The Land of the Moon.

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Black night sky without moon and star expanse while owls seem to be repeating from a distance. Wind rumors force branches and leaves to dance in the dark of the universe. Husen pulled the blanket higher with his hands clashing pillow and he finally fell asleep and drowned in the dream.

The atmosphere of the night was completely uncharacteristic, suddenly a moon that had not been visible now appeared with a larger diameter than usual. Husen stare staring at the moon from under the banyan tree that has leaves quite leafy. Now he did not need a blanket because suddenly there was a wooden burnt in front of him. He leaned back against the sizable tree trunk with eyes and gaze focused on the larger moon that time. Suddenly he saw as if someone was walking from the moon toward him. Husen rubbed his eyes as if he did not believe what he saw at the time. The longer the figure gets closer to him. Husen watched earnestly whether what he saw was really human like himself or it was a ghost. Various feelings perched in him ranging from fear, worry, anxiety, and curiosity. Now the figure was already in front of him. Apparently he is a woman who is very beautiful in a dress with a white color like a cinderella in a fairy tale.

"Hay, my name is Kenari" the woman reached out her hand
"Huhuhusen .." Husen also welcomed his hand with hesitation and confusion that became-so.
"Where are you from?" Husen asked curiously. Kenari was just smiling and sounded a little giggled at Husen's questions. "Loh, why are you even laughing?".
Kenari turned his face and now he turned his back on Husen. "I should have asked you that question," said Kenari, who began to walk toward the frenzied urban bustle that suddenly appeared before them. Husen seemed more confused by what he witnessed. "hah! You mean?". Kenari turned his face back to face Husen. "Yeah, where are you from? Suddenly I saw you coming up to me while I was walking around the river this suburb ".

"Is I currently on the Moon?" Husen tried to make sure
Walter laughed sweetly at Husen's question, "You're really weird, right now you're on Earth, not on the Moon. You see, the Moon is not here. " Pointing toward a large circle above the sky in bright blue and partly dark black. Husen turned his gaze toward the moon which is said by Kenari, "so I'm really on the Moon" Husen murmured in his heart.
"Hey kok even stunned so?" Husen quickly stood up and approached Kenari with the attitude as people fear. "Is there a police station here?" His face looked like a frightened person. "Police? What's that? "Kenari asked back" well the police station? Security Officer? "Kenari looked like a man who was astonished at Husen's question. "Do not you ever know what the police are?" Kenari shook his head.
"We here never know what the police are, if you say the police are the security guard, we are all the security guard, we are all who have the duty to keep the peace"
"Right?" Husen felt fooled this time.
"Well, in our country there is never a crime, all the inhabitants and members of the kingdom keep each other in unity, though often we hear the sound of crying and crying but the sound is not from our country. My father once said that the voice was from the Moon "
"From the Moon?" Husen more curious.
"Well, there is a lot of war going on in that month, between the leaders and their people not working together to create prosperity. Even I hear the moon people have a very selfish nature. Self-centered, thirsty for power, and trying to master everything they can master in a variety of ways. So sometimes I feel afraid if the Moon people come to our country and try to seize our prosperous country and ruin our harmonious life that we have been up for.
Husen seemed to swallow his words at a statement made by Kenari.
"Let me take you look all over the country" Kenari invites Husen around.

Husen was amazed at the harmony of the entire population of the land, all living peacefully in the shadow of a wise king. Farmers, fishermen and freelancers are also prosperous. The achievement of technology in terms of transportation also can be said to go forward. The highway is not as densely packed as it is in the land on Earth. Also he saw the residents with smiling faces with sincerity and to sincerity. There is no indication of a crime at all. He saw the flow of the river with water so clear with the crowds of fish passing by. In a park he saw a group of children playing together without any one carrying a fancy gadget even though his country was a developed country in all fields. At the bus stop or terminal I saw people queuing up and some reading books and others talking to each other. Husen stood still silently for a sight that made him very amazed. Apparently Kenari Husen attention to behavior earlier.

"What is wrong? Why do you look so shocked? Is there something wrong with our country? "
Husen turned his face toward the moon that Kenari once again said.
"If only my country like your country"

"Kukuruyuk ... cuit, cuit, cuit" the sound of chickens and birds berbai bersahutan.
"Sen, get up already morning. Wanna get up at what time? Later kalo late can be stuck in the street "Husen's mother shouted awaken.

Husen also awakened from sleep is also a sign that he woke up from a dream that is so strange and feels so real. Husen rushed to the bathroom and then tidy to the campus. He briefly turned on the television and looked at the morning news program as usual. And again he saw in the news it was a case of murder, racketeering, political chaos, corruption, and casual cases as usual on earth.
"Hsshh haaah, if only my country like your country Canary"
