in #fiction7 years ago


A man fell in love with a lady and they had a wedding ceremony.After a wedding, the groom told his bride he wants to go to his homeland to prepare a place for his bride and that he will come back to take her to the place. On his return, a lot of things had happened...stay tuned and enjoy d story.... image

the mc comes on stage and cheer everyone up, then he announce there is going to be a wedding in church.he invite the groom to come to d stage(as the choir sings,the groom and his groom men dance into d church)he invite d bride(the bride and her Bride's maid dance into the Church) he invite d pastor who then pronounce the man and wife and ask them to go out for the signing of the certificate. (They all dance out of the church).

(the groom and the bride walks into the stage and sit down).
GROOM- (praises his bride with sweet names) my love, I know we just got married today, but I have to go, I have to go and tell my father about u and also prepare a place for u to come and stay wit me in my father's land.
BRIDE- No(sad) we just got married, please stay for a while, how will I live without u
GROOM- (touches her face) my love, I won't stay for long I promise, I will only be gone for a little wile.
BRIDE- (sad) but how will I cope in this place without u?
GROOM- I have that lored out already.(he gives her a bible) take this book and read it always, it has memories,pictures and stories about us and about my undying love for u, never u loose it.(he fives he a lamp) never allow the oil of this lamp run dry, it will always show u d way and give u guildlines of how to live till I return (he gives her a crown) my love this is very Important, never should u allow anyone remove the crown from ur head, because you are my bride, you have to remain royalty. And lastly never allow ur gown get stained, remain pure for me
BRIDE- I have heard all you have said, I just hope you come back in no time as you have said.(they both stand,hug and the groom leaves d stage).

(as the groom leaved the stage, the bride goes back to sit down and starts to read the book,smiling to herself, just then a man walks in)
MAN- hi beautiful, I was just passing through the neighborhood and I noticed a sun shining than the sun itself, yet no heat from from this sun so I decided to know who you are
BRIDE- I am beautiful and I shine like the sun?, lol, well I am a bride and I am waiting for my groom
MAN- nice,I see you are reading a book
BRIDE- yes I am, my groom gave the book to me and I have been reading it over and over again
MAN- Haven't you gotten tired of reading the same book?,ok let me show you something(he brings out a phone or tablet and show her some pics) you see the world has upgraded, we no longer need a book, all we need is a phone where we can download a lot of stories, watch videos and even pornography. This is what you need.(as he collects her book and gives her his phone and he walks out of the stage, she gets very carried away by the things she sees on d phone).

(while she is playing with the phone, her chief bride's maid walks in)
CBM- My friend, are u still here even with your wedding gown for over 4months now??
BRIDE- my groom asked me not to remove my gown and he asked me to wait here for him, I have to be faithful to my love.
CBM- madam love continue ooo, well even if you want to be here and wait for him, at least take care of yourself na. In short, today I am going to make you up,(she brings out some make up kits and do a very rubbish painting on the bride face) then she removes d crown and gives d bride a Mirrow to look at her face).
BRIDE- wow, thank you my friend,I look so beautiful(while she is looking at the mirror, the friend leaves with d crown). My friend hope you will be coming often to do my makeover(as she remove the mirror from her face,her friend is gone) my friend has gone without telling me(as she continues to look at her face with d mirror)

(A man who can dance and uses a lot of love rythmes walks in to talk to the bride)
YOUNG MAN- I heard the only persons classified as been extraordinarily beautiful are the angels(as he walks around her to get her attention). I am Shawn the dancer, who is charmed by ur BEAUTY, ready to fight with HUMANITY,just to be ur best QUALITY, even if I av to act like I live in INSANITY, my love for ur beauty is till ETERNITY.
BRIDE- (blushing) what do u want from me?, the last person that told me this kind of words was my groom before he travelled.
YOUNG MAN- I wanna make u my PRINCESS, call u my MISTRESS, everyone will be my WITNESS, that u will be my SWEETNESS....let me teach u how to dance(he stretches his hand towards her)
BRIDE- dance??, I can't dance, the last time I dance was with my groom and it has bin a long time.
YOUNG MAN- don't worry pretty, just allow me navigate through your body, allow my hand spear through your waist and let the song in my heart teach you the dance of love(then they do a salsa dance together and while he holds her waist, he stains her gown from the back).(after d dance)did you enjoy the dance?
BRIDE- I loved it,lets dance again
YOUNG MAN- No I have to go somewhere now but I will be back
BRIDE- no, that was the same thing my groom said but it is nine month now and he is not back, please don't go.
YOUNG MAN- I am not your groom, I will be back for you...tell me you love me( in sarcasm).
BRIDE- I love me
YOUNG MAN- Say it louder(in sarcasm).
BRIDE- I love you so much( as the young man leaves d stage).

(while she is trying to learn the dance and she is backing the stage, the groom walks in)
GROOM- My love(as she turns to see him and trys to run and hug him but he stops her). What have you done to yourself, why r u so dirty?,where is your crown?,the book,y is ur lamp off and how did you stain your gown??
BRIDE- (confused) crying)
GROOM- I told you to stay and wait for me but you couldn't just stay faithful for 9months. You allowed the things of The world to envelop your heart and you forgot me your first love and you forgot that you were my bride, I am disappointed in you, will I take you like this to see my father the king?.. No, you are too dirty( just then, the young man walks in with two guys on black)
YOUNG MAN- beautiful one, I am back to take you with me(without minding the groom) guys, carry her and follow me
BRIDE- NO, I don't wanna go with you, my groom is back( crying)
YOUNG MAN- but u said you love me and I should come back for you and I told u I will be back, now I am back and you must go with me...(everyone freezes on stage).... (The groom then talks)
GROOM- so have I the son of God, came and died for all of you to be save, and just one thing have I asked of you before I left to heaven to prepare a place for u to come and be with me and my father and I only asked for you to be FAITHFUL, YES FAITHFUL but everyone is carried away by the things of this world, u no longer remember your first love, I married all of you, I gave my blood for you to be save, I died, went to d bottomless pit,got the keys to life and death from the devil and handed it over to you but one thing I asked of u BE FAITHFUL...( everyone on stage unfreezes)( the two guys trues to drag the bride out of the stage)
GROOM- Wait, she is my bride, you can't take her away, I already paid her bride prize she belongs to me... Leave her alone(as the guys leaves her)
YOUNG MAN- But she is mine and she said she loves me
GROOM- depart from here you roaming lion, you can't devoir this one.... (The young man and his guys run out of the stage) come to me my bride(the bride runs to the groom and hug him as they walk out of the stage).

written by @jhoyy