Weak Notes Or is that: Week Notes Part IV: Exposed

in #fbi ā€¢ 2 years ago

šŸŠMark Twain Warned Us

A brief comment on Newtown CT. events; December 14th 2012 day of the shooting.

  1. The use of crises actors by the media has been shown to happen for major news events, but whether it can be proved in the case of Sandy Hook has yet to be seen.

  2. State run Mental hospital in Newtown CT closed 12 years earlier.

  3. Shooter allegedly killed his mother before going to the school. The home was destroyed and bulldozed by the community afterwards. Why?

  4. School that was site of the shooting was destroyed and bulldozed by the community then rebuilt. To conceal evidence? Or was it the mold? Both maybe?

  5. Homes of the families of the slain had their mortgages paid off. By whom?

  6. A Connecticut law passed early in 2013 in response to the shooting prohibits the release of photographs, film, video and other visual images showing a homicide victim if they can "reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy of the victim or the victim's surviving family members. To conceal evidence? That and the autopsy rules that were changed in early 2012 mean that no one from the outside can easily investigate the supposed crime. There is Mr Wolf again.

  7. Those FBI crime statistics do not record the homicides committed by the mass shooter. Zero homicides for Newtown CT in 2012. Is some one at HQ rebelling against these monsters who are planning this out? Spotlight by omission?


Those actions of changing the laws before the shooting cannot easily be explained. The law that was changed after the shooting can be, because of the circus atmosphere that was created by the event itself. Bulldozing a crime site or two may be explained by removing them as some sort of shrine to the event itself. The mental hospital closing is just to mention that it was a large employer in the area for many years that housed as many as 4000 patients at a time. Human interest in light of the killerā€™s mental state.

All of these facts created a perfect situation for the conspiracy folks as well as the folks who wanted to milk this event to create environment for gun control laws. Future events over the next 4-5 years would strengthen the conspiracy folks because a mass shooting every 2-3 weeks over the rest of Obamaā€™s 2nd term is more suspect than coincidental.

On the United Nations Front, the Obama Administration signed onto the Small Arms Trade Treaty in September 2013 but the US Senate had not confirmed it. Obama submitted it to the Senate in December 2016 for ratification. Trying to sneak it in before Trump took over the Presidency. It did not get ratified. But not for the want of trying to exploit numerous shooting events that took place since 2012.

Right after the shooting the Congress formed ā€œthe gang of 8ā€ to work up legislation for gun control resulted in the proposed Assault Weapons Ban of 2013. One surprising member of this group was Marco Rubio. The Politico article below brings in how the Obama administration used the Sandy Hook families to Lobby the House and Senate. A key point here is that if real gun control is passed then the Obama Administration can pivot and submit the treaty with the UN to our Senate for ratification and with that momentum it may get ratified, thus ending our second amendment rights. These events were working simultaneously. This is important:

A note on the treaty, Trump withdrew our non ratified participation in 2017. The treaty was signed onto, again non ratified, by Biden in 2021. Remember that any war we lose could also result in a treaty that bans our 2nd amendment rights. More reason to stay out of the Russian Ukraine conflict.


Another law that flew under the radar in 2013 was the Defense Authorization Act. Many amendments are added to this very important annual defense budget authorization. One such amendment repealed a 1947 law that prohibited government sponsored propaganda directed at the population of the USA. So now the US Government can lie to the American people by word or action if it furthers a foreign policy initiative. Congress had short memories of the propaganda by Britain that helped get us into WWI. Or the lies about the Gulf of Tonkin that justified our involvement in Vietnam.

So let us define propaganda so we can expose what it is our government can really do. If I want to fool our enemy overseas We are now allowed to lie publicly to our own population. We can lie by our actions or our words. A false flag operation could be a fake shooting, or a real one. Funding caravans of illegals from Guatemala across Mexico to our Southern border could be considered propaganda if the foreign policy objective of the Administration is unfettered immigration. Public comments to the contrary are the legal lie. The caravan is that lie actuated: [verb (used with object), acĀ·tuĀ·atĀ·ed, acĀ·tuĀ·atĀ·ing. //to incite or move to action; impel; motivate:actuated by selfish motives.] And this lawā€™s amendment makes it all legal. A side note is that the courts would probably not want to convict past violations of the law if the law was changed.

How does one actuate a false flag shooting? Maybe our government agents goad a poor sap into doing it. Remember the FBI agents that goaded folks to plan a kidnapping of a Democrat Governor in 2020 and then arrested said sap? How about all of those FBI Agents goading folks into the Capitol Bld in Washington DC on January 6th 2021? Those folks goaded are still in jail. FBI still goes home to sleep in their beds after work. Also anyone who becomes a government source can get immunity for any crimes they may have participated in. This rule can be abused mightily if the system is corrupt. Imagine a corrupt psychiatrist who works for our government, could they direct patients for this purpose? WHAT! Doctors would never send someone to their death like that! Well paid doctors with scant morals might. This might explain doctors advising folks to give our children the covid 19 jab when our child has a 1 in 4 million chance of being harmed by covid 19 and a much larger chance of being harmed or killed by the jab. The more you know.




If Sandy Hook was a false flag that went live, how would that happen? The shooter could have been goaded into action by some one and before they could stop the shooter, he went rogue. Since we have examples of Government agents doing this in the examples above it is not too far fetched and we have to suspect all of them. Fruit of the poison tree is the term. This is probably what happened in my opinion and future events over the next few years fit this pattern if you know where to look.

If your concerned about any of where this is trending, stay tuned for Part V.

No home work today, itā€™s a bank holiday. For SVB ond othersā€¦.

Bye for now


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