[FamilyProtection] The Irony: Criminals More Constitutionally Protected Than Parents

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

One thing I would love to state before going further is just one obvious truth, a truth that has been filtered from every false-truth you might have come to understand or know from the entire eyes of the populace. This truth has always been there but submerged in falsehood and secrecy, a truth many truth-justice-seeking people have found: "The SYSTEM is safe-proofed, protected and designed for Parents to lose!". This is the truth every parent have come to understand when battling CPS in the corruption-plagues courtrooms, most at times when it is already too late.

Don't get me wrong, I am an individual who do not find joy in arguments and neither is it my hobby to speak against the government systems, but I am one who never closes my eyes from the truth, neither turn my back from the unjust-legal-illegalities against the weak and preyed folks, neither does my heart shuts to the horrors against humanity.

I am greatly alarmed at the predicament of parents that makes me come to the conclusion that Actual Criminals are more opportune than Parents. This might sound odd, but in a moment my perspective would be so crystal. When it comes to the system set in place in the CPS and juvenile court domain, Parents are set against a high standard of a deadly system that would combat every thing they stand for. In my search for the Light in this matter for years now, I have had interviews with a handful parents from states scattered across America and this facts which are very much supported by other research would very much be stated in this post. Some parents were kind enough to fill a questionnaire about what they experienced with this system.

 It is my motto at heart, and I strongly hold, that because something is legal to do or somewhat systematized by the government does not make such implied laws or systems just!. The government have heaped up a System that is unjust in all its dealing and when "Just" is removed from "Justice" we are left in "Ice". We are in a frozen state where nations are bound to fail and crumble. I remember reading the letter Martin Luther King Jr sent from Birmingham Prison, a statement with truth so deep!

We can never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was "legal"__ Luther King Jr

Yes, absolutely!, it was legal!, but we have come to realize that what he did was a crime against the human race. Because something is legal doesn't mean true Justice should be buried.

My Accusers Step Forward

Suddenly, the constitutional rights of parents are bridged by "anonymity"! You dare not accuse a Criminal in the law court without a present "witness" ready to testify against such a person. You dare not make false accusations for fear of the punishment of perjury. For a criminal to be persecuted by a law court, he or she even after thorough investigation needs an accuser that would be then founded or unfounded in such matter. 

But parents are turned to the odd side of this same court. The CPS system simply comes knocking and turning your life into a turmoil by giving the excuse of "anonymous" informants. We as parents have the right to know our accusers!, but oh no, this is not the case with CPS and their court. 

Why am I been investigated, a criminal asks, the criminal is told immediately!. Turn the coin again, Parents are left to joggle their senses to a numb thinking about what they might have done. 

  • 21 out of 23 parents were never told what the allegations against them was even after asking
  • 23 out 23 never knew their accusers.

Who has more rights and protection now?, of course the hardened criminal is 10 step up the ladder than parents.__GREAT INJUSTICE!

My Trial Thrown In The Gutter

Oh criminal and murderer, you are so lucky!, for this insane government gives you a "guarded" right to a fair and "quick" trial. A trial so speedy that you are quickly convicted or discharged and acquainted as the case comes down before every balanced hearing. A scrutinized hearing where every of your relatives, neighbor and passer by can storm into the court to see how judgement is passed. And that's not all, you get the right to choose a jury, of which are impartial in all its sense. How fortunate, for a criminal, well accused criminal.

The other side of the coin is so corroded. A system where a huge chunk of parents are threatened and oppressed to sign away their rights without a trial. It is so common to hear this from case workers; 

Sign this papers now, else you would never see your children again!, 

Never for once trust a robber who says "Give me your purse first, I promise I will give you back all your money", you sign and your children are long gone!.

If you are lucky and strong enough to withstand this threats and get them to court or trial, you are left with no Jury at all!. You are left at the mercy of One Man who would determine your case in purposeful-blindness and your children are vanished into thin air. The System never offer swift trials, your kids are taken and you work out your case for long months and even years. The system makes use of a closed format. The public are blind to the injustice you would be served.

  • 19 out of 23 parents signed off their rights at one point or the other
  • 4 out of 23 stood their ground and found themselves in a setting of partial court

Who has more rights and protection now?, Accused criminals are steps up the ladder than parents again!.__GREAT INJUSTICE!


Attorney, With Whom Do You Stand?

Accused criminals get a sound attorney to handle their cases. Surprisingly, even the court appointed attorney or legal aid provided as part of their constitutional rights, ends up doing a so much impeccable job. At times it is hard to even know if an attorney is court-appointed/government-appointed or not, because the attorney wants to do a great job of having another victory to his belt.

Parents are so tired of being in the odd part of the coin. CPS goes after people who are mostly below average or those who are poor and do not have the "colored paper" to fight back. Ends up with a court appointed attorney and they are stuck asking themselves:

Mr. attorney, what in the world are you doing, who do you work for?, CPS or me!?
  • 18 out of 23 could not afford a lawyer hence got an appointed counsel
  • 16 of that 18  met their lawyer for the first time in the courtroom
  • 16 were asked by their court appointed attorney to plead guilty at some point. 
  • 5 afforded a private lawyer. 
  • 1 dropped the court-appointed lawyer and got a private attorney.

Who has more rights and protection now?, Accused criminals are steps up the ladder than parents again!.__GREAT INJUSTICE!

You Want To Bring A Favorable Witness?, Bad Idea! 

When I see criminal proceedings take place, I see numerous witnesses moving to and fro the stand. Court appointed lawyers and private attorneys urge their client to bring up names of people who can testify in their favor. 

Parents are thrown off the shell, their own court-appointed lawyers persuade them not to bring in any witness and telling them it would be unwise if they do because it makes things difficult. LIES!!!!

  • 13 out 23 parents never brought up the discussion of favorable witness 
  • 6 out of the 10 who brought up such discussion were advised not to bring in favorable witness to testify in their favor of what they knew they were wrongly accused of
  • 1  court appointed lawyer worked hand in hand with a parent to get a favorable witness
  • 3 private attorneys worked hand in hand with 3 parents to get a favorable witness

Who has more rights and protection now?, Accused criminals are steps up the ladder than parents again!.__GREAT INJUSTICE!


Guilty Until Proven Other-Wise!

"Accused Criminals", that is the term. People who accusations are leveled against are just "accused", nothing less nothing more. Their judgement follows the same route, they are not punished nor disciplined until they have been found guilty "BEYOND REASONABLE" doubts.

If it were so in the CPS system and juvenile courts, I would be sitting home right now enjoying my coffee with little to complain about. No No No!, a parent is "GUILTY" until "PROVEN" otherwise. How is that for a joke?.  All accusations are surprisingly "facts" until debunked by the parent. Their philosophy is:

We accuse you, you bear all the tag of an abuser/offender until proven otherwise.

Without Real-Founded facts, they take children out from loving family. This has to stop. How can one be punished for just an accusation?, Is that not against a parent's constitutional right?. If this protection is available to accused criminals whose freedom might be just the only thing to be lost, how much more parents who are at risk of losing "their joy and happiness(Children) and everything they stand for". Yet the government sits idle watching all this happen with a "devilish smile" on her face. 

Who has more rights and protection now?, Accused criminals are steps up the ladder than parents again!.__This is the GREATEST FORM INJUSTICE!

Down The Road Of Justice

I won't keep silent , neither should you, I believe the world need to know of this insidious crimes and injustice under color of "legality" and "law". The family unit is been targeted at to be destroyed and made helpless by this unjust System and unreasonable draconian Acts that serve a very much bigger picture of wickedness.

The System's days of Secrecy are numbered
The talk of it being a Civil Matter has been a poison
Under this flag have they hid their ugliness
Their corrupt deed so true
I'd rather be accused of crime
If I but get to prove my innocence with fair hearing
The world will see them for what they truly are.
I am with an humble plea
A plea in my heart and soul
Hear this  call you all
One greater than our individual selves
One to which we should dearly heed.
A beautiful future we plea for Children and their families


Many thanks to the parents who found the time to reply my questionnaire either through video call or mail, your voice is making an impact

Thanks EUGENE for linking me to this people. You are indeed a gem to humanity

Keep loving your Kids and fight for their right to be loved by you!

Peace to you all,

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Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes.

We are raising funds so that in the future we can help families fight the system and stay together. Please UPVOTE this comment to support us.

CPS and the family court system is so very corrupt. Am truly hoping these practices are de-funded. That is the only way to stop it as I see it. As long as there are pots of money available, this abuse will continue.

I have been busy coordinating with a couple of groups here locally to bring a tiny little newborn home to his parents.

The day before Thanksgiving little Elijah was born and taken by CPS when the parents refused vaccination. Once they refused, CPS then stated they were taking the baby because the mom had Cerebral Palsy, even though both parents and a grandfather would be in the home to help care for Elijah when/if needed. All just a plot of course.

Elijah was taken away for 9 days, finally returned until the next "court" date but now he has missed the maternal bonding and that all so important first breast milk. What a shame they can do this to these little ones. It took the rallying of the community and the church to stand up for little Elijah to get him at least temporarily released to his parents.

This is happening all across this country and in other countries now as well. When will we stop this maddness?

That poor baby had to pass through that on his first day on earth.

Once they refused, CPS then stated they were taking the baby because the mom had Cerebral Palsy

What a lame excuse to take a child. If the government was what they truly say they are, the will offer a direct help to the mother so she can better keep her child. She even has her parents around and they still do that!. This tells us where their attention lies. "steal the baby" and get funds from both ends off little Elijah. New borns are like the "diamond" of their wicked trade. Their plan has failed already. Such a strong community and church to stand up for that mother. God bless you and everyone involved in such great act. Thanks @vickiebarker for this huge contribution

Thank-you for helping little Elijah's family with their fight against injustice.
I am so proud of you and happy that they have a community including yourself standing beside them.

I have found myself in the same situation this last week, after a friend had Social Services show up at her door with a false allegation against her.

If only the general public would arise from their slumber and see what is happening and be there for their friends and neighbours when the kidnappers come knocking at people's doors.

Welcome to the world of injustice, where parents rights are worth nothing. Well, a right unused is no right!. I am happy I am with @familyprotection and this is the only community here that has captured my concentration. @kryptocoin, thank you for this post, I become more confident every day thanks to you and this community of open minded people.

Thanks for your encouragement and I am happy you find this cause worth your concentration and also for the fact that you are growing more confident each day. Thanks for reading through and laying this wonderful comment.

CPS has a way of thinking all parents are bad, they are taught to kidnap children. Carlos Morales in Anarchapulco explained the situation (CPS WHISTLEBLOWER). Keep on fighting for justice!

I watched the video of Carlos Morales after you posted it. It was GREAT!


I know that Carlos, speaking as a former Social Worker himself, said that they think all parents are bad,
but what I found myself wondering was whether it is people living below a certain financial standing (poor) that they consider the worst of all parents. Because that is who they usually go after.
I used to think that they just picked the easy targets, and maybe that is the case.
Or maybe they think that the poor should not be reproducing and since they can't legally sterilize them, they will take their babies away instead.

Whatever the case, their thinking is VERY disturbed.

I found myself shaking my head, NO, when Carlos in the video said that Social Workers are not evil or Satanists, but that they think they are actually helping these children. It is so hard for me to comprehend that anybody could actually believe that these type of actions of tearing apart loving families is a good thing. For me, the only thing that makes sense is that they hate children and hate families, and are purposefully serving a very evil agenda ...
but I have to stay open to what Carlos is saying ... that maybe they really think that what they are doing is good. It's a hard pill for me to swallow to believe that people can so easily be made to believe that hurting children and destroying families is a somehow good for them and for society.

Anyways .. thanks for sharing Carlo's video, as it opened my eyes to some new ways of looking at this situation. There is always so much to learn.

Sadly I haven't been able to watch it yet. But something that is glaring is that this people have drowned to a state were their heart is seared. And following the book with a "pre-motive" of taking your child would inevitably lead to an inclined plane of judgement.
Being Open minded and on a leveled ground would greatly shatter their preference of taking your child, and with the structuring of the system, that is bad for business. I will surely get to watch those wonderful video soon, marked them down in my list of ToDos already.

Yes!. They are all bad they say, this makes it easier for them to kill their conscience(i doubt if they have any left) and then perform their darkest and inhuman act with a seared heart. We will keep fighting! And getting parents aware of the need to be careful when facing this System. Thanks @endless.drugs for your wonderful contribution.

This is so TRUE!
Parents are at an extreme disadvantage when they are not allowed to know who the accuser is and therefore can not mount a proper defense.
This is NOT justice.

Not Justice one bit. That act allows every form of targeted plot against a parent through the net of anonymity. Many simply have issues with a family and just calls CPS on them just to make a revenge or spite that family. With this practice, CPS is easily manipulated and used as a tool for vengeance or ignorance of a bigger picture. But well, that is what CPS is looking for in the first place, they "love" been used as a tool so they can easily achieve their darkest wicked ways. They keep you in a position of ignorance so you don't even know where to start your defense from, meanwhile they use that occasion of confusion to dig other irrelevant details about a parent. . Thanks @canadian-coconut for this beautiful contribution

The system is quite horrifying, and the stories abound of abuses and the nanny state taking over when they disagree with parenting decisions. While it is true that none want children to be abused, it is not just to strike out at parents and families in the name of prevention when no risk factor or abuse is at hand. Or risk factors are created based on some Utopian idea where no incident is allowed. A child forgets its mittens and instead of learning, the bus driver turns in the parents for neglect. A child goes outside and jumps on their bike without a helmet, and some nosy neighbor calls CPS. We've had several homeschooling friends whose children went outside to play for a break from studies only to be turned in to CPS by neighbors who disagree with homeschooling and claimed that the children were not being supervised, even though they were playing in their own yard. The result... many of us hide. We avoid exposure where these useless, hyper reactive good for nothing alarmists can file reports. We find ourselves keeping to the shadows as if we were criminals so that we don't have to face the potential corruption and overreach of a broken system. There has to be a solution.

Thanks for this beautifully written comment. Indeed there has to be a solution, and there is a solution. It is a gradual process and it starts with us confidently standing for our own rights and avoid feeling feeble at the hands of the system. A weak man is easily tormented by this system. So @drwillwho, I would say the solution is unveiling already. Thanks so much.

Justice is injustice
Criminals go free
will this irony inverse
for Justice to bee
A stinging cold truth
That bites my blood
In verse do I cry
The systems a dud.
Oh to reverse in verse
The rules and rhyme
For its now my friend
A matter of time
For injustice to justice
just us? no but all
Who answer to truth
and rise to the call.

This is a very very sound poem calling everyone to rise up. @enjoywithtroy Thank you so much for this wonderful contribution.

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