Should I post my novel on Steemit?

in #fiction8 years ago

Should I post my novel on Steemit?


I have written a novel, whose genre I can only describe as Literary Science-Fiction, and was just recently asked if I was thinking of posting it here, on Steemit. There seems to be some issues with this. Mostly, they are with formatting. I would like the presentation to be a certain way, in order for the story to be told correctly. So I will address these here, in hopes that the community can advise me as to what direction to go.

First, is it possible to indent paragraphs on Steemit posts? This would be great.

Second, without giving much away, I will say that my main character hears his mother, who has passed, speak to him throughout the story. This voice is always in italics, so that does not seem to be a problem here. Yet, later in the story he begins reading a letter, which we return to often. The narrator does not let the reader know when the letter reading has begun again or ceased, but you can tell because the font used is unique to the content of the letter. If there is a way to switch the font, please let me know.

Third, sometimes when there is a scene change I like to use a symbol, centered in the page, to show this. This is not such a big deal, yet centering text is not something I have learned yet. Please direct me to any articles or previous post that cover these kinds of issues.

Other than that, Steemit seems a proper platform to test the waters of a new novel, before investing in printing, marketing, self-publishing, etc. The story is just over 50 chapters, which average 2-3 pages in length, perfect for a Steemit post. I could post one a day for 50+ days, or spread them out. Before any of this happens I will, of course, copyright it, have my cover art commissioned and completed so that I may use one consistent image for all posts, and be sure of my editing. With that said, I could be ready fairly soon, following the New Year.

Thank you, in advance, for your help in this matter. I would like to play my part in building up this platform.

Peace and Love,
Mr. Fluid


Yes. Share all the novels.

To the best of my knowledge, italics, bold, and bold italics are the only options for "switching fonts", so perhaps you could use one of those for the letter reading.

Otherwise, maybe you could center that text

Or you could change the font size.

To a different size.

That fit your style.

If that would work.

Those would be my suggestions, but I'll still kind of new at this.

How do I center?

< center>
On left side of text

On right side of text

With text in the middle
Just take out the spaces.


Papa is here to help!

Can you reply back with some centered text to practice?


I am centered.


Put the same characters before the text just without the backslash /


Here is the image of what I typed.

It works. You just told me the wrong slash. It's "/".

Oh yes, please share it! Heck if anything if it was to get popular here you could take that to a publishing company and be like see!

I'd say go for it, I've been releasing one called "Love, Like His" bit by bit, for a while now on here.

You should be able to find it in my blog history, the most recent chapter links all previous ones, including the first chapter.

Definitely post. Many authors, aspiring and published have!
You can also use the > before a sentence/paragraph to separate it.

You can center by using < center > at the beginning and then < /center > at the end of whatever it is you want to center - take out the extra spaces.


mrfluid? I'm a science-fiction writer too just like you. I have written a book that consists of 43 chapters plus a prologue and an epilogue. However, I am still in the process of correcting any typographical errors in it that I may find. That is the biggest pain in the neck there is. My response to your post is that if there is an edit feature here on Steemit that allows for you to correct a typographical error after publication, then you're probably going to be okay in publishing your novel here on Steemit. As you can see, I am new to Steemit and I am trying to figure out all the ins and outs about publishing on this site before I post anything monumental on it. Until you mentioned about publishing your science-fiction novel here on Steemit, I did not give it any thought. There is this one good site where you can publish books for a small fee, and it has a good reputation. I can't remember the exact name of it right now; but if you want, I could look it up and give you the web address for it. Of course, then again, Steemit charges absolutely nothing for you to publish your book here. Therefore, you would be avoiding many of the costs associated with publishing it if you published your book here on Steemit. Perhaps the only big cost would be for you to hire a copyright attorney to review it over and copyright it before you actually publish it. These copyright attorneys specialize in finding whether anything out there similar or identical has been published so that you can avoid a legal nightmare in the event that there has been. From one science-fiction writer to another, I wish you all the best in your pursuit of having your work published.

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