Kronin: A New Chapter, part 1:

in #fiction7 years ago

Kronin’s hotel room, Mt. Vernon, Washington:

It was morning, and for Kronin, that meant the same ritual. Waking up early, extricating himself from his bed without disturbing the sleep of his fiancee who was most definitely not a morning person, and having his coffee as he read the newspaper. This morning, however, the newspaper had been ditched in favor of the laptop. In the background, the morning news was going with some politician railing about ‘entitlements’ and how Americans were lazy and needed to be more self sufficient. He rolled his eyes as he took another drink and turned as the door opened and his twin sister walked in. A quick glance at the TV and she looked back to Kronin who shook his head. “I’ve only spent 2 days reviewing the politics involved with labor unions and healthcare and all of that. I am beginning to understand why Valora is perpetually enraged. Jesus christ, not even the Communists treated their own people this bad.”

Kara remained silent. Both her and her brother were old enough to remember a Germany divided. Both born in East Berlin, East Germany. Both identified as potential athletes. That decision led to both of them being raised, essentially, in a military style barracks training at the sports chosen for them for no less than 10 hours a day. Both growing to hate that system and both very glad to see a free and united Germany. She decided to try and inject humor. “Well, maybe that’s why they put you in charge. Mudcock likes his Communist anaolgies, why not send you to answer that charge?” Kronin smirked. “Mudcock is incapable of understanding anything that doesn’t fit the nice bubble he’s painted himself into.” Kara scratches her chin. “So… let’s do something about that. Lemme call Rose Johnston. Let her come up here, and you can make the case that needs to be made.”

Kronin thinks about this option as he sips his coffee. “Mox news will bring out their talking heads, they will find their little soundbites to twist around what I say.” Kara nods. “But you aren’t trying to convince them. The willfully ignorant and uneducated. The people so hopelessly dependant on the illusion of security they will do anything for it…” Kronin shrugs. “Then who would I be trying to convince? This is is where Valora falls short. She preaches to the choir. Her arguments won’t convince anyone who doesn’t agree with her already. And if you’re making an argument that has no chance to convince anyone, it’s just wasted air.”

Kara nods and smiles. “But brother… you have something that Valora doesn’t have. You are literally the poster child for what American Conservatives are ‘supposed’ to be.” Kronin nods. “Maybe an idea for later down the road. I’ll want to make sure I can organize things. Besides.. I need to focus on the match.” Kara nods. “Well, lucky for them they didn’t pair you and me up. Gives the others a chance.” Kronin thinks for a moment and nods. “Another potential idea for the future. For right now, I’ve got to try and work out how to survive this match.”

Kronin walks over to the table and turns the laptop around and switches window to his game plan for the match. “Let’s start with Vastrix and Abishag. I give their team… 5 minutes… no, that’s giving them both too much credit. 2 and a half minutes. At most. On their own, both are great fighters. But they don’t match up well as a team. Too different in personalities. Abbigail and Valora? The weak link in that team is Abbigail. She is a rookie. Inexperienced, eager to prove herself to Valora. They will be cohesive, They know each other well.. They will be on the same page.” Kara nods. “Valora doesn’t seem like the leader type.” Kronin raises a finger. “Oh she’s a born leader.. She just doesn’t want the responsibility. She likes worrying about herself. More than that, Valora has become an expert at tag team wrestling. Her team and the team of Sato and Vendredi are the major threats here.” Kara nods. “Sato beat you, after all.” Kronin laughs a bit. “Well I would say we beat the hell out of each other and he survived the match more than won it, but that might be a bit of my stubborn pride talking.”

Kara smirked a bit and looked over the notes Kronin had taken before glancing over at him. “What about your partner? Can you guys work together?” Kronin shrugs. “Well, he ran out and tried to help out when Abishag and the little cult of genetic defectives he has beat the crap out of me. That gives me a good base to work with and build on. Do I expect to win? Depends on how things are set up.. Should be fun if nothing else.”


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