The daughters of the wind. A Science Fiction Story

in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

Dear friends, I leave for the goodness of your readings a microfiction in the genre of Science Fiction.
It is a small exercise that I did (in Spanish) for that wonderful contest that I used to do @trenZ, CiFi256, and that we miss so much. This English version has been corrected, and I hope you will find additional readers.
I am grateful.

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The daughters of the wind


The Director of the Biological Module rubbed his eyelids. The watery look opened unintentionally melancholy and reddened.
─No there seem to be males among them. We suspect a combination of diaspora with sequential hermaphroditism. The specimen...

I stopped listening. The species issue is for scientists who drink coffee in their meeting rooms and debate endlessly. They demand samples and specimens. After all, we, the soldiers, are the ones in the field, exposed to the spores. We extract the native woman from the common room. And it cost us: two good boys from 75 are hospitalized, serious. It is an infected planet, cursed. Today we will do another extraction.
One soldier knows what another suffers, so this morning in the dining room we didn't talk much. We had decided the night before in the dormitories: we will take revenge.

We are the daughters. Many and one. They taught us this language I/other with pain. Before, we gathered the fruit of the wind and bore our daughters. We completed ourselves. Then they came with weapons and taught us their tongue to separate and wounded us.
They ripped us from Nalit and Nalit dies far away and we suffer.
That's why we teach them our language. That's why we gave them the gift of the flowers of the wind. We blew our seed into their ears. There was terror in their eyes. We blew the great wind and our word unite/sister took them and gave birth to our daughters in their flesh.
We were joy.
They were many, they are one. Now we speak the same language of the wind.
The others/they left in the ship some time ago. They carried our seed lightly.
So it was, and so we tell it to our beloved daughters of the wind.

Gracias por la compañía. Bienvenidos siempre.

En mi país hay tortura, desapariciones, ajusticiamientos, violaciones masivas de derechos humanos.
¡Libertad para mi país!

In my country there is torture, disappearances, executions, massive violations of human rights.
Freedom for my country!

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