Famous People's Birthday - 04/04/2020
Famous People's Birthday

Bastian Pastewka
German actor
Bastian Pastewka birthday today. He was born April 4, 1972 and has now become 48 years old.
Sarah Gadon
Canadian actress
Sarah Gadon birthday today. She was born on April 4, 1987 and is now grown old is 33 years.
Nils Brunkhorst
German actor and singer
Nils Brunkhorst birthday today. He was born on April 4, 1976, has become 44 years old.
Sami Khedira
German-Tunisian football player and World Champion 2014
Sami Khedira's birthday today. He was born on April 4, 1987 and is now grown old is 33 years.
Austin Mahone
American pop singer
Austin Mahone birthday today. He was born on April 4, 1996 and has now become 24 years old.
Jill Scott
American singer and multiple Grammy winner
Jill Scott's birthday today. She was born April 4, 1972 and has now become 48 years old.