@familyprotection - Cutting them off at the pass.

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

After reading a post by @markwhittam, asking folk to come up with new ways to protect families from the CPS, I have been sat rubbing my brow and pondering what could be done.

"Think out-side the box" are the words running through my head.

OK, thinking grenades at hand, lets look at what we can do.

Direct and in-direct actions

For this part of the subject, I am really struggling for answers. Advice comes from personal experience and the only ones I have, are that of my dad's stay at the infamous Beechwood car home. My mum being one level below a Social worker(Although she tells me they get her to do the job of one) and 2 more incidents that I haven't mentioned before.

One of these untold stories I have never had a reason to disclose, until now.

My cousin, who has a child of 5 years-old, was unfortunately infatuated by the child's father. I say unfortunately, because the scum-bag has beaten her on many occasions. There have been many times when I have considered waiting in the shadows and crippling this guy (Whollop! Thud. And into the darkness I would go...).

This would no doubt have saved my cousin a few bruises, but somehow I know that, in the end, it would just cause more trouble. The guy is a crank and his family are the sort that would certainly hold a grudge. It all began some years ago and after My cousin finally stuck to her guns and pressed charges against him, it has finally began to calm down. One of the consequences of this horrible turn of events, was that the social services have had to be informed and since then my cousin has been under there supervision. Now this all happened way before I had ever heard of @familyprotection and at that point, I was completely unaware of the corruption within the Child Welfare system. So it wasn't until the other night that I mentioned this to my mum and curiously asked her how the social services dealt with my cousin/her niece.

I had heard about access meeting with the father and that they had to be supervised by a member of the social services. I had also heard that they had informed my cousin that if she was to see the father outside of the agreed meeting-times, then they would consider taking her daughter into care. As I have said this has all bin and gone, for the most part that is. My cousin is not what you would call 'A perfect mum'. She is no doubt very intelligent and has always been a hard-worker. But my cousin has anger inside her soul from the break-up of her parents and her temperament can be slightly 'wild' from time to time. My cousin is young and still learning to deal with her own turmoil, but I know she will find a happy place one day. Until then, she has her family to rely on and in moments of stress, we can pick up the slack. What else are families for? Hopefully, I have now set the scene and I can proceed to my point in question.

It occurred to me that my cousin is a prime target for the SS(Social services). She smokes, she has an abusive ex-partner, she has a temper(Non-violent, just gobby) and she can be a little untidy(Her car is like a skip on wheels). So why has my cousin been given these allowances, when so many others have had there children taken for much less??? Obviously, I'm not saying that my cousin deserves to have her child taken away. I am just wondering how she has managed to keep the wolves at bay, especially after letting them through the front door. So that is exactly what I asked my mum the other day.

Rebel Dan: "Mum, how has xxxx managed to stop the social workers taking her daughter? She has pushed the line a few times and from what I have read, she is easy prey for the care-system."

Rebel Mum: "She tells them what to do"

Rebel Dan: "Eh?"

Rebel Mum: " She gives them a rollocking whenever she spots a mistake and when they ignore her, she goes above there heads and reports it to the manager. She once had him questioning his staff in front of her and they were told to re-write a report that my cousin had put before them" (They had made false comments about what her Mum had said and xxxx was demanding that they correct it immediately).


Take the bull by the horns, as they say. If you have to deal with the social services it seems a good idea to mark your territory as soon as they come into view. Make sure they record things correctly and make it your duty double-check that they have done this(Some of the SS will exaggerate or even lie to make their lives easier, so beware). If this is not done then I would personally take it straight to there superior and raise concerns(Maybe even ask for the social worker to be supervised or retrained before she visits again). You do not need to be aggressive while doing this and it will pay you to be prepared, so you don't get sidetracked or fail to get the point across.


This point I can not stress enough. Use your phone, or anything else that can record audio. You don't have to be secretive and it would probably have a greater effect if it was stated at the beginning that you were recording everything to be checked against the notes at a later date. A video is great but slightly OTT to bring out first off. There may be a good reason for the SS coming to visit and if you are someone who struggles then this can sometimes be a helpful service. You should not create an atmosphere of 'you against them'. Be polite, let them know that you are recording and if they ask why, simply say that you have been advised to do so by your friend( I would also add that the 'friend' is some kind of Lawyer or police officer. Give them something to consider before making judgements). Bottom line, you have to take away the power and put yourself on an equal or higher level to the social worker. Align yourself with her superiors and or gain references from people you know that are in places of authority ie Doctor, School teacher. police agent, etc etc.


This part of my advice would have people realise that it is only going to change when we begin to make other options available to vulnerable children and/or their families. Before the welfare system was created, we dealt with adoption much the same as we dealt with education. It was community based and those involved where from the immediate community. This is certainly something we must work towards, but before that can be achieved we mush build the foundations.

Bruce Lee once said that we should be like water. "If you put water into a tea-pot, it become the tea-pot". So to be the child welfare state we must be like them. I don't mean that we should simply build a system parallel to theirs. They wouldn't allow it to exist and if they did it would be oppressively regulated, much like home-schooling is. What I mean is that we should do what they have done, but for the better. Let me try to be a little clearer.

The Orwellian world that we find ourselves in today is one produced by a socialist agenda, a Fabian agenda to be precise. I won't bore you with their history, but I will enlighten you to the fact that their motif is a picture of a Turtle. It did used to be a wolf in sheep's clothing, but they realised people might become suspicious and changed it to a innocent looking Turtle.

Screenshot-2018-2-17 fabian turtle - Google Search.png
So as you can see, the end game is there for all to see, but the turtle has a more cryptic meaning. Ask anyone who has researched this group and they will no doubt tell you that the turtle meaning is in relation to it's slow growth that will eventually produce a powerful strike. This is what they do. Or should I say, this is what they have already done. The corrupt system that has given rise to groups like @familyprotection, has been implemented over a long period of time. The change has been due to peoples weakness for money and because of this we now have the most sinful souls at the top of the tower. If you will allow me to detach myself from my emotions for a moment, I would say that it has been a plan of genius proportions and one delivered with infinite patients.

Be like water

I would like to suggest that we build from the ground upwards and we do as they have done. This will take a lot of time but we must invest and think of this in relation to its vastness. Our intent must match theirs and our preparations must something on a grand scale. They have destroyed a honest service, with devastating effects. But they have also left behind, a blueprint of how they did it. Much like the infiltration of the medical industry, followed by the education system(A change that gave birth to compulsory schooling) and also just like the way that the farming industry has been mutated, we must copy what they did to us and return the favour. All of this was done through lobbying and infiltrating grass-root organisations. I have heard a few people talk of putting a 'mole' on the inside and hoping that they manage to tear the industry apart from within. I have to say with all due respect that this is a long-shot, at best. If you think you can do a Johnny Depp, go right ahead but I will bet my life that anything you find will still have to pass through the same barriers and more than likely you will be found out and dealt with accordingly. They have been clever enough to implement a plan that took generations to achieve, so I reckon that they will be ready for one or two whistle-blowers. I just don't think that diving into their trench is a wise move just right now. There are better ways and I think it will take many rather that a few.

Who are @familyprotection?

This is something that will hopefully never be said in a years time. We need to make sure that @family protection are more than just a group of pissed off steemians, blogging there asses off. We need to keep producing and supporting the information that this group supplies, but it has to go further than this. @markwhittam has set this challenge because the group has begun to out-grow itself. Creating a fund to supply solicitors has reportedly peaked in its effect and that should be viewed as a positive, not a negative. Mark and Linda have recognised this and have reacted according to their intentions. This is great to see and it proves how serious this groups founders are. So we must do them a good service in return and ride this wave with them.

Raising awareness is relatively easy, it just takes organisation and communication. We must act as one if this group is to go main-stream. To do this we need a permanent motif (I personally love the tiger design). @entrepreneur916 began to organise T-shirts and other products with the @familyprotection logo displayed upon it. I understand that there where international shipping problems and that was unfortunate. This must be sorted out and if anyone has any experience with shipping and production, they should get involved.

So that and other likewise ideas would take care of product awareness. Events that involve public speaking are also very helpful, so anyone who is willing to do this could maybe think about finding a microphone and an audience. Now that we have covered advertisement, we can move onto the business side of things.

What do we want to offer the world?

Many groups falter at this point and it is one that I do not wish to see us stumble over. Everybody has a voice when it comes to complaining about what needs to be removed, but it is very rare that people have an answer when they are asked what their LONG-TERM plan is. We all want to get rid of our current 'leaders', but who and what do we replace them with?

Can @familyprotection become a service used by the SS? Seriously, I think we can actually force a situation where, in time, @familyprotection could be deeply involved with the welfare system. Many organisations have their snouts in the trough, when it comes to supplying services for the SS. Why don't we become one of those services?(without the snout) Could this group become an organisation that deals with adoption? Could we be an adoption agency ourselves? There are obviously many of us with good intentions and I for one would rather see a child come to a home supplied by one of us than what is on offer at present. Maybe this is all too far fetched, but I am not talking about this happening anytime soon. We would have to create a reputation that stands above all the rest and hopefully it would develop into a governing body.

I have mentioned before about creating a group letter that can be sent uniformly by members of @familyprotection. I believe that @vickiebarker has also suggested this, or something similar, very recently. This is an idea that has worked very well in Lawful Rebellion and I think it could easily be used with the same effect in this group too. We would have to come up with a set of template letters for every step of the process, from replying to your first contact with the SS, right the way through to dealing with members of the family courts. It would inform any agent of the SS that you are a member of @familyprotection, so therefore you are not vulnerable to any misconduct and you expect the highest of service. It also serves to promote the group by the authorities making there sub-contractors aware of their new overseers.

I would like to suggest one more thing, before I leave you. I would like to be able to know how many people are involved in this group and where we all live. I don't mean we have to give up our exact addresses, but it would be nice to know how many members live in the UK. I am looking into putting on a public event to highlight various issues and I would be interested to hear if anyone would be willing to share their experience to raise awareness and also to represent @familyprotection.

So that's my 2 pence and I hope it has made some kind of sense. In my own mind it make perfect sense and I have a good idea how it should be started but I could be wrong(It has been known to happen from time to time :)

Would be great to hear any expansions on these ideas and I WANT A T-SHIRT!! (If there are no objections, I intend to have the tiger logo onto a Jumper/shirt, myself).

John Wedger protest walk update below!! 17/2/2018



Screenshot-2018-2-17 Help raise £5000 to Raise awareness to protect whistleblowers in the police and promote justice for ab[...](1).png

Screenshot-2018-2-17 Help raise £5000 to Raise awareness to protect whistleblowers in the police and promote justice for ab[...].png


I have just read a post that is part of a calling for ideas to help @familyprotection grow. One of the ideas suggested in a post by @eco-alex is that we should make a promo video(There were also other great ideas but you can go to the @eco-alex's post to read the rest).

I am an active member of steemit and try to find the time to get involved with the posts that grab my attention. While making comment on the above mentioned post, I offered to help with doing a promo video for @familyprotection. To give reassurance that I was serious I decided to put a link to a couple of videos I had made a long time ago for a group called Lawful Rebellion. Now I haven't watched this video for a long time and had forgotten its finer points. Like I said, this was done for LR and I had not yet heard of steemit or @familyprotection. I knew about a pedophile ring working in high society but I had never heard it's connection with forced adoption before.

So after posting my comment and leaving the video link, I decided to have a watch of the oldest of the 2 videos.
After watching the video and seeing the content within, I was pretty freaked out to say the least. Most of the images I used for the video reference care-home abuse and I can honestly say that I had not noticed it before. I was wrapped up in Lawful rebellion and highlighting treason. The content of this video was my shameless attempt to shock people into joining LR. But now I have been introduced to @familyprotection, this video has a whole new meaning to me.

I think I will have to tidy this up and edit the ending, so it is suited for @familyprotection.

So here it is in its original form. I won't take this piss out of the rewards pool so I will not be tagging this with @familyprotection. If you like the video for what it is then please give it an up-vote or a re-steem.



This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection
Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @article61 for supporting @familyprotection

UPVOTE This Comment & DONATE a portion of the SBD rewards from this post,

Good work family protection team When i will be a big fish, I wish then I will give support continuously giving big upvote. Now 100% upvoted by @jareen61.
This post also resteem by @jareen61.

Thankyou for re-steeming @jareen61

check out my privacy workshop.

I tried to tell mark about it but he ignored me. basically, the way google and maxmind work, everything your children will think while they grow up will be recorded on a permanent record and later used to manipulate and abuse them.

As such operating a home internet connection without obfuscating your ip address is allowing your children to be abused. And google is a mass child abuser. Let this sink in. It is quite evil and it's going to take a lot of work to change that. Europeans are beginning to catch on, france, belgium etc are demanding the right to be forgotten and fining these companies millions of dollars for breaking the law. While in america it is as if the brains of every individual are being served on a silver platter.

Thank you @mindhawk for you input. You make a good point. Don't worry about Mark, I am sure he has just been very busy and didn't mean to ignore you. The guy does a post and gets hundreds of messages to reply to, so try not to take it personally. On your point about data collection for use of manipulation, I think you are right. The nex pokemon app is supposed to come with characters that are taylored to the user. If the user has a love for unicorns, then it will be a unicorn they see in front of them(When looking through your screen you will find these 3D images) Not only will they know what animation to use but the character will then be dressed in an outfit that would represent everything the kid is interested in, ie if the kid is a cricket fan who like dragons. He will no doubt see a Pokemon dragon dressed in helmet, pads and holding a cricket bat. Very personal and very dangerous.

This post has been upvoted by @thethreehugs

Thank you for your support of @familyprotection!

This post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs

Thank you for your support of @family protection

This very nice post i appreciate your familyprotectionthanks for sharing..best of luck..

Thank you for the mention! Yes, I am with you and @familyprotection 100%. I will actually be shooting promo video with my studio as soon as tomorrow hopefully. I would love to continue my venture with this community and truly feel we are positively impacting lives!

Good to hear that mate. You have been putting some good work on here and I get the impression there is even better to come. It is a great vibe here @familyprotection. Great to be involved in such a movement. Thanks for the support bud.