The Fall of Auria: A Prologue

in #fiction7 years ago

Hello everybody!

I am going to be trying something different, I am currently in the preperation phase of a Dungeons and Dragons Campaign with a few other South African Youtubers, and I thought that since I am going to be letting the players explore this world and the story I have created, I would start creating the backstory too, for anybody interested in the lore of the world I am building. So without further Adieu, I present to you: The Fall of Auria.


Chapter 1

This Story starts where most stories do, with a group of adventurers, strong and brave, wise and nimble. Many years ago, the land was whole, in a preamble to a war that would have torn the land asunder. The Andamari war tribes to the east sought to loot and pillage their neighboring enemies, while the great and ever expanding nation of Auros conquered and ruled the lands to the north and west. The South was a mystery to most as it seemed like a never ending desert hell that nobody would ever return from. And right in the middle of these locations, was the City of Auria and its surrounding villages and hamlets, mountains so green, they were named as such: The Jade Reach. This beautiful location of serenity and learning served as the starting point in the war to come. Auria was a city of learning, Mages, wizards, sages and the like all flocked towards this massive city where magic was at its strongest and where knowledge was shared freely among its inhabitants.

It is believed that the conflict began in Auria, Some say the magic users began to rebel against the nations they were a part of, wanting to start their own State, more powerful and independent than any of the others surrounding the beautiful metropolis of theirs. Hiring soldiers of fortune, men and woman who only wanted coin, to do their bidding and remove any outside influence from the city, sending it into a state of totalitarianism. However, not every soul in the city believed in this vision, crafted by evil men in a position of power, the people still wanted the center of open learning and happiness they always had. Why did these people want Auria? What was so special about this city that drove men to desire power and preside over it? Nobody knew why this was, not until much later, until it was too late.

It is at this point, in a city oppressed and strangled, that the adventurers I was telling you about came into the story, The Warrior, Olberth Sunspear, came striding into town, with a party that nobody expected would be the heroes of this fine city. The Elven Mage, Tidus Storm, adorned in his bright orange robes and purple hat, followed by a cleric that seemed the polar opposite to her elven companion, a gnome named Fimble, dressed in drab, brown robes and a symbol of her god around her neck. The last party member, Thadius Faizel, dressed in fineries and exquisite jewelry, followed on a pure white horse, sticking out like a sore thumb on the dusty road leading up to the city gates.

“Well, well, well, Looks like we finally made it” Olberth exclaimed as he walked towards a tavern close to the gates, looking at it from the outside, the building had seen better days, the wood and stone had begun to show their age, warping and cracking in their own regards. “This is the place? You would think that your contact would have given us a better, I don’t know, more up class venue for the work he expects us to do.” Thadius questioned in that shrill voice of his. “Would you rather get less pay my dear Thadius?” Joked the mage. As this continued, They entered the tavern, a rowdy place to be sure. As they took a seat to wait for their contact, A robed figure, face covered and features hidden, sat beside the party and spoke, It was a man, they were sure of that. Finally, the figure spoke, Dulcid tones creeping out of the hood as they said: “ Welcome Olberth… And friends.” “Ah yes, This, my friends, is Lubar, I don’t quite know if that is his real name, but I see you are wearing the same robes as before ,my old friend!” “Yes, Well as you well know, my order requires it, but enough of this idle chatter, I have called you here for a reason. I have a… Task for you.” The voice seemed to stay as loud as needed as Olberth nodded his head in agreement and it seemed that nobody outside of this table could, or cared to hear this exchange. “ I need you to help put this city back on the path it should be. There are people, evil mages,” He said while looking pointedly at the flamboyant and colourful Tidus, “ruling this city and as I am sure you could tell, magic has been getting weaker, they seem to be siphoning the magic from this place, I don’t know why, I don’t know the significance of this city, but they have chosen Auria for this deed and you need to find out what is going on, and stop them.” As Lubar finished this brief, He began to stand up and leave the table, not giving any more explanation to the party and venturing out into the street. As the party followed the hooded man out the door, and he was gone.

Olberth Sunspear, still adorned in his plate mail, was the last to leave the tavern after Lubar, but as he did, the party noticed something strange in the air. A thick fog had started to descend over the city and they noticed a faint, purple aura, emanating from the tower on the other end of the city. As the party turned around to go back into the tavern and book a room for the night after the long day of travel had finally caught up with them, half a dozen armed drunks exited the tavern and said: “ You be new here, we don’t like your kind, traveling men, taking all the good jobs, with your shiny swords and fancy boots. We’ll show you what we do to travelers around here!” And before the party could react, the glint of a knife shon briefly before the fog hit.

I hope everybody enjoyed the first chapter of this story, I am going to be writing and posting more of this story as I finish each chapter, If you have any questions or advice, feel free to let me know, I am open to any criticism.

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