Famous People's Birthday - 04/29/2020
Famous People's Birthday

Markus Majowski
German actor and comedian
Markus Majowski birthday today. He was born on April 29, 1964, has become 56 years old.
Paul Adelstein
American actor ( "Private Practice")
Paul Adelstein birthday today. He was born on April 29, 1969, has become 51 years old.
Annette Langen
German children's and youth book author
Today Annette Langen's birthday. She was born on April 29, 1967, and has now become 53 years old.
Andre Agassi
American tennis player
Andre Agassi's birthday today. He was born on 29 April 1970 and has grown old now 50 years.
Crystal Harris
American model and Playmate
Crystal Harris's birthday today. She was born April 29, 1986 and has now become 34 years old.
Michelle Pfeiffer
US-american actress
Today Michelle Pfeiffer's birthday. She was born on 29 April 1958 and has now become 62 years old.