Should You Keep a Wild Ferret?

in #ferret4 years ago

A species from the Mustelidae family, the closest cousins to ferrets are badgers, otters and skunks. Scientifically known as the Mustela Furo which is a Latin name of the domesticated ferrets and the wild black-footed ferrets are known as Mustela nigripes. However if you want to keep a wild ferret you might want to consider its pros and cons.


Here Are the Advantages of Keeping a Wild Ferret

If you are looking to keeping a wild ferret, be ready to experience a lot of adventure and fun. You should also probably just let it be untamed rather than trying to domesticate it. Ferrets are excellent for extremist's pet lovers; this is because wild ferrets are extremely adventurous and resilient enough to recover from any kind of nasty attacks because of their nature. They are definitely full of surprises and you will learn about them every single day, unlike ferrets that are tamed and mild in their behaviors. Wild ferrets are curious animals and love to explore places and things on their own, it are therefore best that you keep them occupied at all times with toys and enough playtime. You can also opt to train your wild ferret at a later stage if in case you've had too many of adventures that are now turning to be misadventures.

Some of the Disadvantages of Owning a Wild Ferret Are

You cannot really own a ferret; this is because their wild nature might just want them to get back to their own familiar wild surroundings. They are not considered to be loyal animals; they need their freedom and if it's not given to them, could retaliate by tearing your furnishings down. You need to give them their freedom so that they can go and come as they please. Freedom for your ferret could also mean that you could loose them at anytime, when they choose to change their surroundings.

Ferrets are prone to early deaths and higher risks of diseases. This is because wild ferrets tend to eat everything and anything that they find lying around. This again stands true even for domesticated ferrets. It is identified to be one of the major causes of death among wild and domesticated ferrets. Giving them a laxative to clear off the junk put into their stomach could be even more difficult especially if you haven't even gotten your ferret familiar with you.

Ferrets need to be kept away from toddlers who can get very playful around pets. Their playfulness might seem to be a danger situation for your wild ferret and there is no explanation of what could trigger them off and cause harm to kids. Even a normal cuddling or petting could make your ferret feel as if he / she is being attacked and could end up biting the kid.

You could however train your ferret by either hiring a ferret trainer who would get your pet to loose a bit of its wildness. Training younger ferrets is however easier than training older ones.



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