital part of the whole work. The more populated we are, the more impact we'll make. When everyone speak out, several voices will be heard and CPS will be brought down.. We don't need the agency again.
  • Upvote, comment and Resteem every post With the tag @familyprotection: this will increase the visibility of our actions.
    Stop keeping quite, get to work and never procrastinate.

Let's not procrastinate, the time of action is now. CPS Must be dissolved.
CPS:Stop family Separation
We want to live together in the unique ambience of love

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