The Divine Feminine Wants To Be Expressed Just As Much As The Masculine Energy!

in #feminine7 years ago (edited)

The Divine Feminine Wants To Be Expressed As Much As The Masculine Energy

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Being raised by a single mother, she had to take on the Father role and the Mother role. In doing so, I saw a lot of masculine energy from her more than feminine. Although her Femininity showed through her jewelry, make up, clothing and her sexiness- the way she spoke with such directness and getting straight to the point and being logical and always finding ways to fix a problem to find a solution really shined a lot of the masculine side on to me. Growing up I have been very independent because thats how I was raised. I was structured that “I can do it myself, and I don’t need anyone else to do it for me.”

Now from my eyes witnessing my mother, she is strong and always gets shit done and doesn’t rely on anyone else to help her because she has been doing it herself for so long. This rubbed off on me a lot and I have always wondered why I was so masculine in terms of fixing and trying to find the solution.. I never really tapped into my emotions much and still don’t unless I am writing. I see my emotions and a lot of times I don’t let myself feel them, I more intellectualize what I am feeling, but thats a side tangent that I'll get into some other time.

I've always desired very masculine men in my life. The guys who are very secure, strong, and protective and have that sexy assertive/aggressiveness to them that the feminine doesn’t embody as much. I have always been that person in my world. Or so I felt until this morning when my friend shared with me that I am not masculine, I am just very strong feminine and sometimes it can intimidate men. Which is interesting because I had a man the other day tell me I was intimidating and still very attracted to me.

Another one of my friends said for me to attract a masculine man, I must hold the space of being very feminine. And what I never realized until this morning is I always attract very masculine men who are very sensitive and emotional. So it's as if they took on the emotions that I intellectualize inside my head and they are able to express them and I sit there and listen to them. If it gets to the point where it seems like they are looking for a solution to their feelings, I try to help them out and then I see they are just sharing, not really looking for it to be fixed.

This subject is very interesting to me because where you are not the space for something, someone else will show up as that space to take it on in your world. So although I'm learning to be more feminine in my feelings and not so much the fixer, I always get shown where I am showing up by the people who come into my world. Life has a funny way of balancing out situations.


This is why it's imperative to balance between the left and right hemispheres of the brain and utilize, embrace and connect equally with both the masculine and feminine energies within. Just because you're a woman, doesn't necessarily mean you will have greater feminie energy than masculine, I feel as though some women just express more of the masculine energy and shadow the feminine energy.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this matter, do you think there are some women who just embody more of the masculine energy or at least project that out more than their feminine energy? Or what makes some women more softer and loving and the nurturing type than others? Its always been something so fascinating to me how all female energy can differ. One thing I know is for sure is the Feminine energy is super powerful and something that I am looking to connect deeper with. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section!

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Instagram - @SapioSexualPoetry & @AwakeAliveAware


Great article brie! I can relate to this sooo much and have actually been processing this a lot this year. My mother was a single mother until she married my step father. Even so, I feel that because she had me so young, she always had this protective, strong, male energy. Just like you said , still feminine in other ways, but I feel what you mean.My mom taught me the same thing like yours, to do things on your own. I think its a good thing to have that balance, but also good to be open to receiving. I noticed personally, I used to close myself off to receiving because I saw it like, I don't need anyone, I can do this on my own. So that manifested in my relationships. But since I've come to this realization, I've been connecting and nurturing my feminine side more I guess you can say. I agree with certain women being more masculine than others, it seems to have to do more with the environment you grew up. Thats why many guys who grew up in a female dominated household are very in touch with that feminine energy because they understand that energy.They would never disrespect a woman and admire women greatly. In a nutshell. :) :*

Omg that whole "I can do this on my own" statement, literally transforms into my relationships as well which brought out more of that masculine energy and I realized i needed to connect deeper and receive and allow the help to come in even if I KNOW I can do it myself, its okay to allow others to do it for you. And totally agree with the environment you grew up in has a huge impact. I feel like I'm meeting more and more men these days embracing their feminine and its so nice to see it while they also own their masculine! Love you girl!

exactly ! Let others help, its a form of self-love and giving back to yourself for sure. I think its sexy when a man is in touch with his soft side, where he wants to nurture and help like women do. So beautiful. Just like you! :) Love you too

I've known many men like this, They can be big teddy bears or emotionally dependant. I guess its a roll of the dice. I tend to fall for the givers because takers can be a bit much sometimes. It doesn't mean theyre a bad person just not the right fit. i'm a giver too so I like to be with another. Givers are nurturers and aim to please. Tough part is they get walked on if not careful. I know its tough for them sometimes until they find the right fit. Just my random thoughts :)
Cool verbiage, thanks for sharing!

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i loved your thoughts! Im all about the givers as well - or just the reciprocation of the energy exchange - gotta have that balance! Thanks so much for upvoting :)

My pleasure :) Welcome to the team! I'm enjoying being a giver in steemit too, very much so. I will be a bigger giver soon if ya know what I mean ;) Buying more steem today and won't stop!

Just out of curiosity, what is your friend group like? Is it mostly dudes, or girls? And are your girlfriends more of the strong feminine type? Or more of the standard feminine type? I find your posts super interesting. Everything has a way of balancing out, but it is cool that you are able to properly point out and communicate what it is that you want and what it is that you feel, even if it is like you are intellectualizing your feelings rather than actually feeling them. I think I do the same thing.

Ah yes Ive thought about this as well! I have a lotto of guy friends while I also have a lot of women friends, I do notice that I hangout with a lot more men though but some of my best friends are women they just live in different states around the world. My girlfriends are suppppper feminine. Way more than I haha and I am always so inspirited by their female energy because its so soft and loving and beautiful. haha and Im glad you understand the Intellectualizing your feelings thing. Its an interesting thing! Thanks for reading! :)

Forsure it's a great post. It seems that overall, women aren't really encouraged to be feminine, and they are taught that having a feminine nature is a bad thing or a weakness. Feminism seems to be pushing girls into believing that in order to be a strong woman, you must adopt masculine qualities or characteristics, that don't come naturally to some women. In other words, they are wasting a wonderful amazing women away by trying to turn her into a guy, when our weaknesses and strengths and energies naturally counterbalance one another.

mmm love that you mentioned that. I agree as well. Like to be strong you must be a an which isn't true. There are many strong qualities in women as well, just very different aspects of strong. Something I am learning!

oh Somebody is Woke AF i see. @awakealiveaware, Your presence is most welcome here on steemit.

Great post, upvoted and followed,
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Pierce The Veil, And The Truth Will Reveal Itself, JMA, Host of PTV


hahaha thank you!! Im reading it now, most likely will follow as well :)

Sounds Great. Best of Luck with your endeavors!

Pierce The Veil, and The Truth Will Reveal Itself!

Followed for this amazing almost poetic form of narrative :) Keep up the great work!

haha thank you I actually write poems as well which will be posted here sometime soon :)

I do not know enough, I read some articles in your blog, I saw your photo, I see a real woman full of energy and enthusiastic, a lot of immagination and know how to live, I thank your mother Who perfectly complete his role :)

Awe thanks so much @machhour you're so sweet

your welcome great writer
akways supporting you

nice to see you, nice photos and great article.

thanks so much :)

Nice work, i hope you grow fast on steemit ;)

THANKS! Same here haha & same to you :)

You are more than welcome

While I'm more comfortable in my male energy, I am not stuck there. Depending on my mood I can also feel ok in my feminine energy too. It could manifest emotionally through allowing myself to feel vulnerable, or physically, through soothing, or being soothed by my beloved...

yes! When you are being loved and soothed by your lover I do feel like its a lot more of that feminine energy that is happening. Tapping into the softness that our energetic bodies come with.

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