The election - Absolute Caucus. (Fictional story)

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

'Twas the night before the election, and all the voters had been getting ready for the big day. They had been spending hours upon hours trying to convince each other, whom should be the next President of the Americas. (It had changed its name, after losing territory in the war)

They had been buying stickers for their cars, signs for their lawns, shirts, hats, and even donated and volunteering to and for campaigns.

Adolph, was such a guy. Adolph was 50 years old. He had a loving wife, and 2 little rascals, as he called them, as kids. Adolph wanted to be an artist, but after having been rejected from the very prestigious Parsons School of Design in New York, he had enlisted into the army at the age of 25, where he had fought bravely during the last war. And he was awarded the Medal of Honor, and he still recalls the day he had it handed over as the greatest day of his life. He was awarded other medals as well, but none of them could compare to the MoH. For is there something better, than to be rewarded for going above and beyond the line of duty?

  • But before we can move on with the story, we need to learn a bit about Adolphs past

Adolph had been hurt while in combat, by enemy biological weapons, where he lost his sight for a time, and had spend a while in the hospital. By the time he had recovered, the war was over, and America had lost. Giving up a portion of it's territory, Which he was furious about. And friends remembered him saying;

In these nights (after Americas surrender had been announced) hatred grew in me, hatred for those responsible for this deed. What was all the pain in my eyes, compared to this misery?

The biological attack he had suffered, had also affected his vocal cords. But in a way, that made his voice perfect for public oratory assignments. - A Russian spy by the name of Sergej, whom had been in the US at the time, would tell of his voice, as being charismatic, and very hypnotic. - And a couple of years later, he somewhat left the military service, and joined the National Socialistic and Democratic Party(NSDP), where he quickly became their propaganda officer(PO), as they called it.

Adolph was skilled as the PO, and he quickly took advantage of the anger that the American population had from the war. He was now 31 years of age, and though it had been a long time since he was rejected from Parsons, his hatred for the Russian Muslim professor that had the final say in the decision, had only grown during and after the war, with the American loss.

  • He used this in his speeches for the American people. He talked about the evils of capitalism, how Muslim bankers in Russia, were trying to destroy America completely, and how he would stop them. And in the NSDP leaflet, he wrote;

"Shake off your Muslim leaders.........Don't expect anything from the Russians........The Russian government is nine-tenths Muslim. Capitalism is a Muslim swindle"

This was just what a lot of former soldiers wanted to hear, and they rushed to the NSDP, and used their skills to influence the meetings of other political parties. - The use of violence quickly became a way of life, for them. However, the National Socialistic and Democratic Party, didn't really gain much momentum after that, they did get a few seats in congress, which where obviously important since they couldn't afford a big expensive campaign to promote themselves. So they where relying on the voice of Adolph, and the NSDP members, they had gotten into congress.

When Adolph turned 34, a hyperinflation set in. It completely destroyed the middleclass, and having just been elected as party leader for the NDSP, saw this as an opportunity to spread the message about the capitalist Muslims, and how they where at fault, for most of Americas problems. - As well as other rich members of the American society, whom obviously also had lost a lot, but could still lead comfortable lives, compared to the middleclass and the poor, whom had their lives completely ruined by the inflation.

Years passed, Adolph and the NDSP grew a larger and larger following thanks to the inflation. But when Adolph turned 40, the policies would show to fail. Their political stance was a weak one, and they lost a lot of seats in congress. During the last election, they had 100 voting members, out of 535, but this time they had lost 60 seats.

  • This was something Adolph was very troubled by. The hate for the Muslims had been slowly stagnating in the American population as the economy had improved, and he needed to do something, to gain a new momentum.

He called for his most brilliant adviser, Jonas Flobbel, and made him come up with a plan to get more support from the general population. - Flobbel had already taken measures years before though. As he had secretly created an organization with the intent of gathering data from the population. It was a spy network, and it had a plan.
The plan would take a couple of years to implement, since the NSDP had lost so many seats in congress, and therefore had to be a bit stealthier, with how they did things. And 3 years later, months before the next election, they where ready to begin.

  • But alas, it was too late. Flobbel figured, that the best way to get Adolph elected, was to continue with the stance they have had so far, and he had made a couple of his spy's undergo strict mental training, as to get completely rid of their emotions. There was 3 of them, and they were sent into their own respective malls, to create chaos.

It was memorial day for all the fallen soldiers during the war, and people had gathered in malls across the country, to pay their respects, drink, eat and look for a brighter future. - But what Flobbel had failed to forsee, was that a lot of the former soldiers whom where attending the memorials, still suffered from paranoia, this many years after the war. They where observant of everyone, and in all three malls, the spy's where taken out, the second they drew their weapons.

The National Socialistic and Democratic Party, still gained some following from it though. For Flobbel had people working in the National Media. And they made sure to mention every evening, that Muslims had tried to shoot up 3 different Malls on memorial day.

  • As a result, the NSDP gained a good amount of seat in congress, and now had 179.

Adolph was a little worried though. He wasn't sure, that another attempt such as that, would be successful, and if they where ever found out, they'd be lunched. - So he had Flobbel prepare in hiding, for a couple of years.
They Flobbel didn't exactly stick to that. He had been recruiting more and more people from the population. He had been assassinating members of the the opposing parties, and even some of their own, which he knew couldn't be trusted. And he was spinning it as if where Muslims doing it.

  • This wasn't as good a tactic, as he had believed at first though. The population was annoyed at politicians, with their stricter and stricter laws, higher taxes, and lack of work. The economy was in recovery, but there where still many areas where it was lacking, and the middleclass were only coming back in very tiny numbers.

2 years where remaining before the next election, it was the day after Adolph's 48th birthday, and Flobbel approach him at his house, telling him it was time to implement the original plan again, if he wanted to have a chance at winning an election at all. - Adolph knew, that Flobbel wouldn't say such a thing, if it weren't true, so he approved. Flobbel could do what ever he wanted.

3 months later, the American population was once again gathered in malls across the country, and Flobbel sent out his spy's. this time, they would hit 20 malls in total, with 5 guys each. They'd be drugged, and they'd be wearing suicide wests with a dead mans switch. - He wasn't gonna risk anything this time, it needed to be a success.

  • The American population was taken completely by surprise. Thousands upon thousands of innocent people where killed, and having planted evidence up front, that pointed towards Muslims, it was an easy spin for the now well trained staff he had in the media.

The National Socialistic and Democratic Party, where the only party during the last 20 years, that had consistently been telling the population how evil Muslims where, and people flocked towards it. Membership numbers had never been higher, and polls showed, that they had 90% of the votes for the upcoming election.
Flobbel and Adolph wasn't satisfied though. A lot of things could happen in two years, and they needed to keep the population not only fearful of further attacks, but also hateful towards Muslims, for the plan to really succeed, and have Adolph elected as President.

  • So another attack was staged the year after, with even more civilian casualties.

And this is where our story continues

'Twas the night before the election, and Adolph was just a regular guy. All he really wanted to do, was to paint. He was sitting in front of the fireplace, in his favorite chair. His wife brought him a cup of coffee with a smile, telling she loved him, before taking the kids off to bed. While he was sitting there, staring into the burning wood, he remembered his days before becoming a soldier. All he really wanted to do, was be a an artist, a painter like the great ones before him. Like Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Da Vinci, Monet, Degas and all of the rest of them.
Then he remembered the professor rejecting his entry into Parsons. He smiled. The face that dirty Muslim had made, as Flobbel had ripped off his fingernails. The screams, from having his nose slowly peeled off. And the begging, when he Adolph had finally stabbed him, ending the grudge he'd been carrying for so many years.

  • He looked at the clock it was almost midnight. In just 9 hours, the election would start, and in another 9, he grinned to himself, "I will finally be President", as he went to bed.

The alarm was ringing the next day. It was 8:30 and his young wife Sarah, had already left for the stands to cast her vote. In just a little over 9 hours, it would all be over. He would finally win, he thought to himself, as he went into the kitchen to say good morning to the maids and the kids. - He had to leave soon, since it was going to be a busy day, where he had to fly around to all the different election stands, to remind people of what they where voting for. He ate, took a shower, and had his chauffeur drive him to the airport where his private jet where waiting. "It was good, that we silenced the people complaining about us spending tax money on this", he thought to himself. "How else would I be able to get to every single place today."

Hours passed, and as he left the last election stand, Flobbel grabbed him and whispered, "there's only been a 40% turnout this year. But don't worry, it won't change anything.". Adolph smiled at him, nodded at said, "I'll leave it to you my friend. You've never disappointed me."

  • He flew straight to Chicago, where they had set up their main campaign office, and where greeted by the children. They jumped in his arms yelling, "DADDY DADDY, MOM IS SAYING THAT YOU ARE GOING TO BE THE PRESIDENT NOW!!!", and he smiled at them, whispering in their ears "Your mom is always right kids. There is no doubt, I will win this".

THEY'RE DONE COUNTING!!, someone yelled from the main room of the office. WE WON WITH 100% OF THE VOTES!!
Adolph wasn't as ecstatic as he had thought he would be. He was happy, of course, but it seemed like something was missing. - And at that moment, Flobbel entered the room, shook Adolph's hand, and loudly congratulated him, followed by a whisper, "we are ready, we have the keys, we have the codes. Just say when". - And the excitement finally hit him, finally he could put an end to the hatred he had been feeling for all these years. Finally he could get revenge on those people that had surrendered, allowing the proud nation of the United States of America to loose a war, and loose territory. "Finally, finally, finally," he whispered back to Flobbel. We do it tonight, when I've put the kids to bed.

As night time came, and Adolph and Sarah had put their children to bed, he went to the pavilion in the garden, where Flobbel and a couple of other guys where waiting for him, with a big suitcase. "Here's your key, Mr. President", he grinned. "And here are the codes".

  • Adolph quickly grabbed both, and opened the suitcase.
    "Wait, how do we even use this", he asked Flobbel, "I haven't been briefed, have you?" - "Naah, my friend", he said. "But this guy right here, knows what to do". He pointed towards a guy, that was chained to a chair. His face were swollen, and there where blood all over his clothes. "Sorry about the mess, he figured out what we wanted to do, so I had these two rough him up a bit, he's tell us now though, won't you?" The man was crying, begging Flobbel not to take his daughter away. "Then tell us how to work this my man, I won't hurt her, don't worry", Flobbel was a good actor, Adolph though to himself, obviously that was a lie, the daughter would already had been sent to Flobbels spy school. He does not leave loose ends that guy.

The man told them how to operate the suitcase.

  • Put in both keys, turn them at the same time, and quickly enter the codes.

A noisy siren could be heard not so far away, then a terrible rumble, soon followed by a bright light as multiple large objects roared up from the ground, in all directions.

  • "WE'VE DONE IT!", Adolph screamed. "yes we have my friend", Flobbel replied. "Those nukes, will completely destroy Russia, and every other Muslim society. And don't worry, my men are already gathering all of the Muslims in America. There won't be a single one left, by tomorrow morning",

Suddenly the sirens turned back on. Russia and the other countries where retaliating, sending nukes of their own.

  • "But my spies had informed me, that they had disabled them all!!!", Flobbel said with a distressed look on his face. "We won't make it to the bunker, there's simply not enough time!.

Adolph smiled. "I had them lie to you, my friend. This will be my legacy, the legacy of Adolph Trumton. I will make sure, that not a single Muslim survive, no matter the cost."

'Twas the night after the election, and the bombs finally fell.

This story, was inspired by Mein Kampf, and was made to fit the current paradigm of the things I see happening in the world today. It is completely fictional, but at the same time, based on some of the stories that have come out in the later years with the declasification of government files
I very much hope you enjoyed reading it. And even more so, that you'll get a little inspiration, as to not let yourself be manipulated by politicians, due to fear.

  • I do realize, that there is a lot of errors in it, both grammar, spelling, and the way it's formulated, but I can't afford a proof reader, on something I give away for free. So I do hope you looked though those errors, and enjoyed what I wanted to share

And of course, I hope you're having a wonderful day.
-- Sincerely, Michael.

And a big Thank you sent to @emancipatedhuman and FreedomToons, for helping a little with ideas. <3


this is a great story. not done yet but i'll come back to finish.


I'm editing a bit of spelling errors now. So take your time! :D

Good story but a little too close of a cloning of Hitler although Trump does boasts his military academy experience and has a history of publicly expressed discrimination. He was known to be a bully in his youth. Tough choice this time on the ticket. The Clinton side brings the legacy of Whitewater and a fully realized Presidential impeachment proceeding which was later overturned. The third and fourth party candidates are largely unknown outside of their constituents.

Thanks, I appreciate that you like it. ^_^

  • Well, I did base it largely on Mein Kampf, and how I see the US moving on today. And the story behind Adolph, is an exact copy of what Hitler went through up until his 45th birthday. Though remodelled a little, with my own words, and a little bit of a different setting. And with an added mix of both Trump and Clinton.

It's the first fiction I've ever written. So it could probably have been a lot better. But I had a lot of writing it.

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