[FamilyProtection] Ignorance Is Bliss They Shout!!

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)


So always being in motion to catch this ever changing world gets you to cross part with different types of people having varying opinions, attitudes, outlook, value, selective perspective and basically varying ideologies. This most time is fundamentally good, but then diversity can really pose a problem without moderation. There would always be people with varying view of the System, some based on myopic attachment, uninformed inclination, sheer blindness and then there are those who perpetually sing the praises of CPS like a commercial(these are far many than you'd realize). This way of life and diversity of outlook affects everything humanity interacts with not just CPS. Amidst all these, there are those who say and live by "Ignorance is BLISS"!, greatly causing so many people to lay dormant, doing nothing when they come across other families that have fallen victims to CPS, until they themselves, well, fall into the same pit.

I have taken it as a personal responsibility to always talk about CPS in whatever cave I tend to find myself and try to inform people of the dangers out there awaiting families. Down this path I have chosen to tread, I have met a few people, who instead of appreciation, resolve to telling me "why did you have to tell me all these, jeeze!" or basically some variant of that comment. Ignorance is Bliss, (flawed-truth, nope, hmmmm)!, but people go too much length to be indecisive and unprepared. I have encountered about 4 people who gave me a much milder reply, saying "Now you're making me overly worried over nothing*". I do know where their thought are headed though, but some just say that with an honest mind without any backlog. Below are some other variant response I have received:

You just added a bit more fire to my hell, thanks but no thanks!.

Why did you have to tell me all this, if i knew this conversation was heading this route, I wouldn't have had it

I miss my previous life, the time I wasn't aware of all you told me

I have come to a junction right from those scenes that some people just want to be left alone in their state UNAWARENESS , in the state of Ignorance, they hate worrying, being too accountable, they want to be left alone in their land of Bliss, mind you, this is just a Pseudo-bliss. And I never regret breaking down their walls of Bliss, not one bit. It isn't about the "worrying", the idea of being informed is to activate ones sense of "preparation" and to guide ones path. Its that simple(well, there might be more to it).


I, @kryptocoin, at a point prior steemit and @familyprotection never had to worry about vaccines, but then I 'luckily' stumbled upon vaccine harms and its numerous failures.Instantly, I was challenged to know the nitty-gritty because I do have little siblings and little relatives. It led me to more intent searches, and after a careful look, I realized such harms had even occured within my extended family without them knowing at the time!. But here I am today, fully aware and thankful of the knowledge I had stumbled upon, to the extent I am now a huge fan of divine-immunity(that is the term I call natural body immunity). The ignorance of my extended family wasn't bliss, today they are now aware that the tragedy they experienced back in the past could have been prevented, Ignorance was to blame!.

What is your excuse today for not being able to protect your family and kids in the future? are you still stuck on ignorance being bliss? Wake up people, a whole lot of things are happening in front of you, at the very tip of your retina, but if you don't look intently at these things, you would only have yourself to blame if the Bad happens(God forbid). Being unaware of a danger or damming scenario doesn't take away the DANGER. It simply lets the danger gets into your bowels without you having any form of defense at all. The human body and its operation has a lot of wisdom to tell when it comes to being 'defensive'.

The best route that I see is the route of preparation, it is a sorry state to be taken unaware, weak and without a fight or strategy. You think not knowing is bliss?, CPS comes overthrowing the comfort you feel and the bliss ignorance had previously offered, renting asunder your home to bits and stealing your kids, all because you were admiring your pseudo-paradise. It is better you are aware of the corrupt CPS, than not!, it's better you know the problems and harms of vaccines than not!. To be taken unawares is a luxury I believe no one can accommodate.


I value knowledge so much because I believe it is the opposite of being harmfully ignorant. For no reason (oh the bliss) should you think the perks of being informed about something(even though it adds a little bag of weight) especially those affecting your home as "unnecessary". Knowledge is never wasted, even if you don't get to make use of such set of knowledge, I strongly believe you would encounter someone who would need them. If you do get to encounter CPS and the other myriad of bureaucratic agencies out there, you will be capable of handling things solidly more better.

Don't be fooled, Ignorance is no bliss at all, it is just a lie we humans tend to live by, to give ourselves a sense of security, a sense of safety, a sense of problem free outlook at life. But it is all false and pseudo!, it doesn't take away the problem at all. To be unaware of CPS, vaccine harm, the brainwashing effect of the present education system and their victimization of families doesn't remove the problem or erase the harms. Bliss will end when they hit you in your unaware state!. Be Aware, Be Wise, Don't fall a victim. I won't stop preaching the gospel of family preservation and parental rights, even when someone tells me "Thanks, but no thanks!". I will speak in my tiny world whenever the opportunity arises!. We all should too.

Humanity Needs You

Peace to you all,
( @kryptocoin )

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Thank-you @kryptocoin for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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the community brings far more than that. Thank you.

@kryptocoin I am very much like you. I want to know what is going on and be a spkespeson to bring awareness to others. That being said, not everyone is like us. I saw another article on this subject of ignorant bliss a few days back from another Steemian. My own sweetheart for whom I so miss was that way. She knew the government was bad and people were not always good, but she wanted to believe the best in others and our government as well. She did not want her reality destroyed.

There are others like her who want to think they are in a good world. And there are even more who are apathetic and do not want to get involved. If they are ignorant to the reality they do not have to be involved and they are left in their illusion of reality.

In the meantime our world becomes more corrupt, children die and families are broken. Christ once said there will always be the poor. In likeness there will always be sin and sinful people in this world. We cannot rid the world of all it's injustices of the family. However we have a responsibility if the holy spirit has spoken to you to defend those who are victim of injustice. And so we do this through @familyprotection and in the towns and communities where we live.. You brought a wonderful article to the table and a pleasure to read and discuss. Let is continue to eradicate injustice and evil that undermines the family structure. Let us stand for each other and for Godly principles. Let us fight for freedom. Again thanks @kryptocoin.

Over the years when I've talked about the corruption in our legal system and consistently expose the loopholes that are being exploited by officers of the courts (judges, counties, lawyers, etc...), I find eventually that that people kind of shut down.

It's not that they do not care.

It's that it feels so overwhelming, they feel like they cannot do anything to change it. By continuing to listen to the stories, the accounts, etc... they eventually feels it "brings them down" and have to "shut it off." It goes back to being too overwhelming and them personally feeling like they cannot do anything to stop the suffering.

This has happened with my family, co-workers and even some close, close friends.

But none of it changes the fact the these things still happen. Children every day stuck in the system suffer in way shape or form. They suffer moral injury because the system and officials we are taught from a young age that are supposed to fight for truth, justice and protection --- they find do not lift up the truth, do not ask for justice and do not provide protection.

It leaves the child feeling helpless, on their own, scared and then subsequently coping anyway they can. The adults have failed them. This is wrong.

This great post i appreciate your familyprotectionthanks for sharing this life..Best of luck...

This post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs.

This post is a very good post, Thank you so much for share.

Good steem kryptocoin.

I gived you a resteem.

Please have a look over this post: https://stееmit.com/@stephennevets/the-horror-zg1hbmlh-qas09 and give me you feedback!
I really want to know what do you think about the article!

Thanks kryptocoin!

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