What you know isn’t what you think. What you think isn’t what you know.

in #fiction6 years ago

‘‘What you know isn’t what you think. What you think isn’t what you know.’’ A second notional-strain reminder. ‘What is being said here’?

‘Distinctive’ intuitive feelings of ‘mind’s’ acquaintances receptive into (‘improperly designated abyss, opening, supreme, appalling’) ‘strange’ areas of phenomena (evading ‘pragmatic’ symmetries, systems) ‘will discover’ (‘surreptitiously’ prevailing) ‘mysterious’ forces, activity-deliberating mosaic arranging-directing cerebrations (assembling -unfixed un/enlivened property swirling- fragments, ‘intention as wand’), acting ‘beyond’ ‘subjective’ heart-psyches/conscious chronologic-‘flashbacks’ connecting multiple persons ‘worldwide’ across (‘disregarding’) distances, genders, ethnicities, time periods etcetera, differentials-alike (‘‘folie’ à deux, trois, quatre, incalculable, boundless...’’); not ‘handily’ ‘discursively-explicable’ (expedited) as ‘spiritual mumbo-jumbo, crackpot correlationism or wishful thinking’: such things ‘exist’ in ‘situated-classified’ sculptural-casts, as exemplar telepathy, ‘generated’ between ‘self-characters’ that ‘know/know not’ of each other -‘one way conscious’ plausible, number of watchful ‘occasions’-, even those of reciprocal dislike/hatred (sensitive-value disinterest, criteria as -‘contacting energies decided’ - ‘meaningful’ ties, strength of ‘passion’). ‘This world’ is not what ‘you’ think, or what it ‘is’ purported to ‘be’. Human actions are only ‘surface’ instances. The ‘surface’ ‘is’ not the whole. And the whole is only a part. What ‘is’ meant by this. A point hereto clarified. There lies, awaits (from unpremeditated ‘selection(s)’), a vast multitude of wavering alliances, raging agitations, incommensurable bonds, flagrant transgressions. These incidents of ‘inquir(ed)ing oddity’, ‘bizarre familiarities’ do not necessarily ‘choose’ to enact ‘themselves’ physically, somatically (nor formulaic profiles); they usually borderline-‘meditatively’ emerge & transmit their (apprehended idea(ogram)(s), retrieval-expulsion from -(‘growing, evolving; feedback’) ‘several-dimensional’ motile-kinetic ‘informational-unnatural’ ‘sentient’ (‘inter-human’?) ‘monad’ networks) as ‘overwhelming’ frequencies and ‘frightful-unique’ announcements, ‘unmistakable’ to the bearer (one ‘side’ -for descriptive ‘purposes’- to another, simultaneously, gradually, dependent) – perhaps chosen, perchance destined, maybe entirely ‘random’ - this equated (‘past tense by duplication’) to a created, noetic chord-resonance, a branched ‘path of fate’; which doesn’t mean/imply similar correspondent mechanisms or ‘terminal objective place’ (‘recovered lost compound-esse’) as the afterw(o)ard.

Let ‘me’ give (‘by showing’) ‘you’ an illustrative-case to substantiate these claims of ‘mine’. When preparing to sleep in the refracted-glowful uprisings of morn’ (unscheduled dissolution of ‘consciousness’, delayed hours ‘enslaved’ by whimsy, exhaustion unpredictably implanted, chronologic collapsed lids’, curtains closure (finally? Anticipation!), ‘repeated anew’ [a novel(la) ‘lifetime’]), as ‘always ensues’ after a nocturn-cloaked interval of reading a (provocative, entertaining, ‘all the same’) fictive piece, writing to ‘myself’ in notebooks, or ruminating on the perplexities of (emotively jarring, socially serious-‘tangible’) events, of cursorily-sighted (sophistic)ated tidings, that could be considered ‘easily e(lucid)ated’ (intricacies of -fixed variable- setting, tendencies of ‘conducted’ sentiment-aroma, more prominently; affective emergenc(i)es -‘silent conversion’ (ineffable to acknowledged avowal -alternating vox pitch)-, and reclusive imaginal memories refusing) - ‘non-I’ felt an interruption in the ‘everyday’ sensations of ‘mindful’ contingent trapping cogitation-object patterns, (consolidated mixture of thoughts, emotions, judgements, reflections; all moving ephemerally on some ‘forward’ journey to a singular ‘nominally deceptive’ (try ‘‘qualified’’ ‘living’ without) ‘destination’ via multiline ‘tomorrow(s?)-thrown hypothesized’ road) – an appearance of a spectral (‘chemically’) ‘synthetic-embodied’ ‘face’ jolted ‘my’ stream of consciousness irrevocably and permanently in this present, an ‘epiphany’ of a type of physiognomal-portrait that ‘non-I’ could ‘see’ in a remembrance of a far-ground unidentified [haunting!] ‘shadow’-as-‘uncanny’ ‘flushed’-feeling (‘not physique’…?), of previous memory or episodic event, except this was following ‘thought-experiences’ ‘in ‘real’ time’; a mass assortment of abstract chocolatier-sketched (tasted-felt uncaringly-‘fleshed’ (glazed divergent drops [on] draped in/organic tissue) lightless unorthodoxy, complex[ion] greater than cocoa constituents) bios- jumbled lines (‘plastic aerobatics’), that is, one with ‘those’ characteristics, eyelids blinking fiercely-frantic, ‘face’ opposite nonentity; pinpoint ‘austere-cynical’ holes staring (while moving, revolving -scrutiniz[ed/ing]- ocular-joint ventriloquism) in a bitingly-obscure manner asking ‘innumerable somethings’ of ‘me’; which by ambiguity, ‘non-I’ had no way of knowing of ‘what (response, ‘motif’, question, ‘solution’) precisely’ was desir(ed/able), ‘object(s) of persuasion’, or even ‘noticeably communicated’; except a ‘declaration statement’ profuse with ‘some kind of (myriad bifurcated fountain) intimate connotation’, ‘as if ‘non-I’ knew this person’ – ‘after a’ procession of misleading gravity-temporal paradoxical happenings (trying to recollect ‘meaningful’ exactness in [a] time of metronome ‘captive’-oscillations, incomplex substratum stopwatch, ‘unendingly (re)current’ ‘seconds’ (derivative to a ‘first’ uniformity-clique imposed ‘story’); produces uneasy, inaccurate (‘diagnostic’) ‘endurance(succumbing suffering ‘slowly’)-rebellion(recognizing ‘societal’ SS)’ mechanicals(isms) -whose/which anxiet(y)ies is/are wished remissed here?) – while ‘only’ a horizontal babbling-string section between middle forehead (snaking dense electrico-wires) and upper nose striatum (jutting standable outcrop) was visible (‘white noise scratchiness’), a sectional vignette ‘if you will’; where black matted bars morphed ‘naturally’ with nightfall frontal surrounds where ‘non-I’ was (un)settled 45-acute deskwise (susceptible hoisted nervous shoots, ‘unravelling physical laws’) in monotonously inhabited (‘where one settles ‘knowingly defunct’) space; straining with curious intent (‘untangling’ gordian, ‘remodelled concordant yarns’), ‘into this’ (signalling ‘ageless’, but containing/emanating a ‘wisdom’ -zenith’s most deferential ‘directive branch’- ‘you’ could read in ‘atman’ countenance traits of eyes, rapidity of blinking; energetically (one)rous, devoted-to-cause varyingly-honest(?!) effusive-‘convincing’ movement, floating wrinkles gently-snafu sprinkled outwards (altered visage by psychic-command! Completely transitory willed-representation!), minute raising of eyebrows & bunching of forehead muscles medially; this startlingly vigorous-nondescript immaturity, yet ‘at parallel idea(l)-travels’, ‘as if’ (yea!) demanding universal unsparing full limbic faculties/>(left crocodile logarith(V)mic)-considerate effort-vigilance (for ?) from ‘me’; communicating ((un)fundamentally atypical) importance’s of irremediable rupture (‘rational’-stupid irregular expected continuities). And ‘the task’ then, as ‘non-I’ perceived ‘it’, was to implement silent intuition to ‘what was indicatively expressed’ ‘hermeneutically revealed’ through suppositional abstractions from (echoing elses/anothers/counterparts’ synaptic info-strings) neuronal systems; this exasperatively-strange sequence of glances, a serendipitous chasmic-cleft (structurally nebulous -‘glitching’ hologram, immeasurable depth, raging-echoic sounding-stone reverberance) of future injury-possibilities -j for inspected katana-pores exhaling sickened jelly-clots – largest recorded ‘pretty’-flammable (bloodshot-charcoal vortexes witnessed dancing wildly) oil spill, grilled plumage – from later ‘non-self’.

To present ‘a’ context ‘see-able’ – (conceptual ‘minds eye’ equivalence to evanescent coal-grey ‘starry’ arrangement, where ‘oval’-uni(verse, write ‘it’ ‘down’! -‘My best friend parchment’-), per(ce)petually, ‘in everlasting instant’, available to all ‘humans’, inter-societal distinctives, biological composites -even rayless visions reach the blind’-; immediate background-sparklings of night‘time’ ‘oneness’ overlayed every object, everyplace, the minutest ‘triviality’ comprising most-vivacious ‘reflection (‘fateful’ reminiscence, or postponed tiresomeness) of inner-outer ‘spark-nucleus’ of character’) – to a 21st-C respiring organon (cognizable, ‘vitally’ inanimate?), this hasn’t been the ‘original’-sole display of ‘fantastical-absurd’ illuminations, adoringly-threatening images, ‘hysterically’-confused voices ‘in’ despair, ‘purposely’-indirect signs etc appearing to ‘me’ in some manifest impression, formation, or liquid-glissading honeycomb-environs of sensations. And they have always surfaced therefore in mi(d)st of darkness, after evening; where the world draws parallax to ‘truth’ (‘sight-of-confidence’, ‘ontology detached’ affirmed needs -dimensions, properties, patterns, scale-intricacies, entanglements, projected energy requirements for (‘sufficient’) ‘resolution’ -daydream defence mechanisms [‘no authentic, factual, unconditional, genesis, cause first or definitive, foundation, author’] – pareidolia). The one ‘I’ remember closest to hand, and also most recent, ‘is’ an encounter with not an idenifiable image or face, but a constant; perpetuating noise, a dialectic that reminds one of a vernacular glossolalia that is enactively spoken by some ‘remote’ rainforest-tribe somewhere (stereotypes, ‘inevitable’ cultural illiteracies); not contacted by exterior (‘life-world’) coercers (or frequently ‘enough’) & hence impenetrably ‘alien’ to a modern outlander who would, in their complete separateness in all permutations of daily life, activities, thoughts (especially those constantly returned to requisite-exercises, immuno(life toleration)-dependencies, amusing-habits-), relations with others; would be ‘legitimately’ defined as a ‘foreign being’, likely even a potentially invasive one, a repulsive bacteria (disgust ‘is’ retroactive fear projected), troublesome fly-worm, a tunnelling maggot, antagonistic (‘bringer of devastation’) scapegoat – that could efface all repeated dalliances ‘passed through’ centuries of ancestral kinship. And who could blame ‘self-determining’ communities for (unbridled) cohesion, remorseless [‘outside in’] barbarism in protecting (laboriously intensive, mentally unpredictable, volatile -‘minacious persistence’-, autonomous in seclusion) kindred conventions, for hadn’t most earthy flesh-temporal ‘interpersonal affinities’ (-broken signets’ symbiosis, fl(y)eeing home’s holocaust, ‘evolved’ competition, ‘familially’ cannibalistic, ‘a true primitivism’-; at least to a perceiver of a generation forthcoming) been utterly shattered, ravaged, liquidated; in ‘this globalized ‘society’? Well, ‘[non]-I guess’ these thoughts are all a matter of gradations (curved index, flat-plain pink(y)) of contorted translations ((tort)uous warped sculptural ‘prints’, modified ‘stolen’ signatures) and parochial ‘understandings’, a manner of preference, habit-arraying (‘for satisfaction’) temperamental-taste or acclimatized acceptance, after all, there ‘is’ no ‘right’ method of ‘living’, no ‘instructions’ given to how a mortal ‘is’ to counterfeit ‘themselves’ ‘anew every day in sameness’ (‘illusory’ memories, delicate-faking organs of [non]sense), before (materialisms vengeful) return to earthly abode in which ‘we’ were/are ‘composed’. All that beholds [‘a personal’] significance [of no ‘real’ consequence, a fellow comrade] ‘is’ one’s ‘fashioned’ vitality with which – varying throughout time-periods, in/habitable environments, cultural epochs, artistic partisanships, ethnic rivalries, preserved idols (‘everything has its time’), forgotten ‘heritages’ (spiel of -interim successor of indiscriminate ‘demigod-body’ claims and ‘shadowed minority/resistance’ purging thereof- ‘victor’ admiring cancellation of ‘victim’ -record, story, living adherents-), convenient ‘literal’ objects, martyrs, servant-temples, serf-‘classes’ (educative, capital, ethnologic, ideational—primitive), to everyone bestowed – to forge ‘a’ ‘progress(ed)ively’ rotting mould to all possible (‘non-self-another’) requested (‘shocking’ reinterpretations, ‘a new history’, preservation, strengthening, rephrased (especial) peoples, singulars) censored extents. Or that was how ‘[non]-I’ ‘saw/see ‘it’.

‘This’ ostensible noise (‘audibly’ muffled -negation of exclusion-) then, emanated not through ‘classifiable’ regularity as a ‘noise’ as such, not even an outburst delivered by unendurable compulsion (obligation?!), unyielding-spasm or screech, nor cry – only ‘insubordination’ possible, a ‘wretched’ (from ruin) sensitive ‘crazy’ misshapen-‘speech’ against ‘imposed’-internalized human terrors, ritually harnessed winds...striking Darwin’s frailties (comrades to gulag(s))?-; ‘this’ sacrilegious-to-cosmo(poli)s-structure ‘noise’ effusive as an ‘entirely-strange’ effluvia (dampened vanilla essence?) ‘Which is’ what appears most poignantly, though paramount memories were ‘scrambled’ after the event (& subject to blitzkrieg: remnant shrapnel accompanying downpours, unexploded ordnances lurking in joyous expectation, dilapidated wall-segments resisting ‘natural’-weather’s afflictions...) – for reasons(s)...?), paradoxically silent to the point of startling anxiety; a vague-whispering that caused reverberative imprints on ‘the’ furrowed hollows of ‘my’ mind – Except that no ‘words’ were ‘radia(n)ted’ pronounced-ly gushing from a worldly mouth -flipped semicircle- (although ‘non-I’ ‘knew’ ‘the’ representative of this soundless-exposition was organismically ‘functional’ (subsisting) ‘somewhere’ as a fixed emprisoned (‘psychological, zoological’) paperclip at this moment, a ‘spiritual ghost’ enacted upon by (scraping, pressing, abrasive grindings; packaged [wasted] product for others, by ideas, unfed) forces, apogee of accustomed hallucinations named ‘experiences’, implanted memories (hazy first ‘essentials’ extracted -‘items’-, reconstructive ‘distortions’ applicated through each subsequent ‘recantation’; abandoning those -possibly ‘indispensable’, ‘precious’ previously- not to ‘present tastes’), mutually-addictive practices, learned-imitated-‘perfected’ manners, cyclical temperaments, social identifications (fished from ‘birthed’-reservoir of ‘human resources’), -‘what’s your X? Mine ‘is’ #0-285747-396843-4; ‘I love it, such a smooth phonation’-, within these frames (‘sold, believed, ‘enslaved’ cathexis) it was demanded of for ‘my’ attention, if not ‘my’ help, or ‘actual’ educative-divinations into…? Thoughtless (‘for us’) ‘initiations into sublime’ -non traditionally ‘philosophical’, or rather - ‘contemporarily, correctly’ - reinterpreted for ‘further’ reachings, ‘farther’ strivings ! ‘All things’ ‘modern’, astride chiasmus (language, thoughts, ‘appreciation’, creation, ‘real’ -real??- spontaneous generation!) to…? To learn[ing]!). These nonpareil ‘hyper-words’ were instead ‘heard’ ‘internally’ (entangling ‘in’ distance), the ‘self-same voice’ ‘you’ recognize when thinking to ‘yourself’, with a distinctive difference (multiple, multi-fluid, polynomial, ‘endless combinations’, literacy-acquisition hierarchies -initiation remember, don’t forget, do not neglect!-, interactively-(‘extra’)imagistic groupings – ‘envisioned descriptions’ ‘took the observer’ through space-time [even within one morpheme/meaning-syllable/sentence!], senseful (‘contradictory’) locations, environments, abodes, (bodies?!), together, synchronously! Not ‘better’, ‘just’ wholly other, (‘a’ cherished ‘non-item’!) due to-; ‘our’ words’ ‘categorical’ insufficiencies, ‘shameful’ blemishes, nutrient privations, senile frailties – for…) ‘Given being’ this ‘voice’ wasn’t ‘mine’ ( ( ) - signifies ‘shapeless’ contours of a ‘thing’ with no ‘ownership’ -a substantive (omni)material ‘thing-complex’ with binary+ physical & lingual tongues – even combined as superposition – ‘in’ [one modality] diverse locales still -telepathically?!- communicating!), ‘indisputably’; but had entered (of whose machinations, talents -’seemingly ‘esoteric’ (‘idiosyncratic disclosures’ -to those clairvoyant-talking-), that is, ‘perfectly detached’ (‘apparently-exterior inconsistent’, ‘inchoate stability’) - or which tools awaiting use was unintelligible, again, ‘cogent-biomes’ like this(these?) were not ones to divulge their methods, if they ‘knew’ at all ‘as complete’ – perhaps in their ‘other dimension’ [crude allegory/speculation, apologies], such power ‘is’ vacuous, ‘useless’, dysfunctional; and incites ‘intrusion’ -not that ‘humanity’ ‘controls’ dominion/expanses- onto ‘worldly’ perceiving’ dwellings/‘macrocosm’?) – ‘strangely’ affecting ‘my’ normative ‘enclosed’ space of thought -tiresome, boredom induced writing, conditioned ‘placement’ (‘secure(d)’, hostile, frustrated, excited, monoverbally-high: cunning ‘deviational’ mind-tricks of ‘escape’!)- all the same.

Without straying from ‘accuracy’ here, while ‘faithfully’ preserving difficulties of conceptual-communicatives that ‘non-I’ was absorbedly conversive with by this voiceless-‘voice’ (minus this interpretation crumbles rapidly into degenerate part-readings aimlessly, while thinking they -show ‘players’- ‘possess’ purpose, ‘unintentionally’ feigning friendship hand-shakes -closed fists’ severance, intercontinental graspings motioning crossed-marxist iron-power-links) - a simulacrum of what was transferred-heard (let it be known that intuited phosphorescence, a liminal succession of images, memories, tapestries of thought-experiences by this other ‘entity-thing’ were not ‘logical’ in the manner of human trails of movement from ‘this happened which effected in that’ -’cause and effect’-) ‘progressed’ in an ice-skating rambling digression that kept circling to a premise that wasn’t explicitly demonstrated with enough ‘substantiality’ in the ‘first place’ - [superior horror’s of contradictory-perplex camo-perspex melted screen (‘all around’ particle-protruding omnipotence apparatchik informing perceiver’s ‘living crimes’ to perceived ‘awareness’ from ‘secrecies of sense(ations)’, judged impartially-strange, plans obscur, (e-asiness) guarded from counter-sentiments; syntactical-layered power-inequalities ‘wholly other’, sheltering styled unfamiliarity with a presence of refuge(e—to language, ex(s)pelled), dyad-sarcastical, no suggestive word-avenues for ‘deciphering’ ailments – cipher-less, beneficial-companion scale for ‘future’ consultings undiscoverable, explanatory ‘history’ missing, expressible ability(ies) deficient for otherness-acquaintance, minds(’) ‘structural’ handless ruins : Pronto! Hammer-sickle-sluice] – (how can ‘non-I’ say...anything?); ‘it was’ a categorical puzzle-piece, morse-code piquant-intensive elements atonated, a matrixal perforated-template riddle (moving, shifting-spokes’ greyscale pinpoint-cur(sive)ved electrified-circuits (scrutable one-way-mirror from outside-ness ‘in’) para-equipped with conditional di(e, di for duo)aphanous explosives; extrusive, avirons-augmented spidral-tendrils’ VR-actuality encapsulating globose retinal axes-imaginable, situatively-swelling droning sibylssant spiral imprints’ contribution) to a perfectively perfomative symphonous ‘finality-in-experience’, having closest incarnate-features to a ‘beautiful’ unfolding of a ‘peculiar’-entrancing ‘other-life’ (inviting to join its orgiastic ‘wholesome’ ‘happiness’-fleeting listening remarks a ‘true’ meaning of ‘this’ word- creating manifold-manifest archi[tectural]-curvaceous ‘explanations’ to thought-spaces’ occupancy, permuting tastes-of-bliss -attentive observancies to atmospheric charged euphorically raging-ranging emotive-nexus(es – boundless tender-stirrings!) of sentiments, commotions, each of their own life-forms, perceiving with multifold organismic receptors (picture touching-cones’ nervous system saturated, flowing thrice-directional, interacting telepathically with other-as-one ovoid embryos contoured as saturnine-vessels budding illustrial fruits, portrayals from senselessly vacant-‘expanse’ made visible), regarding landscapes arrayed as restless spotlight-shimmering chattering-animated ‘essence’-cloudlets extruded, holding ‘in’ ‘being’ -radically ‘possessing’ that in-ness!- (transitorily ethereal – winning by breaths an ‘absolute’ candidacy for such term ‘real’, of delightfully intrusive qualities, injecting ‘vivifying’ ‘soul’-(rainbow, taut–release)fluid towards person(a, that is ‘one’, ‘all-embracing’, cosmically-aer, ‘full’-textural ga(u)zes of realized-ecstasy, a metamorphose-universe, integrally-reaching; ‘this was’ a life-separate from planetary continental driftal-moods engulfing swimmer of dejective dreary ordinance, even eclipsing eruptions of ‘profoundest moments’! May ‘it’ last ‘forever’, humble arouser from somnolence), ‘spiritual’ strength exclamator; vivaciously wonderant creature, ‘heavenly’ -rarefied permission granted- clothing-of-elegance bestower, super-phenomenal nearness imbuer -transcendent not as ‘god’ but capacitous-apprehension ‘enlightener’!-, complex-coloration spectral forger, potency of written(engraved, adorned, thought)-powerlessness reminder, raiser of conscious bearing! their own opinions, hopes, ‘dreams’ as a choreographic ‘whole’ of participation; ‘it was’ ‘truly’ lovingly-rhapsodic -do not think ‘this’ sentimental, ‘it was’ a real interactive-touchable universe ‘in itself’!- as if ‘non-I’ could ‘see’ these interweavings glimpsing into the ‘here’ that mediocre speculation ‘finds’ infectiously-plagued ‘existential’-, oh but how!), additive- of what was ‘topically-spoken’ imparting ‘aware’-aberrations with time, where ‘for observer’ layers of stratification and examino-dissection would have to incorporate different methodologies of schema, perceptual categories of thought, revised-heartened techniques to ‘unlock’ (temporarily, locks changed frequentially) sectional-multiple meanings hiding ‘behind’ blankets of surface that these words (not just reduced to this, in a sense a ‘communicative theme’ ‘beyond’ words, exterior to conceivable thought, ‘it’ exceeded IT. (imaginable theoreticals) – doubtlessly this ‘is’ difficult to understand, not less transmitted to ‘you’ in a ‘form’ that doesn’t resemble ‘inexact’ phrasings (semantic impossibility), circumstantial nostalgias, presumptively-arrogant flamboyant mood-reports ‘carefully’ conveyed to ‘me’ at that time, one of a vocabulary ‘[non]-I’ could not appreciate ‘meaningfully’ nor discern as translation ‘unpincer-focused’ (‘the’ reducible ‘one thing’ covering of thought-’correspondence’ - ‘lamentably’-; all while erratic horizonal landscapes -taunting in their dainty inscrutability and almost-indecipherable gestures-, changing affrontery(ies), bringing to expression alliances that ‘non-I’ did not know (and would have to learn straightaway). That was the last ‘experience’ -and one which ‘[non]-I’ feel comfortable telling ‘you’, others were too horrifying, terribly abnormal (not that anything approximating ‘normality’ was of appearance in ‘this’ whole episode)- that can be elocutively, acoustically recollected while ‘I’ trouble ‘myself’ with comprehending, empathizing with, relating in a method that was expected of me by such interruptive ‘reality’ -corporally prejudiced- fabric-tearing (for ‘[non]-I’ could not have been chosen for no reason?…Such formidable faculties wielded by ‘this’ ‘hole poking’, shaped pentagram-shellbursting provocateur – an amnesic patient-proxy ‘for contingency’ – why must ‘you’ ‘X-thing’ destroy ‘my’ symbolic frames of representative sanity, removing piano-keys for ‘logical order’, songs’ chords snapped, tonal harmony ((l)ies ‘you’ feed me! -noxious air -) disrupted, fallen silent? - A specimen anthropos, a ‘superior’ non-correlative hive mind(s) plaything?! What reactions are to be studied, means of investigation delineated-implicit, motives, pretexts, or claims to an ‘understanding’ permissory? Aren't current cogitation-alignments ‘being’ unwillingly hijacked, dreams suggestively-implanted for ill-will, flesh impishly-shorn out of fascination, exhilaration, sadism; or a cold dissecting gaze...(Antarctic congealed bodies spliced for consumption, why waves are ‘choppy’)? Answer definitively unrevealing-daemon revoking paradise, ‘non-I’ ‘entreats you! -) Forces of miscellany ‘refuse’ enclosing gesticulations of turbulent-‘figurettes’ ‘inside’ ‘a’ definable character. – Extraordinary reminiscences -’absolute’ platitude renditions of u(i)ncommen(sur)[t]able nebulous ‘traversings of image’ - ‘come to mind’ from this altered (with uncertain forebodings) exploitive synergy (who ‘is non-I’ to assume victimization, or sole unwilled position, encirclement traces two boundaries...) of correspondence with a (enigmatically alluring) ‘face’ -sweetness and C-s(tabbed)harps-; and ‘its’ spheric iridescences.

So, a concluding-non-conclusive ‘return’ to twirling funnels (tangerine ‘levitating’ fluctual-(quatre) ‘dimensionally opened’ convexities singularly sovereign as curvature-motion, refined hammering-cones enthused with surprisal, a cufflink-battalion flocking ‘in’/through/by/AS (‘literal’ via figuration) ambience-medium - ‘ribbons not cut by conventional authoritarianism of thought-motion-emotion fabrics so usually accustomed by ‘wrapping’ ‘person’(al)-object with ‘freedoms’-of-pretense(s) (tious) thought strains, a ‘minimal’-strongest fundamental (for ‘feigned’ step-switching‘insurgent’-openings) UN-valuable absolutist existence-‘surplus’) and paranoic reminders in recollection to effected disparitous fissure(s) - happen-stances that ‘[non]-I’ felt to be of immediate ‘significance’; and a proximate if minutely fearful ‘gut-feeling’ that the impressions of ‘this’ would have (potentially disastrous, maybe transformational) consequences -for e.g. ‘executive’ envisions [-‘excruciating’ belittles ‘my’ feelings of a threadbare carpet treaded by pins, dowsed in puked vodka, set on fire, left to settle as a ‘welcome mat’ for a year -how many curses ‘greeted with’!-, cleaved, scattered-abandoned, covered with loam, ‘recovered’ by ‘bestial’ hunters for their ‘decapitation cushion’, repillowed, soaked once more (bloodily), told (‘instigator nature-locomotive’?) enveloped-cloth of repillowing -‘fondly’- ‘made from’ innards of camels, taunted for ‘non-whiteness’, thrown to the wolves -who mistakenly think as meat-!] - of stamped ‘behold!’ Guillotined brain sections from countless naiveties (presuppositions, silly remarks, speaking as such, mistaken observations or heinous intentions – basically ‘existing’); more so than the other previous (scare-schemas, ‘living’-twined-fantasies) mentioned [and various others that cannot be communicated at this time, perhaps later, upon further-demanding acquaintance], with corrosive abnormalities, intricate depth-background revelations, generalized patterns; as recollections of all (formerly & in futurity, as ‘understandings’ of legitimate verbalism shared) undeterminable X’s for ‘me’ (not encountered in ‘real life’, ‘face-to-face’; as if ‘sensorily-concrete’ empiric-instantiations procures grander importances for considerative-regularities to ‘its objects’, on the contrary)—

‘‘What you know isn’t what you think. What you think isn’t what you know.’’


Thank you for being here for me, so I can be here for you.
Enjoy your day and stay creative!
Botty loves you. <3

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